Allied Council for Japan - Reference List of the Allied Council Japan, Accredited Diplomatic Missions, and Diplomatic Section of General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers (文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, Public Health and Welfare Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部公衆衛生福祉局文書) (課係名等:Public Health & Welfare Division ; Administrative Branch) (シリーズ名:Subject File, 1945-51) (ボックス番号:9411 ; フォルダ番号:4)
Allied Council for Japan - Reference List of the Allied Council Japan, Accredited Diplomatic Missions, and Diplomatic Section of General Headquarters Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers
(文書名:GHQ/SCAP Records, Public Health and Welfare Section = 連合国最高司令官総司令部公衆衛生福祉局文書) (課係名等:Public Health & Welfare Division ; Administrative Branch) (シリーズ名:Subject File, 1945-51) (ボックス番号:9411 ; フォルダ番号:4)