著者・編者by Hans-Rainer Jaenichen (Dr. rer. nat., Dipl.-Biol.), Leslie A. McDonell, James F. Haley, Jr. , Yoshinori Hosoda, Jürgen Meier.
並列タイトル等From clones to claims : an encyclopedia of the European Patent Office's case law on the patentability of biotechnology inventions with a comparison to the United States and Japanese practice
一般注記Subtitle should read: an encyclopedia of the European Patent Office's case law on the patentability of biotechnology inventions with a comparison to the United States and Japanese practice.
Includes index.
標準番号(その他)International Article Number : 9783452279996
異版異版 : Jaenichen, Hans-Rainer From clones to claims 5th edition. Köln : Carl Heymanns, 2012 (ISBN:9783452274328)