
Acoustical science and technology

Acoustical Society of Japan



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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) Investigation of gain optimization technique in Doppler ultrasound system Calculation of sound propagation in three-dimensional field with constant cross section by Duhamel's efficient method using transient solutions obtained by finite-difference time-domain method Perception of size modulated vowel sequence : Can we normalize the size of continuously changing vocal tract? Effects of linguistic contents on perceptual speaker identification : Comparison of familiar and unknown speaker identifications On the in situ estimation of surface acoustic impedance in interiors of arbitrary shape by acoustical inverse methods What impact do acoustic environment problems have on the stress suffered by evacuees at temporary shelters? Phantom experiments of axial strain measurements using multidimensional autocorrelation method, multidimensional Doppler method and direct strain measurement method Shear modulus reconstruction by strain tensor measurement using lateral modulation Consideration of an absorbing boundary condition based on CIP method for finite-difference time-domain acoustic field analysis Bit rate reduction of mixed excitation linear prediction coder by Lempel-Ziv segment quantization Frequency characteristics of several non-audible murmur (NAM) microphones Multiple-speech-source localization using advanced histogram mapping method Leak transmission characteristic of slit-shaped apertures and effect of porous type absorption on reducing propagating sound Loudspeakers for flexible displays Pilot study on wideband sound absorber obtained by combination of two different microperforated panel (MPP) absorbers Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.65, No.1-No.2(2009) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.65, No.1-No.2(2009) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) Special issue for the Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007) Principle and application of ball surface acoustic wave (SAW) sensor(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) High-frequency stability oscillator for surface acoustic wave gas sensor(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) Bilateral bioacoustics research of Chinese freshwater dolphins(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) Distance measurement based on standing wave for band-limited audible sound with random phase(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) Individual equalization in binaural reproduction of a reverberant sound field(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) A novel prosody adaptation method for Mandarin concatenation-based text-to-speech system(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) Two-joint robot finger design based on multi-degree-of-freedom ultrasonic motors(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) Nonlinear effects of noise and possible auditory noisy signal processing strategy(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) A two-element-microphone-array-based speech recognition system in vehicle environment(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) Fluctuations in pressure wave within the larynx(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) Comparison of consonant identification improvements by steady-state suppression via a loudspeaker system between with and without natural sounds from a talker in reverberation(<Special issue>Commemoration of the Japan-China Joint Conference on Acoustics 2007 (JCA2007)) Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.11-No.12(2008) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.11-No.12(2008) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) Sonoluminescence measurement of 1MHz ultrasonic cavitation and effect of dissolved gases Comparative evaluation of modulation-transfer-function-based blind restoration of sub-band power envelopes of speech as a front-end processor for automatic speech recognition systems Improved high-quality MPEG-2/4 advanced audio coding encoder FPGA implementation of gain calculation using a polynomial expression for audio signal level dynamic compression Statistical distribution of normal hearing thresholds for high-frequency tones Classical guitar top board design by finite element method modal analysis based on acoustic measurements of guitars of different quality Simple watermark for stereo audio signals with modulated high-frequency band delay Improved method to individualize head-related transfer function using anthropometric measurements The effect of linearly moving sound image on perceived self-motion with vestibular information A system using a piezoelectric polymer transducer for acoustic imaging of amplitude and phase differences in air Analysis and experiments of sound transmission through double window panels Detection of subharmonic components generated from microbubbles in water using double-layered piezoelectric transducer with aligning polarization directions Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.9-No.10(2008) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.9-No.10(2008) Contents of the Acoustical Science and Technology Vol.29(2008) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) Functional differences between tonotopic and periodic information in recognition of transposed melodies : How do local cues affect global features? Changes in absolute hearing threshold depending on sound pressure level of a previous sound Implementation of normal incidence absorption coefficient for boundary condition of digital Huygens' model An indirect interpolation method for Head-Related Transfer Function pole-zero models Measurement of longitudinal attenuation coefficient in human hair Head-Related Transfer Function measurement in sagittal and frontal coordinates Categorization of brief temporal intervals : An auditory processing context may impair visual performances Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.7-No.8(2008) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.7-No.8(2008) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) The music information retrieval evaluation exchange (2005-2007) : A window into music information retrieval research Calculation of impulse responses and acoustic parameters in a hall by the finite-difference time-domain method Comparison of highly trained and less-trained pianists concerning utilization of auditory feedback A method for measuring liquid level using the flexural vibrations in a rod Theoretical investigation on the sensitivity of a microphone using the change in the total reflection of light by sound Tongue muscle fiber tracking during rest and tongue protrusion with oral appliances : A preliminary study with diffusion tensor imaging Visualization of sound field with uniform phase distribution using laser beam microphone coupled with computerized tomography method Deformation of the hypopharyngeal cavities due to F_0 changes and its acoustic effects Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.5-No.6(2008) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.5-No.6(2008) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) Dynamics of simple string subject to unilateral constraint : A model analysis of sawari mechanism Coupling between two membranes of a Japanese drum Comparative study of the commercial software for sound quality analysis Comparison of acoustic measures for evaluating speech recognition performance in an automobile Fiber optic interferometric hydrophone using fiber Bragg grating with wavelength division multiplexing A basic design of robot finger joint using multi-degree-of-freedom ultrasonic motor Observation of acoustic particle velocity around neck of Helmholtz resonator Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.3-No.4(2008) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.3-No.4(2008) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) Improvement of the Delany-Bazley and Miki models for fibrous sound-absorbing materials Approximation method for time-domain simulation of the lossy vocal tract and evaluation of frequency-dependent losses during glottal source flow Azimuthal and elevation localization of two sound sources using interaural phase and level differences Binaural bone-conducted sound in virtual environments : Evaluation of a portable, multimodal motion simulator prototype The influence of tone length and S/N-ratio on the perception of tonal content : An application of probabilistic choice models in car acoustics On the viscous-inviscid interaction of the flow passing through the glottis Guidelines on the temporal patterns of auditory signals for electric home appliances : Report of the Association for Electric Home Appliances A case of apodization function using singular-value decomposition : Determination of beamforming parameters by optimization Gel-type tongue for a physical model of the human vocal tract as an educational tool in acoustics of speech production Effects of auditory information consistency and room acoustic cues on presence in virtual environments Vocal tract shapes of non-audible murmur production Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.1-No.2(2008) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.64, No.1-No.2(2008) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) Foreword to the special issue on "the ASA-ASJ joint meeting" Objective measures for evaluating tonal balance of sound fields Sound beam scanning in sediment layer using phase conjugated pseudo sound source Position detection of small objects in indoor environments using coded acoustic signal Measurements of acoustic impedance and their data application to calculation and audible simulation of sound propagation Time-frequency feature extraction from frequency-modulated sounds in a population of auditory cortical neurons A comparison of string instruments based on wood properties : Biwa vs. cello A modular system generating Jazz-style arrangement for a given set of a melody and its chord name sequence Introduction to database of traditional Japanese singing with examples of comparative studies on formant shifts and vibrato among genres Histogram equalization for noise-robust speech recognition using discrete-mixture HMMs Intelligibility of read Japanese words with competing noise in virtual acoustic space Propagation characteristics of airborne ultrasonic waves in porous materials Experimental investigations of the influence of room acoustics on the teacher's voice Ultrasonic linear motor using traveling vibration on fine ceramic twin ridges Acoustic environmental problems at temporary shelters for victims of the Mid-Niigata Earthquake Bracing effect in a guitar top board by vibration experiment and modal analysis Perception of long vowels in Japanese by Children Estimation of speaker and listener positions in a car using binaural signals Parallel computing in sound field analysis by bread slicing method Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.63, No.11-No.12(2007) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.63, No.11-No.12(2007) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) Recent developments in noise legislation and prediction methodologies for railways in Europe Estimation of sea surface and bottom scattering strengths from measured and modeled reverberation levels Absolute threshold of hearing decreased by perceiving a previous sound Sound generation by unsteady flow ejecting from the vibrating glottis based on a distributed parameter model of the vocal cords Effects of the false vocal folds on sound generation by an unsteady glottal jet through rigid wall model of the larynx Robust voice activity detection based on noise eigenspace Vibrational analysis of glass harp and its tone control Realization of subglottal system using ARMA filter Effects of acoustic modification on perception of speaker characteristics for sustained vowels(ACOUSTICAL LETTER) Inverse correlation of intelligibility of speech in reverberation with the amount of overlap-masking(ACOUSTICAL LETTER) Acoustic characteristics of guitars with a top board of carbon fiber-reinforced composites(ACOUSTICAL LETTER) Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.63, No.9-No.10(2007) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan(J) Vol.63, No.9-No.10(2007) Contents of the Acoustical Science and Technology Vol.28 (2007) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS
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目次COVER Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) Phase-error analysis of high-order finite difference time domain scheme and its influence on calculation results of impulse response in closed sound field Nondestructive technique for estimating crack positions in a concrete structure by subtraction of the surface-wave component An accuracy evaluation of the sound power measurement by the use of the sound intensity and the sound pressure methods Pitch discrimination of components in complex tones with harmonic structures Sound localization under conditions of covered ears on the horizontal plane Consonances and arrangement of the Marquis Yi set-bells(ACOUSTICAL LETTER) Estimation of area function from 3-D magnetic resonance images of vocal tract using finite element method(ACOUSTICAL LETTER) Detection of temporal modulation of "size" in vowel sequences(ACOUSTICAL LETTER) Evaluation of variances of ultrasonically measured strain tensor components(ACOUSTICAL LETTER) Perceptual judgment in synchronization of two complex tones : Relation to the cochlear delays(ACOUSTICAL LETTER) Subjective impression of auditory danger signals in different countries(ACOUSTICAL LETTER) Contents of the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (J) Vol.63, No.7-No.8 (2007) Abstracts of Papers in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of Japan (J) Vol.63, No.7-No.8 (2007) Acoustical Science and Technology(Information) BACKCOVER CONTENTS




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