並列タイトル等An Examination of the Effect of the Care provided in Foster Homes : A Comparison between the Assessments of the children in Foster Homes Utilizing the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) and the "New Vision for Alternative Care and the Role of Society in Child Well-being"
一般注記本論では児童養護施設のケア効果について,主に「新しい社会的養育ビジョン」に挙げられる要因との関連,つまり,児童養護施設でのケアの規模,入所時点での児童の年齢,入所期間,入所施設の変更の有無によって,現在の入所児童の情緒と行動の問題に差が見られるかを検討した.調査対象は,関東甲信越地域のA県内の全児童養護施設5施設の入所児童164人とし,対象児童を担当する職員から「Child Behavior Checklist(CBCL)」に回答してもらい,その総尺度得点とこれらの要因と関連を検討した.結果,統計的に有意な関連が認められたのは,ケア規模のみであり,その他の要因によるCBCL総尺度得点への影響は確認できなかった.これらの結果から,児童養護施設におけるケアの効果については,社会的養育ビジョンに示される要因だけでなく,さらに広くほかの要因も含めて検討していく必要性を考察した.
In this study, the effect of the care provided in foster homes was primarily examined in the context of the "New vision for alternative care and the role of society in child well-being." Namely, the differences in the emotional and behavioral problems that children showed in these institutions were considered in terms of several factors, including the scale of the care unit, the age at which the child entered the unit, the duration of the care, and the changes of the institutions wherein they were cared for. The subjects of this study were 164 children, cared for in 5 foster homes in a prefecture of the Kanto-Koshinetsu region. The care workers in charge of them completed a Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Then the relationship between the CBCL total scale score and the abovementioned factors were examined. A statistically significant relationship was found only for the scale of the care unit, but the influence of other factors on the CBCL total standard score could not be confirmed. From these results, we considered that the effect of the care in the foster homes must be examined, including other factors besides the factors stated in the "New vision for alternative care and the role of society in child well-being."
社会福祉学. 2021, 62(1), 27-37.
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