Landmarks in the history of the German language / Geraldine Horan, Nils Langer and Sheila Watts (eds). (Britische und Irische Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur = British and Irish studies in German language and literature = Etudes britanniques et irlandaises sur la langue et la littérature allemandes ; Bd. 52)
Landmarks in the history of the German language / Geraldine Horan, Nils Langer and Sheila Watts (eds).
(Britische und Irische Studien zur deutschen Sprache und Literatur = British and Irish studies in German language and literature = Etudes britanniques et irlandaises sur la langue et la littérature allemandes ; Bd. 52)
Introduction / Geraldine Horan, Nils Langer, Sheila WattsA landmark figure in the history of German? Charlemagne, language and literacy / Rosamond McK...