並列タイトル等Los padres participan
Community School District 3, Bilingual Demonstration Project Title VII
一般注記Text in English and Spanish
At head of title: Community School District 3, Bilingual Demonstration Project Title VII
"Produced under grant no. G0083002602-Title VII, Department of Education, Office of Bilingual Education and Minority Language [sic] Affairs."
Distributed to depository libraries in microfiche
Physical description for original version: 43 p. : 28 cm
書誌注記Includes bibliographical references (p. 43)
原資料等に関する注記原資料の出版事項: [Brooklyn, N.Y. : New York City Board of Education, Office of Bilingual Education, 1987]
SUPTDOC番号: ED 1.310/2: 285400
GPO管理番号: 466-A-3 (MF)