624: Quarters for Occupation Dependents, Binder No. 4, 1 May - 31 Dec 1950 (文書名: Records of General Headquarters Far East Command ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; 参謀第4部) (Entry 65. ボックス番号: 109 ; フォルダ番号: 3)
- 資料種別
- 文書・図像類
- シリーズタイトル
- 出版年月日等
- 1950.03-1950.12
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 1950
- 形態の詳細
- File
- 並列タイトル等
- Eta Jima School Command Bldg. T-311, 1950/12/26, Restoration of Fire Damaged Building Niji Mura Dependent Housing Project Hiro - Area, 1950/11/25, Boundary and Property Line Grant Heights Dependent Housing Area, 1950/11/21, Construction of Additional Dependent Housing Community Facilities - Itazuke Air Base, 1950/09/19, Transfer of Dependent Housing on Naha Air Base to the Provisional Government of Okinawa, "Okinawa Housing Corporation", 1950/06/24, Dependent Quarters for Ryukyus Military Governor and Deputy Military Governor, 1950/09/04, Perimeter Fencing, Misawa Air Base Dependent Housing Project, 1950/07/31, Rehabilitation of Dependent Housing, GARIOA Funds, Okinawa, 1950/07/25, Rehabilitation of Buildings, Camp Osaka, 1950/07/13, Construction of Dependent Housing - Koshiba Petroleum Terminal, 1950/07/03, Request for Individual Project - Remodeling of Building #T-502 and Building #D-52 (Priority #1), 1950/06/30, Request for Major Individual Project Estimate - Erection of Housing Units, 1950/06/29, Confirming Project Request, Eighth Army Engr No. BMC-I-F-24, 1950/06/29, Correction of Worksheet Map, 1950/06/22, Confirming Project Request - Camp Kokura, 1950/06/20, Individual Project Estimate - Erection of Housing Units - Camp Wood, 1950/06/16, Proposed Additional Dependent Housing Project for Yokota Air Base, 1950/06/13, Confirming Project, Rehabilitation of Building T-212, Camp Mower, 1950/05/15, Construction of Dependent Housing Destroyed by Fire - Yokohama, 1950/04/26, Dependent Housing for Zama and Fuchinobe, 1950/04/01, Additional Dependent Housing - 8th Army, 1950/03/31, Additional Land for Dependent Housing at Misawa Air Base, 1950/03/10, Project for Rehabilitation of Building 434, Camp McGill, 1950/03/22, Fire Loss of Dependent House - Kokura, 1950/03/20, Request for Construction Project to Rehabilitate and Modify Six Buildings for Dependent Housing, FEAMCOM, 1950/03/22Request Authority & Allocation of Yen Credits, Fire Loss, Gifu, 1950/03/16
- 出版地(国名コード)
- JP
- 本文の言語コード
- eng
- 一般注記
- 原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館 (RG554)