Blast furnaces and "converters" are the key technology of the iron-making process. In blast furnaces, iron is melted and reduced at the same time, and it is an excellent device that can mass-produce pig iron in a short time. However, enormous amount of the energy consumed by the blast furnace about 70% of the total process, and generated CO2 become major problems. Moreover, in the converters for special alloy production, proper control is required due to complicated process and significant increase in the recycling rate of recovered scrap and useful components from slag. Thus, process innovation of energy saving is highly expected in the rapidly changing steel industry. Among the filled particles in a blast furnace, the most serious problem is "bridge", which is blocking the flow channel and hinder the gas permeability due to the fine particles accumulation that disturb the stable operation. From the previous study, the fine to packed bed particle size ratio is related to the start of the blockage. However, a huge amount of experiment was required to verify it. In this study, three-dimensional computer simulation using DEM-CFD (Particle and Fluid Dynamics), already verified the previous study of “particle size ratio around 0.11" as the starting point of occlusion. Moreover, this study also modeled a phenomenon in which air flow and falling particles antagonize at the orifice by using a simple experimental device, where the experiment and numerical simulation are consistent. The blockage mechanism was understood even in the complicated fluidization of the particle swarm, which led to a great progress toward the process study of designing a small furnace. Also, in the converter, this study took up the production process of "duplex stainless steel (SUS821L1)", which increase in demand recently. Duplex stainless steel has two phases with different properties thus required complicated temperature control at the melting stage. Moreover, it is necessary to recover and reduce chromium oxide from the slag, which makes more difficult control. In this study, a tensile test from quasi-static to impact range is carried out as an evaluation of material strength. As an example, work hardening behavior due to martensitic transformation is remarkable in quasi-static tensile in the low temperature region (273K to 233K), which suggests that the material properties may be able to control from Ni equivalents. This paper provided a new development method for the process operation to understand the particle behavior and the gas flow characteristic in the melting furnace, and deriving the method of the production process of special alloy steel from the characteristics of the final material.
コレクション(個別)国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
連携機関・データベース国立国会図書館 : 国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション