タイトルよみケイザイ サンギョウショウ セイサン ドウタイ トウケイ ネンポウ
並列タイトル著者・編者Research and Statistics Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
並列タイトル等Yearbook of current production statistics. Paper, printing, plastic products and rubber products statistics Yearbook of current production statistics. Paper, printing, plastic products and rubber products statistics
Yearbook of current production statistics. Paper, printing, plastic products and rubber products statistics / Research and Statistics Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry
Yearbook of current production statistics. Paper, printing, plastic products and rubber products statistics
一般注記並列タイトル変遷: Yearbook of current production statistics. Paper, printing, plastic products and rubber products statistics / Research and Statistics Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (平成25年-平成26年)→ Yearbook of current production statistics. Paper, printing, plastic products and rubber products statistics (平成27年-)
編者変遷: 経済産業省 (平成25年-平成26年)→ 経済産業統計協会 (平成27年-)
異版異版 : 経済産業省生産動態統計年報. 紙・印刷・プラスチック製品・ゴム製品統計編
改題前継続前 : 紙・印刷・プラスチック・ゴム製品統計年報 / 経済産業省大臣官房調査統計グループ 編 = Yearbook of paper, printing, plastics products and rubber products statistics / Research and Statistics Department, Minister's Secretariat, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry