タイトルよみThe mean atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, air temperature and sea surface temperature of the North Pacific Ocean and the neighbouring seas
並列タイトル等海洋氣象年報 カイヨウ キショウ ネンポウ
海洋氣象二十年報 カイヨウ キショウ ニジュウネンホウ
The mean atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, air and sea surface temperature of the North Pacific Ocean and the neighbouring seas
The mean air temperature, cloudiness and sea surface temperature of the North Pacific Ocean and the neighbouring seas
海洋氣象五年報 カイヨウ キショウ ゴネンホウ
1926/1930の本タイトル: The mean atmospheric pressure, cloudiness, air and sea surface temperature of the North Pacific Ocean and the neighbouring seas, 1936以降の本タイトル: The mean air temperature, cloudiness and sea surface temperature of the North Pacific Ocean and the neighbouring seas