並列タイトル等Summary of findings from NHTSA surveys
一般注記Cover title
"July 1996"--Tech. rept. p
Shipping list no.: 98-0557-M
"DTNH 22-93-D-05135"--Tech. rept. p
"DOT HS 808 848"--Tech. rept. p
Physical description for original version: v, 28, 1 p. : 28 cm
原資料等に関する注記原資料の出版事項: Washington, D.C. (400 Seventh St., S.W., NTS-42, Washington 20590) ; [Springfield, VA : [U.S. Dept. of Transportation, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration] : National Technical Information Service, distributor, c1996]
SUPTDOC番号: TD 8.2: M 46/12
GPO管理番号: 0982-D-01 (MF)