タイトル(掲載誌)Mathematical Problems in Engineering
一般注記Image reconstruction in computed tomography can be treated as an inverse problem, namely, obtaining pixel values of a tomographic image from measured projections. However, a seriously degraded image with artifacts is produced when a certain part of the projections is inaccurate or missing. A novel method for simultaneously obtaining a reconstructed image and an estimated projection by solving an initial-value problem of differential equations is proposed. A system of differential equations is constructed on the basis of optimizing a cost function of unknown variables for an image and a projection. Three systems described by nonlinear differential equations are constructed, and the stability of a set of equilibria corresponding to an optimized solution for each system is proved by using the Lyapunov stability theorem. To validate the theoretical result given by the proposed method, metal artifact reduction was numerically performed.
コレクション(個別)国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
連携機関・データベース国立国会図書館 : 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション