ISBN(エラーコード)9783110681420 (eISBN PDF)
3110681420 (eISBN PDF)
著者・編者Friedrich Daniel Ernst Schleiermacher
mit Synopse der Übersetzungsvorlagen herausgegeben von Günter Meckenstock, in Verbindung mit Anette Hagan.
並列タイトル等Predigten, aus dem Englischen übersetzt (1798)
その他のタイトルSermons delivered at the Sunday-evening lecture for the winter season at the Old Jewry.
Travels in the interior districts of Africa.
Reisen im Innern von Afrika.
言語注記Joseph Fawcett's sermons and Mungo Park's travel book in the original English, with Schleiermacher's German translations on facing pages. Critical matter in German.
一般注記Facsimile of the title page of the original 1795 edition of Fawcett's sermons has title: Sermons delivered at the Sunday-evening lecture for the winter season at the Old Jewry.
Facsimile of the title page of the original 1799 edition of Mungo Park's travel book has title: Travels in the interior districts of Africa.
書誌注記Includes bibliographical references and index.