Mechanical stress evaluation by neutrons and synchrotron radiation VIII : 8th MECA SENS : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th international conference on mechanical stress evaluation by neutrons and synchrotron radiation : (MECA SENS VIII 2015), September 28-October 02, 2015, Grenoble, France : 8th MECA-SENS conference : Sep 2015, Grenoble, France. (Materials Science Forum ; 905)
Mechanical stress evaluation by neutrons and synchrotron radiation VIII : 8th MECA SENS : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th international conference on mechanical stress evaluation by neutrons and synchrotron radiation : (MECA SENS VIII 2015), September 28-October 02, 2015, Grenoble, France : 8th MECA-SENS conference : Sep 2015, Grenoble, France.
(Materials Science Forum ; 905)
International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation (8th : 2015 : France)ほか
Mechanical stress evaluation by neutrons and synchrotron radiation 8 : 8th MECA SENS : selected, peer reviewed papers from the 8th international conference on mechanical stress evaluation by neutrons and synchrotron radiation : (MECA SENS 8 2015), September 28-October 02, 2015, Grenoble, France