ICOPROMO, intercultural competence for professional mobility / Evelyne Glaser ... [et al.] ; with support from Mike Byram ... [et al.]. (Languages for social cohesion = Les langues pour la cohésion sociale)
ICOPROMO, intercultural competence for professional mobility / Evelyne Glaser ... [et al.] ; with support from Mike Byram ... [et al.].
(Languages for social cohesion = Les langues pour la cohésion sociale)
Cover title: Intercultural competence for professional mobility."European Centre for Modern Languages."
Preface / Mike Bryam and Duarte SilvaIntroduction / Evelyne GlaserThe ICOPROMO project / Evelyne Glaser...
This publication reflects the outcomes of a project that brought together experts and practitioners in the field of intercultural competence for profe...