並列タイトル等Dihydrotestosterone synthesis pathways from inactive androgen 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol in prostate cancer cells: Inhibition of intratumoural 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase activities by abiraterone.
一般注記Intratumoural dihydrotestosterone (DHT) synthesis could be an explanation for castration resistance\
in prostate cancer (PC). By using liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, we evaluated the\
intratumoral DHT synthesis from 5α-androstane-3β,17β-diol (3β-diol), which is inactive androgen metabolized from DHT. 3β-diol had biochemical potential to be converted to DHT via three metabolic pathways and could stimulate PC cell growth. Especially, 3β-diol was not only converted back to upstream androgens such as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) or Δ5-androstenediol but also converted directly to DHT which is the main pathway from 3β-diol to DHT. Abiraterone had a significant influence on the metabolism of DHEA, epiandrosterone and 3β-diol, by the inhibition of the intratumoural 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3β-HSD) activities which is one of key catalysts in androgen metabolic pathway. The direct-conversion of 3β-diol to DHT was catalysed by 3β-HSD and abiraterone could inhibit this activity of 3β-HSD. These results suggest that PC had a mechanism of intratumoural androgen metabolism to return inactive androgen to active androgen and intratumoural DHT synthesis from 3β-diol is important as one of the mechanisms of castration resistance in PC. Additionally, the inhibition of intratumoural 3β-HSD activity could be a new approach to castration-resistant prostate\
cancer treatment.
学位の種類: 博士(医学). 報告番号: 甲第4250号. 学位記番号: 新大院博(医)甲第728号. 学位授与年月日: 平成29年3月23日
Scientific Reports 6 Article number 32198,2016
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