並列タイトル等Japan annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society and the biodiversity
Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society, and the biodiversity in Japan
Annual report on the environment in Japan
一般注記表紙・奥付・背のタイトル変遷: Japan annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society and the biodiversity (2011)→Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society, and the biodiversity in Japan (2012-2015)→ Annual report on the environment in Japan (2016-)
関連情報関連資料 : 環境白書・循環型社会白書/生物多様性白書 / 環境省大臣官房環境計画課, 環境再生・資源循環局総務課, 自然環境局自然環境計画課 編
関連資料 : 図で見る環境白書・循環型社会白書/生物多様性白書 / 環境省 [編]
改題前継続前 : Annual report on the environment, the sound material-cycle society and the biodiversity in Japan