Direct and large-eddy simulation 7 : proceedings of the seventh international ERCOFTAC workshop on direct and large-eddy simulation, held at the University of Trieste, September 8-10, 2008. : workshops on direct and large eddy simulation : DLES workshop : DLES-7 : Sep 2008, Trieste, Italy. (ERCOFTAC Series ; 13)
Direct and large-eddy simulation 7 : proceedings of the seventh international ERCOFTAC workshop on direct and large-eddy simulation, held at the University of Trieste, September 8-10, 2008. : workshops on direct and large eddy simulation : DLES workshop : DLES-7 : Sep 2008, Trieste, Italy.
Direct and large-eddy simulation 7 : proceedings of the 7th international ERCOFTAC workshop on direct and large-eddy simulation, held at the University of Trieste, September 8-10, 2008