201.35 (a): Interrogations (文書名:Records of General Headquarters Far East Command = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-2 = 参謀第2部) (Entry31A ; ボックス番号:8 ; フォルダ番号:11)
- 資料種別
- 文書・図像類
- シリーズタイトル
- 出版年月日等
- 1946.05-1952.02
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 19461952
- 並列タイトル等
- Interrogator's Guide, 1952/02/19, North Korean PW Interrogation Methods, 1950/10/30, Historical Study on Russian Methods of Interrogating Captured Personnel, 01/18, Seizure of Japanese Vessels by Soviet Patrols, 01/10, Russian and German Wartime Interrogation Techniques, 1949/09/03, Reinterrogation of NKA/PW Regarding Mine Detectors, 1951/05/16, Uwatoko, Kunio, 1949/05/12, Netherlands Military Personnel, New Guinea, 1943, 1948/09/02, 神情第三号 東部「ニューギニヤ」敵潜入諜者尋問調書, 1943/12/23, TAKAO Masao, TANAKA Masao, 1946/07/06, Information Obtained from Repatriation Ships Arriving in Hakodate, 1948/08/21, Interrogation of BARASHKOV, V. F., 1949/03/11, Industrial Data on Siberia (IKEDA Ko), 1948/06/05, Interrogation of Japanese PsW Presently Being Repatriated from Siberia, 02/27, Interrogation for Diplomatic Section, 02/06, Japanese Reporter, Repatriate from MOSCOW, 01/27, Apprehension of Japanese and Chinese Nationals from Dairen, 1949/01/27, Japanese Repatriates from Soviet Occupied Areas, 1948/01/20, Condition in Manchuria, 1947/12/08, Interrogation of Survivor of Bismark Sea Battle, 11/30, Interrogation of S.S. O'GARA Crew, 10/13, BAMU Railway Construction, 09/30, Chemical Plant in HUNG-NAM, 09/29, Interrogation of Foreign Affairs Official, 09/13, Data on Scientific Personalities, 1946/09/25, MIYAZAKI, Mitsuga, 1947/05/16, Request for Interrogation of MIYAMOTO (Fnu), 05/12, Alleged Uranium Deposits in Manchuria (KOGA, Hiroto), 04/05, Request for Interrogation of TAGUCHI, Kamijiro, 05/05, Interrogation of Repatriates, 02/28, Intelligence Screening of Repatriates Report No.21-34, 36-47, 1946/07/08-1946/06/03, Interrogation of Lieutenant General Tanaka, Shinichi, 06/28, Interrogation of YATSUGI, Kazuo, 1946/06/19, Interrogation of General ONODERA, Makoto, Control No. NC-6, 1947/06/23, Apprehension of Japanese Nationals, 1946/05/24
- 出版地(国名コード)
- JP
- 本文の言語コード
- eng
- 一般注記
- 原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館(RG554); 日本占領関係資料Withdrawal Notice, 日本語あり
- 原資料等に関する注記
- 原資料の出版事項: ; 1946/05-1952/02