1534: Power Available for Supply at Standard Rate (According to Art. 9 of Demand and Supply Adjustment Regulation), February, March, April 1951 (文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, Economic and Scientific Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部経済科学局文書) (課係名等:Industrial Division ; Industrial Production & Construction Branch) (シリーズ名:Topical File, 1945-50) (ボックス番号:7134 ; フォルダ番号:2)
1534: Power Available for Supply at Standard Rate (According to Art. 9 of Demand and Supply Adjustment Regulation), February, March, April 1951
(文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, Economic and Scientific Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部経済科学局文書) (課係名等:Industrial Division ; Industrial Production & Construction Branch) (シリーズ名:Topical File, 1945-50) (ボックス番号:7134 ; フォルダ番号:2)