著者・編者edited by Bhikkhu Anālayo and Roderick S. Bucknell
一般注記"This volume represents the fourth and final installment of The Madhyyama-āgama (Middle-Length Discourses), completing the four-volume set of translations for the BDK English Tripiṭaka (First Series)"--Page xiii, Introduction to Madhyama Āgama (Middle-length Discourses) Volume IV
"This volume includes the discourses numbered 182 to 222 in Divisions 15 to 18"--Page xiii, Introduction to Madhyama Āgama (Middle-length Discourses) Volume IV
"Ch. Zhong ahan jing (中阿含經), Skt. Madhyamāgama, Eng. The Madhyyama Āgama (Middle-length Discourses)"-- Page 469
書誌注記Includes bibliographical references and index