Do the European Integration Fund and European Refugee Fund contribute effectively to the integration of third-country nationals? : (pursuant to Article 287(4), second subparagraph, TFEU)
French edition: Le:Fonds européen d'intégration et le Fonds européen pour les réfugiés contribuent-ils efficacement à l'intégration des ressortissants de pays tiers? : (présenté en vertu de l'article 287, paragraphe 4, deuxième alinéa, du TFUE)
Italian edition: Il:Fondo europeo per l'integrazione e il Fondo europeo per i rifugiati contribuiscono efficacemente all'integrazione dei cittadini di paesi terzi? : (presentata in virtù dell'articolo 287, paragrafo 4, secondo comma, TFUE)
Online version:European Court of Auditors. Do the European Integration Fund and European Refugee Fund contribute effectively to the integration of third-country nationals? Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2012
"This report assesses whether the European Integration Fund and European Refugee Fund contribute effectively to the integration of third-country natio...
Online version : European Court of Auditors. Do the European Integration Fund and European Refugee Fund contribute effectively to the integration of third-country nationals? Luxembourg : Publications Office of the European Union, 2012