- 資料種別
- 文書・図像類
- シリーズタイトル
- 出版年月日等
- 1943.07-1943.08
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 1943
- 数量
- マイクロフィッシュ
- 形態の詳細
- File
- 並列タイトル等
- Interrogation Report No. 169: MIZUNO Kiyoshi (229th Inf. Regt.) ; No. 170: TOZUKA Kyoichi (2nd Sec. Wireless Platoon, Signal Co., 229th Inf. Regimental Hq, 33th Div.) ; No. 171: NAGAMA Mitsuo (202nd KOKUTAI) ; No. 172: MATSUSITA ISAO (SOMEYA Co., YOKOSUKA 6th Special Naval Landing Unit) ; No. 173: KAWASHIMA Masao (1st Co, 1st Bn, 229th Inf.) ; No. 174: KOMADA Riichi (2nd Section Signal Co., 229th Inf. Regimental Hqs., 38th Div.) ; No. 175: YABE Toshiro (Communication Co., 229th Regt., 38th Div.) ; No. 176: ISHIKAWA Shigeo (2nd Section, Wireless Platoon, Signal Co., 229th Inf. Regimental Hq., 38th Div.) ; No. 177: YADA Nobutaro (1st Co., 6th KURE Special Landing Force) ; Translations of Captured Japanese Documents ; "Periodic Report, Airdromes and Seaplane Anchorages" (PIU USAFISPA, Jul 1943)
- 資料種別(注記)
- [マイクロ資料]
- 一般注記
- 原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館 (RG407)コレクションタイトル: 日本占領関係資料コレクションタイトル: U. S. Department of Army, U. S. Army