著者・編者Alessandro Valignano
a cura di Marisa Di Russo
traduzione di Pia Assunta Airoldi
presentazione di Dacia Maraini.
数量xvi, 668 pages, 32 unnumbered pages of plates
形態の詳細illustrations (some color)
一般注記Based on the diaries of four Japanese ambassadors to the Roman Curia of the Holy See, originally collected and transcribed by Alessandro Vignano and translated from Japanese into Latin by Duarte de Sande. Originally published in Macau in 1590.
Includes introductory texts (pages v-49) and postface (pages 547-606).
書誌注記Italian translation of: De missione legatorum Iaponensium ad Romanam Curiam, rebusq[ue] in Europa, ac toto itinere animaduersis dialogus, ex ephemeride ipsorum legatorum collectus, & in sermonem Latinum versus ab Eduardo de Sande ...