Report of the first meeting of directors of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe (NACEE) : Szarvas, Republic of Hungary, 21-24 November 2004 = Protokol pervogo soveshchanii͡a direktorov Seti T͡Sentrov po Akvakul'ture v T͡Sentral'no-Vostochnoĭ Evrope (NACEE) : Sarvash, Vengrii͡a, 21-24 noi͡abri͡a 2004 g. (FAO fisheries report = Doklad FAO po rybolovstvu ; no. 774)
Report of the first meeting of directors of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe (NACEE) : Szarvas, Republic of Hungary, 21-24 November 2004 = Protokol pervogo soveshchanii͡a direktorov Seti T͡Sentrov po Akvakul'ture v T͡Sentral'no-Vostochnoĭ Evrope (NACEE) : Sarvash, Vengrii͡a, 21-24 noi͡abri͡a 2004 g.