ISBN9780262536394 (The MIT Press)
0262536390 (The MIT Press)
9788480265737 (MNCARS)
著者・編者edited by Margarita Tupitsyn.
形態の詳細illustrations (some color)
一般注記"This catalogue is published to coincide with the exhibition Russian Dada 1914-1924, organized and held in the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía from June 6 to October 22, 2018"--Colophon.
資料の内容に関する注記This exhibition explores Russian avant-garde art through the perspective of the anti-art canons associated with the international Dada movement. The selected works reveal the intentions of many artists to take part in projects of public unrest with connotations in close proximity to Marxism and to adopt rejection, irony, the absurd and chance as the basic principles underpinning their artistic manifestations.
書誌注記Includes bibliographical references.