ISBN9783642134135 (ISBN-13 : pbk.)
3642134130 (pbk.)
数量x, 182 p. : ill. ; 24 cm.
一般注記Selected papers.
"DisCotec conferences jointly cover (...) The 12th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages (Coordination) (...) The 10th IFIP International Conference on Distributed Applications and Interoperable Systems (...) The 12th Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems and the 30th Formal Techniques for Networked and Distributed Systems (...) " -- foreword.
Described as "The 12th International Conference on Coordination Models and Languages, (...) took place in Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 7-10, 2010." -- pref.
書誌注記Includes bibliographical references and author index.