2010 IEEE 13th international conference on computational science and engineering : (CSE 2010) : Hong Kong, China : 11-13 December 2010. : SEC 2010 : WMSC 2010 : 2010 international symposium on scientific and engineering computing : 2nd international workshop on workflow management in service and cloud computing : CSE-2010 main conference and workshops/symposia : Dec 2010, Hong Kong, China.
2010 IEEE 13th international conference on computational science and engineering : (CSE 2010) : Hong Kong, China : 11-13 December 2010. : SEC 2010 : WMSC 2010 : 2010 international symposium on scientific and engineering computing : 2nd international workshop on workflow management in service and cloud computing : CSE-2010 main conference and workshops/symposia : Dec 2010, Hong Kong, China.