From molecules to medicines : structure of biological macromolecules and its relevance in combating new diseases and bioterrorism. : NATO Advanced Study Institute on from molecules to medicines: integrating crystallography in the fight against bioterrorism and emerging diseases affecting security : 40th Erice course "from molecules to medicine: structure of biological macromolecules and its relevance in combating new diseases and bioterrorism" : May 2008, Erice, Italy. (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series. Series A, Chemistry and Biology)
From molecules to medicines : structure of biological macromolecules and its relevance in combating new diseases and bioterrorism. : NATO Advanced Study Institute on from molecules to medicines: integrating crystallography in the fight against bioterrorism and emerging diseases affecting security : 40th Erice course "from molecules to medicine: structure of biological macromolecules and its relevance in combating new diseases and bioterrorism" : May 2008, Erice, Italy.
(NATO Science for Peace and Security Series. Series A, Chemistry and Biology)