数量6 maps : col. ; 85 x 104 cm. or smaller, on sheets 91 x 136 cm., folded in slipcase 35 x 24 cm.
並列タイトル等Neotectonic model of Italy.
経緯度(E 6°38'--E 18°31'/N 47°05'--N 36°39').
一般注記Relief shown by contours and spot heights. Depths shown by contours and soundings.
"Base Map by Touring Club Italiano."
Map numbered: Sheet 1 [thru] Sheet 6.
Includes notes, sheet index diagram, and list of sheet authors. Sheet 2 also includes ancillary map: Neotectonic model of Italy, scale 1:1.500.000. Sheet 4 also includes structural cross-sections. Sheet 5 also includes inset and 2 ancillary maps showing authors of the 1:100, 000 and 1:500, 000-scale neotectonic maps of Italy. Sheet 6 also includes ancillary map: Present altitudes of Eutyrrhenien shorelines.
"Neotectonic map of Italy : scale 1:4.500.000" with legend on slipcase.