Industry and Commercial Enterprise Guidance Files, 1961: Hotel Ryukyu. Original No: 1611-01 (文書名:USCAR Records, The Economic Department = 琉球列島米国民政府経済局文書) (シリーズ名:Records Relating to the Development of Industry, 1957-1961) (ボックス番号:247 ; フォルダ番号:3)
Industry and Commercial Enterprise Guidance Files, 1961: Hotel Ryukyu. Original No: 1611-01
(文書名:USCAR Records, The Economic Department = 琉球列島米国民政府経済局文書) (シリーズ名:Records Relating to the Development of Industry, 1957-1961) (ボックス番号:247 ; フォルダ番号:3)