Ryukyu Islands National Income Statistics, FY 1969 (Final) (文書名:USCAR Records, The Health, Education and Welfare Department = 琉球列島米国民政府厚生教育局文書) (課係名等:The Public Health Division) (シリーズ名:Preventive Medicine, Veterinary and Sanitation Files. 1960-1971) (ボックス番号:169 ; フォルダ番号:9)
Ryukyu Islands National Income Statistics, FY 1969 (Final)
(文書名:USCAR Records, The Health, Education and Welfare Department = 琉球列島米国民政府厚生教育局文書) (課係名等:The Public Health Division) (シリーズ名:Preventive Medicine, Veterinary and Sanitation Files. 1960-1971) (ボックス番号:169 ; フォルダ番号:9)