並列タイトル等Memoirs of Taisho University. Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Human Studies, Faculty of Literature, Faculty of Communication and Culture Memoirs of Taisho University. Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Human Studies, Faculty of Literature, Faculty of Communication and Culture
Memoirs of Taisho University. Faculty of Buddhist Studies, Faculty of Human Studies, Faculty of Literature, Faculty of Communication and Culture
その他のタイトル(キー・タイトル)Taishou Daigaku kenkyuu kiyou. Bukkyou Gakubu, Ningen Gakubu, Bungakubu, Hyougen Gakubu
雑誌記事索引採録期間国立国会図書館雑誌記事索引 (通号: 96) 2011~