並列タイトル等Effectiveness of indirect moxibustion therapy by self-care in pregnant women- Using the distress level for minor symptoms and QOL as an index -
一般注記The effects of self-care using indirect moxibustion during pregnancy were investigated using a quasirandomized controlled trial. The subjects were women with normal pregnancies, who were divided into intervention and control groups. In the intervention group, indirect moxibustion was applied to the basic acupoint "SP6" from the 24th week of pregnancy until just before delivery, as part of a selfcare program, with extra acupoints applied on the lower extremities, depending on the weeks into pregnancy and individual symptoms. In four surveys covering the middle to the end of pregnancy, the distress level of 19 minor symptoms was the primary outcome, and the secondary outcome was the QOL score based on SF-36. The distress level was calculated from the product of the frequency and degree of symptoms. The subjects were 80 and 117 primiparas in the intervention and control groups, respectively. The total distress score of 19 symptoms showed a significant interaction between the groups and time of occurrence in both groups. The control group had an increased score towards the end of pregnancy, but the intervention group scored significantly lower at 32-33 weeks, showing no increased changes. Physical functioning (PF) and physical component summary(PCS)of SF-36 were significantly higher in the intervention group than in the control group. The only adverse events were 6 cases of minor burns. These results suggest that self-care using indirect moxibustion was shown to be effective in reducing minor symptoms and improving the QOL of pregnant women.
コレクション(個別)国立国会図書館デジタルコレクション > デジタル化資料 > 博士論文
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