The new politics of clean air and transportation [microform] : final report / prepared by Service Assessment Division, Office of Research and Analysis, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Research and Special Programs Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation (Seeing clearly-- a series of reports on transportation and air quality)
The new politics of clean air and transportation [microform] : final report / prepared by Service Assessment Division, Office of Research and Analysis, Volpe National Transportation Systems Center, Research and Special Programs Administration, U.S. Department of Transportation
(Seeing clearly-- a series of reports on transportation and air quality)
YCA-TD 2.30/16:97-010
John A. Volpe National Transportation Systems Center (U.S.) . Service Assessment Divisionほか
原資料の出版事項: [Washington, DC] ; [Springfield, VA : U.S. Dept. of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration : Available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, 1997]