大きさsheets 58 x 90 cm or smaller
並列タイトル等Geographic map of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 1:250000
Geographic map of the ... quadrangle, sheet ... Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
投影法transverse Mercator projection
経緯度(E 34°30′--E 46°30′/N 30°00′--N 16°00′)
一般注記Title devised by cataloguer
Earlier issues: Photo-base compiled by B.R.G.M., Jiddah, from an assembly of reduced 1:100,000-controlled mosaics .... Later issues: Photobase prepared by the United States Geological Survey for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia from computer-enhanced Landsat MSS band 7 imagery
Some sheets "Lambert conformal conic projection"
関連情報Index map (PDF file: 834KB)