160: Contracts, Binder No. 20, 16 - 31 Dec 1951 (文書名: Records of General Headquarters Far East Command ; Assistant Chief of Staff, G-4 = 極東軍総司令部文書 ; 参謀第4部) (Entry 65. ボックス番号: 134 ; フォルダ番号: 1)
- 資料種別
- 文書・図像類
- シリーズタイトル
- 出版年月日等
- 1951.08-1951.12
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 1951
- 形態の詳細
- File
- 並列タイトル等
- "Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10836, 1951/12/31, Request for Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Contract DA-92-557-FEC-6980, 1951/12/31, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-11070, 1951/12/31, Request for Approval of Administrative Change No. 2 to Contract DA-92-557-FEC-9681, 1951/12/31, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-11063, 1951/12/31, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10534, 1951/12/31, Defense Order Ratings and Controlled Materials Plan, 1951/12/31, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-11206, 1951/12/30, Request for Comments on Redelegation of Authority to Extend Delivery Schedules under Title II, First War Powers Act, as Amended, 1951/12/31, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10998, 1951/12/30, Request for Approval of Award of Contract No. DA-92-557-FEC-10940, 1951/12/29, Interim Reply to CG EUSAK on Approval of Contracts, 1951/12/31, Appeal Pertaining to Inadequate Bidding at Fukuoka Branch, Procurement Section, Japan Logistical Command, 1951/12/28, Approval of Award for Furnishing of Certain Steel Items by the Contractor; Contract No. DA-92-320-FEC-70, Modification No. 1, 1951/12/28, Transmittal of Contractor's Cost Breakdown, 1951/12/28, Request for Approval of Award of Contracts DA-92-557-FEC-10765, DA-92-557-FEC-768, 1951/12/28, Request for Approval of Supplemental Agreement No. 2 to Contract No. DA-92-084-FEC-549 (Ref G4 JN 17251), 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contracts DA-92-557-FEC-11222, 1951/12/27, Request for Approval of Award of Contracts DA-92-557-FEC-11225, 1951/12/27, Request for Approval of Award of Contracts DA-92-557-FEC-11224, 1951/12/27, Request for Approval of Award of Contracts DA-92-557-FEC-11221, 1951/12/27, Request for Approval of Award of Contracts DA-92-557-FEC-11223, 1951/12/26Request for Revision of Rates of Military Transportation Charge under Contract DA-92-502-FEC-72, 1951/12/27, Request for Approval of Contract DA-92-320-FEC-116, 1951/12/27, Application for Advance Payment, Contract No. DA-92-320-FEC-65, Modifications 1 and 3, 1951/12/27, Transmittal of Contract for Approval, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10854, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10865, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10862, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10867, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10860, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10975, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-11106, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10858, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10979, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-11107, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10987, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-11105, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10868, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10864, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-11103, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-11102, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10859, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10861, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10935, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-11032, 1951/12/26Approval of Award of Supplemental Agreement, Modification No. 3 to Contract No. DA-92-320-FEC-3 for Architect-Engineer Services in Connection with Construction of Buildings and Utilities on the Island of Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 1951/12/24, Approval of Award of Supplemental Agreement, Modification No. 2 to Contract No. DA-92-320-FEC-25 for Architect-Engineer Services in Connection with Construction of Buildings and Utilities on the Island of Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 1951/12/24, Transmittal of Tri-Party Bank Agreements - Contract No. DA 92-320-FEC-46 and DA 92-320-FEC-107, 1951/12/26, Transmittal of Contract for Approval, 1951/12/26, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10869, 1951/12/25, Request for Comments on FLC Contract W-ANL (PA-1) 7985 A, 1951/12/24, Request for Instructions - Damages Arising out of TOW Contracts, 1951/12/22, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10762, 1951/12/22, 4th Modification Supplemental Agreement No. 4 to Contract DA 92-320-FEC-44, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10764, 1951/12/22, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10652, 1951/12/22, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10913, 1951/12/22, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10917, 1951/12/22, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10773, 1951/12/21, Report on Status of Advance Payments, Period Ending 31 October 1951, 1951/12/21, Administration of Milk Contract W 11-027-QM 99649 O. I. FH 1225, 1951/12/21, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10653, 1951/12/21, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10763, 1951/12/21, Administration of Milk Contract W 11-027-QM 99649 O. I. FH 1225, 1951/12/21, Transmittal of Contract (No. DA-92-084-FEC-718), 1951/12/21, Transmittal of Contract No. DA-92-084-FEC-691, 1951/12/21Government Cost Estimates, 1951/12/21, Appeal, 1951/12/20, Request for Approval of Award of Supplemental Agreement No. 1 to Contract DA-92-557-FEC-9681, 1951/12/20, Architect-Engineer Services, Project Designs and Drawings, 1951/12/19, Transmittal of Contract (No. DA-92-084-FEC-727), 1951/12/19, Transmittal of Contract (No. DA-92-084-FEC-723), 1951/12/19, Transmittal of Contract (No. DA-92-084-FEC-689), 1951/12/19, Approval of Award Architect-Engineer Contract No. DA-92-320-FEC-83, for Design of Buildings and Facilities, Okinawa, Ryukyu Islands, 1951/12/19, Proposed Revised Draft of Time and Material Contract, 1951/12/19, Request for Approval of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10780, 1951/12/18, Contract DA-92-557-FEC-9632, 1951/12/18, Post-Review of Contract No. DA-92-557-FEC-8810, 1951/12/18, Request for Comments on Redelegation of Authority to Extend Delivery Schedules under Title II, First War Powers Act, as Amended, 1951/12/17, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10793, 1951/12/16, Request for Approval of Award of Contract DA-92-557-FEC-10782, 1951/12/16
- 出版地(国名コード)
- JP
- 本文の言語コード
- eng
- 一般注記
- 原所蔵機関: 米国国立公文書館 (RG554)