
Plasma and fusion research

The Japan Society of Plasma Science and Nuclear Fusion Research



Plasma and fusion research 5
目次Collisional-radiative model for spectroscopic diagnostic of optically thick helium plasma Magnetic island formation by external cyclic perturbation in rotating and non-rotating plasmas Chemical erosion of diamond-coated graphite under low-energy hydrogen atom irradiation Suppression of carbon dust formation by nitrogen injection into hydrogen plasmas in detached plasma conditions A δf drift-kinetic simulation for off-diagonal neoclassical transport coefficients in quasi-symmetric toroidal configurations Effects of plasma resonance on surface waves in axially non-uniform plasmas Weibel instability in a bi-Maxwellian laser fusion plasma Flute-mode stability of quadrupole-anchored tandem mirror plasmas Simulation of laser-accelerated proton focusing and diagnosis with a permanent magnet quadrupole triplet Basic study on the generation of RF plasmas in premixed oxy-combustion with methane Theoretical modeling of transport barriers in helical plasmas Microscopic deformation of tungsten surfaces by high energy and high flux helium/hydrogen particle bombardment with short pulses Formation, spatiotemporal dynamics, and control of structures in weakly developed drift wave turbulence Monte-Carlo study based on real coordinates for perpendicularly injected high-energy ions in the LHD high-beta plasma Development of a lithium beam probe and measurement of density pedestal in JT-60U Gyrokinetic Vlasov code including full three-dimensional geometry of experiments Beyond the intelligent-shell concept : the clean-mode-control for tearing perturbations Direct measurements of high harmonic fast wave profile in the UTST spherical tokamak plasma Global profile relaxation and entropy dynamics in turbulent transport Improved open boundary model for plasma particle simulations MHD instabilities in current carrying heliotron plasmas Observation of edge Reynolds stress increase preceding an L-H transition in Compact Helical System Evaluation of edge electron temperature fluctuations using a conditional technique on TST-2 Electron density measurements of non-inductive start-up plasmas in the TST-2 spherical tokamak Change of resonant electron orbits from trapped to passing in fast wave current drive Kinetic particle simulation study of parallel heat transport in scrape-off layer plasmas over a wide range of collisionalities Monte Carlo study based on a real coordinate system for tangentially injected high-energy particles in the Large Helical Device Analysis of relativistic particle orbit in a transversely focused high-power laser field by using the noncanonical Lie perturbation method Electrostatic oscillations observed in non-neutral electron plasmas confined in a magnetic field gradient Optics design for microwave imaging reflectometry in LHD Cross-scale dynamo action in multiscale plasma turbulence Magnetic axial dependency of Hα emission location in peripheral plasmas of Large Helical Device as determined by plasma polarization spectroscopy Correlation between low-frequency fluctuations and plasma stored energy in GAMMA 10 Studies of MHD stability using data mining technique in helical plasmas Comparison of Au and Pt foils for an imaging bolometer Demonstration for inactivation of zooplankton by irradiation with a pulsed intense relativistic electron beam Effect of magnetic island associated with neoclassical tearing modes on plasma rotation in JT-60U Mechanism of structure-driven nonlinear instability of double tearing mode in reversed magnetic shear plasmas Deepening of floating potential for tungsten target plate on the way to nanostructure formation Forced magnetic reconnection in helical plasmas Microscopic and spectroscopic observations of plasma generation in the microwave heating of powder material Synthesis of ammonia through direct chemical reactions between an atmospheric nitrogen plasma jet and a liquid Real-time control of beam trajectories using digital signal processor for the heavy ion beam probe on the Large Helical Device
Plasma and fusion research 5 (special issue)
目次Preface High-density, low temperature ignited operations in FFHR Wendelstein 7-X : a technology step towards Demo Advanced tokamak research in JT-60U and JT-60SA Issues of electric fields in fusion devices Experimental confinement studies beyond ITER Status and high power performance of the 10-MW 140-GHz ECH system for the stellarator Wendelstein 7-X Steady-state operation scenario and the first experimental result on QUEST Integrated performance and critical issues for steady-state operation in JT-60U Status of plasma facing material studies and issues toward DEMO Spatial heterodyne spectro-polarimetry systems for imaging key plasma parameters in fusion devices From Wendelstein 7-X to a stellarator reactor The lithium wall stellarator experiment in TJ-II Present progress of plasma transport study on HL-2A Optimization of the accelerators for the ITER neutral beam injector project Potential measurement with the 6-MeV heavy ion beam probe of LHD Intrinsic rotation of a magnetic island with finite width Electron parallel heat transport in the scrape-off layer using a particle-in-cell code Numerical simulation on the flute instabilities in the GAMMA10 magnetic field Maximum entropy analysis of the 2D density turbulence measured by MIR in TPE-RX 1D modeling of LHD divertor plasma and hydrogen recycling Application of Zeff profile analysis based on visible bremsstrahlung measurement to different density profiles in the LHD Transport analysis of high-Z impurities including sawtooth effects in a tokamak system Formation condition of fiberform nanostructured tungsten by helium plasma exposure Influence of neutral beam injection direction and magnetic axis position on fast ion distribution function in Large Helical Device Analysis of particle orbits in a spherical tokamak-stellarator hybrid system (TOKASTAR) and experiments in the Compact-TOKASTAR device Split and segmented-type helical coils for the heliotron fusion energy reactor Environmental and economical assessment of various fusion reactors by the calculation of CO2 emission amounts Practical calculation of nuclear fusion power for a toroidal plasma device with magnetic confinement Mode-content analysis and field reconstruction of propagating waves in corrugated waveguides of an ECH system ICRF heating in helical reactor Flux supply of a field-reversed configuration by NBI heating Investigation of the clustering condition for various gasses ejected from a fast solenoid valve for supersonic cluster beam injection Spectroscopic diagnostics for spatial density distribution of plasmoid by pellet injection in the Large Helical Device Study of Pd membrane electrode in solid electrolyte hydrogen (isotopes) sensor for application to liquid blankets Conceptual design and development of an indirect-cooled superconducting helical coil in the FFHR Long-term thermal stability of reduced activation ferritic/martensitic steels as structural materials of fusion blanket Development of a high-speed VUV camera system for 2-dimensional imaging of edge turbulent structure in the LHD Collective Thomson scattering study using gyrotron in LHD Observation of space and energy distributions of high energy electrons produced in ECH plasmas of LHD Simultaneous measurement of electron and ion temperatures with helium-like argon X-ray spectrum Conceptual design of a dispersion interferometer using a ratio of modulation amplitudes Clustered data storage for multi-site fusion experiments Multi-channel neutron emission and triton burn-up measurement on JT-60U using digital signal processors Toroidal flow velocity profile of impurity ions in field-reversed configuration plasma Measurement of edge plasma heat flux in Heliotron J using a thermal probe A movable Thomson scattering system based on optical fibers (TS-probe) Numerical analysis of slow-wave instabilities in an oversized sinusoidally corrugated waveguide driven by a finitely thick annular electron beam Algebraic analysis approach for multibody problems 2 Experimental study of slow cyclotron maser operation in weakly relativistic region Preliminary study of uncertainty-driven plasma diffusion Binary interaction approximation to N-body problems
Plasma and fusion research 4
目次Adiabatic wave-particle interaction revisited Development of advanced pellet injector systems for plasma fueling Nondestructive sensor using microwaves from a laser plasma Visualized blow-off from helium irradiated tungsten in response to ELM-like heat load Erratum : “adiabatic wave-particle interaction revisited”〔plasma fusion res. 4, 001 (2009)〕 Long pulse and high power repetitive operation of the 170 GHz ITER gyrotron Theoretical study of the electrostatic lens aberrations of a negative ion accelerator for a neutral beam injector Numerical study of the ripple resonance diffusion of alpha particles in tokamaks Observation of diffusive flows during liquid phase microwave sintering Interferometry for weakly relativistic plasmas Achievement of high power sub-terahertz radiations with a second harmonic gyrotron Spectrally condensed fluid turbulence and L-H transitions in plasma Plasma crystals : structure and dynamics Geodesic acoustic mode spectroscopy 2 Phase alignments between MHD modes followed by minor collapses on TST-2 Energy injection for fast ignition Enhanced MHD transport in astrophysical accretion flows : turbulence, winds and jets Nonlinear dynamics of rotating multi-component pair plasmas and e-p-i plasmas Blob transport in the plasma edge : a review Construction and operation of an internal coil device, RT-1, with a high-temperature superconductor Scrape-off layer plasma flow in L- and H-mode plasmas on JT-60U High beta and high density operation in TPE-RX Review of energetic particle generation and electromagnetic radiation from intense laser-plasma interactions at the Institute of Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences Open boundary condition for particle simulation in magnetic reconnection research Spatial structure of volume recombination in JT-60U detached divertor plasmas Estimation of requirements for warm dense matter generation driven by intense electron beam Extension of improved particle and energy confinement regime in the core of LHD plasma Liquid-gas interfacial plasmas for the formation of novel nanobiomaterials Modeling solar wind turbulence : the Kolmogorov-like way Statistical theory of plasmas turbulence Dusty plasma processes in geophysics Nonlinear aspects of quantum plasma physics : nanoplasmonics and nanostructures in dense plasmas Observation of fast ion losses induced by various MHD modes driven by fast ions and bulk plasma pressure in the Large Helical Device Characterization of dust particles ranging in size from 1nm to 10μm collected in the LHD Progress towards burning plasmas Effects of the stochasticity on transport properties in high-β LHD Development of high power gyrotron and power modulation technique using the JT-60U ECRF system Structure formation in turbulent plasmas Improvement of field accuracy and plasma performance in the RT-1 device Collisional effects on absorption and energy transport in a dense solid-carbon thin film irradiated by subpicosecond lasers Laser energy scaling law for the yield of neutrons generated by intense femtosecond laser-cluster interactions Divertor impurity-influx monitor for ITER : spectral throughput measurement on an optical prototype for the upper port and optimization of viewing chords based on computerized tomography Axial profile of Balmer-alpha emission near a tungsten target in the compact PWI simulator APSEDAS Recent laboratory astrophysics experiments at LULI Surfing plasma waves : a new paradigm for particle accelerators Ascent velocity of plasmoids generated by surface discharges Measurement of electric field distribution along the plasma column in microwave jet discharges at atmospheric pressure Laser production of extreme ultraviolet light source for the next generation lithography application First demonstration of collisionless driven reconnection in a multi-hierarchy simulation Initial results of X-ray imaging and energy spectrum measurements of hot electron plasmas in RT-1 Rotational stabilization of resistive wall mode on JT-60U Microplasma array serving as photonic crystals and plasmon chains Trapping, anomalous transport, and quasi-coherent structures in magnetically confined plasmas Measurement of the density profile of a toroidal non-neutral plasma with a wall-probe array Adhesion strength of TiN stacked TiO2 film correlated with contact angle, critical load, and XPS spectra Erratum : “primal macro-projective integration method for multi-scale plasma simulation” 〔plasma fusion res. 3, 021 (2008)〕
Plasma and fusion research 4 (special issue)
目次Preface Advanced target design for the FIREX-I project Research progress on laser inertial confinement fusion at RCLF in China Formation of craters in polymer capsules Double magnetic focusing lens for a Pb-coated superconducting inertial fusion energy target Development of perdeuterated polymer foams for inertial confinement fusion targets in China Experiments on a gas gun for target injection in inertial fusion energy A proposed procedure for temperature control of the cryogenic target for the FIREX project Properties of N-doped diamond-like carbon films prepared by the PLD method Fabrication of colloidal crystal beads with uniform size by a drop-breaking technique Manufacturing and leak check of shell targets for the FIREX-I project Tin-doped resorcinol-formaldehyde aerogel with decanano-cell structure Compression of Arago spot images for rapid position measurement of inertial fusion energy targets
Plasma and fusion research 3
目次On fractal properties of equipotentials over a real rough surface faced to plasma in fusion devices 2-D PSD diagnostic system for the pellet trajectory in LHD plasmas Coincident measurement of a weakly backscattered X-ray with a CPA laser-produced X-ray pulse Effects of neutral particle density on equilibrium of field-reversed configuration sustained by rotating Observation of simple helical structure in low aspect ratio RFP using fast camera Systematic analysis of current decay time during disruption in HYBTOK-II tokamak Effect of micro hydrodynamic flow in microgap discharge at atmospheric pressure Simulation study of ultrashort-pulse reflectometry by signal record analysis Modification of symmetry of poloidal eigenmode of geodesic acoustic modes Visualization of magnetic surfaces during current ramp-up phase using thermal lithium sheet beam in CPD Spectral effect of zonal flows and enhanced growth rate Structural bifurcation of microwave helium jet discharge at atmospheric pressure Direct measurement of a mode-converted Electron Bernstein Wave in the internal coil device Mini-RT Achievement of 1.5MW, 1 s oscillation by the JT-60U gyrotron A new method of measuring the magnetic field in hot plasmas using helium neutral beam injection Particle orbit analysis in the finite beta plasma of the Large Helical Device using real coordinates Irradiation creep behavior of vanadium alloys during neutron irradiation in a liquid metal environment Development of a plasma diagnostics system using an impulse waveform voltage Modification of probe characteristics in a supersonic plasma flow Polarizer development for electron cyclotron resonance heating systems in a HL-2A tokamak Primal macro-projective integration method for multi-scale plasma simulation Configuration effects on local transport in high-beta LHD plasmas Temporal and spatial variations in electron density and blackbody temperature in the initial phase of a laser ablation BN plasma Proton acceleration by high-intensity UV laser irradiation with thin foils Carbon erosion and dust formation under heavy atomic hydrogen irradiation Electron cyclotron heating start-up experiments on TST-2 Development of a compact Thomson scattering system for the TST-2 spherical tokamak Temporal analysis of electrostatic chuck characteristics in inductively coupled plasma Quasi-periodic growth of a single helical instability in a low-aspect ratio RFP Measurement of radial structure of energetic-ion-driven MHD modes with a fast response Hα-detector array in the Large Helical Device Electrostatic potential measurement by using 6-MeV heavy ion beam probe on LHD Assessment of laser transmission mirror materials for ITER edge Thomson scattering diagnostics Excitation of stable alfvén eigenmodes by application of alternating magnetic field perturbations in the Compact Helical System High-beta axisymmetric equilibria with flow in reduced single-fluid and two-fluid models Multi-species ion acceleration in expansion of finite-size plasma targets LHD bootstrap current coefficient calculations with the VENUS+δf code Red-F* laser and VUV-F2 emission pumped at low pressure by longitudinal, lamp-like discharge A computational study of the decomposition of carbon tetrafluoride in wet argon under electron beam irradiation Numerical matching scheme for linear magnetohydrodynamic stability analysis Propagation velocity analysis of a single blob in the SOL Gyrokinetic studies of ion temperature gradient turbulence and zonal flows in helical systems Mitigation of critical current degradation in mechanically loaded Nb3Sn superconducting multi-strand cables by ice molding Optimization of extreme ultraviolet emission from laser-produced tin plasmas based on radiation hydrodynamics simulations Experimental study of drift wave turbulence in linear plasmas Erratum : “high-beta axisymmetric equilibria with flow in reduced single-fluid and two-fluid models”〔Plasma fusion res. 3, 034 (2008)〕 Experimental parameters of fine particle plasmas explicitly expressed by dimensionless characteristic parameters Observation of zonal flow type oscillation in linear cylindrical ECR plasmas Formation and long term evolution of an externally driven magnetic island in rotating plasmas Plasma current sustainment by RF power in ECH start-up plasma in the TST-2 spherical tokamak Density reconstruction using a multi-channel far-infrared laser interferometer and particle transport study of a pellet-injected plasma on the LHD Dechuck operation of Coulomb type and Johnsen-Rahbek type of electrostatic chuck used in plasma processing Growth of ionization balance from F-like to bare ions of heavy atoms in an electron beam ion trap Microwave imaging reflectometry experiment in TPE-RX Scientific visualization of magnetic reconnection simulation data by the CAVE virtual reality system Dramatic enhancement of OH(A2Σ+) density in a recombining hydrogen plasma Nonlinear energy transfer of drift-wave fluctuation in a cylindrical laboratory plasma The conjugate variable method in Hamilton-Lie perturbation theory : applications to plasma physics Discriminating acquisition of 15-MeV protons from D-3He fusion reaction in LHD Development of a helicon plasma source for the measurement of He* component in a He0 beam Frequency dependence of fast magnetic fluctuations in TPE-RX reversed-field pinch plasma Benchmark tests of fusion plasma simulation codes for studying microturbulence and energetic-particle dynamics Proton acceleration in the interaction of an intense laser light with a cone plasma target and coated proton layer Particle-in-cell simulation of the measurement of laser wakefields with Raman scattering of probe laser light
Plasma and fusion research 3 (special issue)
目次Preface Stability and confinement studies of high-performance NBI plasmas in the Large Helical Device Experimental tests of quasisymmetry in HSX Inter-linkage of transports and its bridging mechanism Effect of rotational transform and magnetic shear on confinement of stellarators Impurity retention effect in the edge ergodic layer of the Large Helical Device Transport dynamics and multi-scale coupling of turbulence in LHD Physics mechanisms of toroidal rotation profile and properties of momentum transport in JT-60U ECCD experiments in Heliotron J, TJ-II, CHS, and LHD The particle flux structure and the search for a flux-expansion divertor in TJ-II Bispectral analysis of harmonic oscillations measured using beam emission spectroscopy and magnetic probes in CHS Drift-wave instabilities modified by parallel and perpendicular flow velocity shears in magnetized plasmas Shear formation by a poloidal chain of magnetic islands Ion heating experiments using perpendicular neutral beam injection in the Large Helical Device Observation of toroidal flow on LHD Plasma rotation measurements by passive spectroscopic method in the HYBTOK-II using a dynamic ergodic divertor Two-dimensional model including the mechanism of a poloidal shock structure and geodesic acoustic mode in toroidal plasmas Geodesic acoustic modes in multi-ion system Generation of supersonic and super-alfvénic flow using ICRF heating and a magnetic nozzle Scaling laws of intermittent plasma turbulence in edge of fusion devices Instability driven by a finitely thick annular beam in a dielectric-loaded cylindrical waveguide Spatiotemporal behavior of drift waves in LMD-U Dynamics of electron-rich plasmas in the CNT stellarator Measurement of peripheral plasma turbulence using a fast camera in Heliotron J Activation analysis for LHD experiments with deuterium gases Experimental examination of diode features in a high-power magnetron with a transparent cathode Time evolution of the spatial structure of the radial electric field in the Tohoku University Heliac Effects of rotating magnetic islands driven by external perturbation fields in the TU-Heliac Density control by second harmonic X-mode ECRH in LHD Dynamic transport study of electron thermal energy in nonlinear fusion plasma Study of neoclassical transport in LHD plasmas by applying the DCOM/NNW neoclassical transport database Improvement of ion confinement in core electron-root confinement (CERC) plasmas in Large Helical Device Effect of ellipticity on thermal transport in ECH plasmas in LHD Mercier stability improvement in nonlinear development of LHD plasma Nonlinear simulation of collapse phenomenon in helical plasma with a large pressure gradient Simulation of angle and energy resolved fluxes of escaping neutral particles from fusion plasmas with an isotropic ion distribution Microwave frequency effect for reduction of magnetite A simple method of H/He influx ratio measurement as a monitor for machine operation in LHD Study of a closed divertor configuration for the three-dimensionally complicated magnetic structure in The DED at TEXTOR : transport and topological properties of a helical divertor Comparison of charge transfer in proton collisions with methane and silane for simulations of cold plasma impurities Use of a high-resolution overview spectrometer for the visible range in the TEXTOR boundary plasma Ionization balance in the rotating radiation belt accompanying complete divertor detachment in LHD Behavior of CIII to CVI emissions during the recombining phase of LHD plasmas A systematic study of impurity ion poloidal rotation and temperature profiles using CXRS in the TJ-II stellarator Data analysis techniques for microwave imaging reflectometry Search for very-high-βMHD stable quasi-isodynamic configurations Abrupt flushing of high-density core in internal diffusion barrier plasmas and its suppression by plasma shape control in LHD Internal transport barrier formation and pellet injection simulation in helical and tokamak reactors High-temperature superconducting coil option for the LHD-type fusion energy reactor FFHR Conceptual design of magnets with CIC conductors for LHD-type reactors FFHR2m Design and optimization of support posts for cryogenic components in FFHR Derivation of jump conditions in multiphase incompressible flows with singular forces Spectrum properties of hall MHD turbulence Formation of Sweet-Parker-Like electron dissipation region in a driven open system Density collapse and fluctuation observed in poloidally rotating plasma on TU-Heliac Neoclassical transport properties in high-ion-temperature hydrogen plasmas in the Large Helical Device (LHD) Parametric dependence of the perpendicular velocity shear layer formation in TJ-II plasmas Time evolution of the rotational transform profile in current-carrying LHD plasmas Neoclassical viscosities in NCSX and QPS with few toroidal periods and low aspect ratios Monte-Carlo simulation of neoclassical transport in magnetic islands and ergodic regions Recent progress in NEO-2 : a code for neoclassical transport computations based on field line tracing Development of a non-local neoclassical transport code for helical configurations Development of a hierarchy-integrated simulation code for toroidal helical plasmas, TASK3D Observation of the internal structure of energetic particle-driven MHD modes in a Large Helical Device Temporal evolution of the pressure profile and mode behavior during internal reconnection events in the MAST spherical tokamak Two-fluid flowing equilibria of helicity injected spherical torus with non-uniform density Effect of toroidal current on rotational transform profile by MHD activity measurement in Heliotron J Transport analysis of dynamics of plasma profiles in helical devices Particle transport and fluctuation characteristics around the neoclassically optimized configuration in LHD Quantifying profile stiffness Measurements of micro-turbulence in high beta and high density regimes of LHD and comparison with resistive g-mode scaling Flute mode turbulence and related transport in the divertor of a mirror Algebraic analysis approach for multibody problems Simulation study of energetic ion transport due to alfvén eigenmodes in LHD plasma Simulation study of ICRF wave propagation and absorption in 3-D magnetic configurations Experimental conditions for electron Bernstein wave heating using EC waves injected from high-field side in CHS First demonstration of rotational transform control by electron cyclotron current drive in Large Helical Device Operation characteristics of microwave sources based on slow-wave interactions in rectangular corrugations Study on poloidal and toroidal electric field generations by electron cyclotron heating in a helical plasma Efficient heating at the third-harmonic electron cyclotron resonance in the Large Helical Device Time-dependent NBI-heating simulation of LHD plasmas using toroidal transport analysis linkage code Design study of a lost fast-ion probe in Large Helical Device Ion distribution function evaluation using escaping neutral atom kinetic energy samples Helium ion observation during 3rd harmonic ion cyclotron heating in Large Helical Device Investigation of the microwave iron-production process with multipoint pyrometric and spectroscopic measurements Determination of iron density at the plasma center using radial profile of FeKα lines in LHD
Plasma and fusion research 2
目次Isothermal confinement Impact of reflector on calculation accuracy of tritium production in DT neutronics blanket experiment Zonal proton generation from target edges using ultra-intense laser pulse A Self-organized Plasma with Induction, Reconnection, and Injection Techniques : the SPIRIT concept for field reversed configuration research Roles of toroidal rotation at the plasma edge, toroidal field ripple and configuration on ELMs in the JT-60U tokamak Observation of visible and near-UV M1 transitions from highly charged Kr, Mo and Xe ions in LHD and Townsend avalanche breakdown assisted by radio frequency wave in tokamaks New explanation for toroidal spin-up of a field-reversed configuration Alleviation of helium holes/bubbles on tungsten surface by use of transient heat load Numerical method for the stability analysis of ideal MHD modes with a wide range of toroidal mode numbers in tokamaks Investigation of carbon films on material probes in the vicinity of local island divertor in the Large Helical Device Microwave propagation via laser plasma channels X-ray polarization spectroscopy of Heα line emission for diagnosis of the anisotropy of hot electrons High-resolution VUV spectra of carbon, neon and argon in a wavelength range of 250 to 2300Å for plasma diagnostics observed with a 3m normal incidence spectrometer in LHD Influence of electrostatic and magnetic fields on hot electron emission in ultra-intense laser matter interactions MHD stability in flowing plasmas : connection between fusion plasma and astrophysics research Formation of C60-encapsulated double-walled carbon nanotubes with novel electrical transport properties based on plasma technology High energy electron generation by laser-cone interaction Neutron emission profile measurement and fast charge exchange neutral particle flux measurement for transport analysis of energetic ions in JT-60U Construction of a gyrokinetic plasma simulation model for electromagnetic phenomena New control method of the unstable operating point in the FFHR helical reactor Negative ion production in high electron temperature plasmas First observation of rf-induced visible light fluctuations Observation of simultaneous oscillation of multiple modes in a CW300GHz gyrotron Nonlinear drive of tearing mode by microscopic plasma turbulence Pulse expansion and Doppler shift of ultrahigh intense short pulse laser by slightly overdense plasma X-ray spectra from neon-like tungsten ions in the interaction with electrons Production and extraction of highly charged ions from the Tokyo EBIT Study of metastable population density in a hollow cathode helium discharge ECCD experiments in Heliotron J : recent results regarding the dependence on magnetic configuration and wave polarization A study on low-frequency fluctuations using new azimuthal probe array in high-density helicon linear plasma Effects of laser wavelength on interaction of ultrashort intense laser with finite-scale length dense plasmas A newly developed large diameter diaphragmless shock tube for studies on CO2-N2 gas-dynamic laser Observation of competition between drift instability and flute instability in a bounded linear ECR plasma E×B plasma rotation and n = 1 oscillation observed in the NSTX-CHI experiments Hard X-ray radiation from a z-pinch with a divergent gas-puff A simultaneous spectroscopic measurement of the global and edge local structures in the ion temperature and plasma rotation profiles in the Compact Helical System Verification of polarization reversal of electromagnetic waves with electron cyclotron frequency controlling plasma-structure formation Measurement of single pass electron cyclotron (EC) absorption using transmitted waves in Heliotron J Relative frequency calibration for fast frequency sweep microwave reflectometry Simulation study of ignition and burn characteristics of fast ignition DT targets Escaping ion measurement with high time resolution during bursting modes induced by neutral beam injection on CHS Heat-and particle-deposition distribution on helical divertor plates in LHD during real-time magnetic-axis swing operations Plasma effects on electrostatic chuck characteristics on capacitive RF discharge Long-lived pure electron plasma in Ring Trap-1 Neutronics and activation analyses for Li/V-alloy and Flibe/V-alloy blankets of FFHR2 with and without beryllium Pellet injection and internal diffusion barrier formation in Large Helical Device Density fluctuation measurement for studying the effect of potential and electric field formation in GAMMA 10 Effects of relativistic thermal velocity spread of beam on electromagnetic instabilities in fast ignition High-beta plasma confinement in TPE-RX during pulsed poloidal current drive operation in reversed-field pinch plasma Detection of cascading in drift wave turbulence using probe array in linear plasmas Performance test of diamond-like carbon films for lubricating ITER blanket maintenance equipment under GPa-level high contact stress
Plasma and fusion research 2 (special issue)
目次Preface Diffusion MRI New insights to the sawtooth oscillation (“m/n = 1/1 mode”) in hot plasmas based on high resolution 2-D images of Te fluctuations On imaging of plasma turbulence MRI technologies in recent human brain mapping Cortical networks for visual self-recognition Neuroimaging study of the human amygdala : toward an understanding of emotional and stress responses Observation of in vivo DNA in ice embedded whole cyanobacterial cells by Hilbert differential contrast transmission electron microscopy (HDC-TEM) Hinode : a new solar observatory in space Solar Optical Telescope onboard Hinode for diagnosing the solar magnetic fields Multiplicity of solar X-ray corona in time and space Emission line imaging spectroscopy for diagnosing of solar outer atmospheres Multi-wavelength imaging of solar plasma : high-beta disruption model of solar flares Multi-functional diagnostic method with tracer-encapsulated pellet injection Doppler spectroscopy and tomography of plasmas Ionospheric tomography by neural network collocation method Tangential SX imaging for visualization of fluctuations in toroidal plasmas Monochromatic X-ray sampling imager for laser-imploded core plasma observation with highly spatial, temporal, and spectral resolutions Research and development of imaging bolometers Advanced microwave/millimeter-wave imaging technology Spectroscopy and imaging by laser excited terahertz waves Evolution of ultra-high-speed CCD imagers Simulation studies on advanced microwave diagnostics and related technology Fast ion dynamics in magnetically confined plasma measured by collective Thomson scattering Heavy ion beam probe, present status and future development Plasma turbulence imaging via beam emission spectroscopy in the core of the DIII-D tokamak Development of polarization interferometer based on Fourier transform spectroscopy for Thomson scattering diagnostics Advanced laser diagnostics for electron density measurements The first observation of 3-dimensional motion and twist in sperm flagella of the stag beetle Prosopocoilus inclinates Effects of relativistic and absorption on ECE spectra in high temperature tokamak plasma Protection filters in ECEI systems for plasma diagnostics Imaging meso-scale structures in TEXTOR with 2D-ECE Development of ECE imaging system on LHD Improvements of CO2 laser heterodyne imaging interferometer for electron density profile measurements on LHD Interpretation of line-integrated signals from 2-D phase contrast imaging on LHD Instrumental capabilities and limitations of two-dimensional phase contrast imaging on LHD Electron density measurement by using a multi-channel interferometer system in the tandem mirror GAMMA 10 Reflectometry for density fluctuation and profile measurements in TST-2 Microwave imaging reflectometry in LHD Multi-channel microwave reflectometer with Fermi antenna receivers Design of the 48, 57μm poloidal polarimeter for ITER Weakly relativistic K-band oversized backward wave oscillator with Bragg reflector at beam entrance of slow wave structure Advanced fabrication method of planar components for plasma diagnostics Development of a tera hertz gyrotron as a radiation source Laser absorption spectroscopy for diagnostics of a neutral helium beam Fulcher-α band spectra in mixed hydrogen isotope plasmas Analyses of visible images of the plasma periphery observed with tangentially viewing CCD cameras in the Large Helical Device Observation of hydrogen and cesium spectra in a negative ion source for a neutral beam injector using a multi-channel spectrometer A multi-reflection type visible-laser interferometer for high density plasma measurements Development of real-time measurement system of charge exchange recombination spectroscopy and its application to feedback control of ion temperature gradient in JT-60U Temperature diagnostics for field-reversed configuration plasmas on the pulsed high density (PHD) experiment Simultaneous measurements of proton ratio and beam divergence of positive-ion-based neutral beam in the Large Helical Device Infrared imaging video bolometer with a double layer absorbing foil Poloidal distribution measurement of inward neutral flux in LHD Development of Impurity Influx Monitor (divertor) for ITER 2-D image diagnostic technique for edge turbulence using fast cameras High-speed visible imaging of the central-cell plasmas in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror Behavior of hydrogen fueled by pellet injection in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror Measurements of oxygen ion spectra for estimation of electric field profiles in cylindrical plasmas Study of edge plasma characteristics at H-mode transition in Heliotron J Line analysis of EUV spectra from molybdenum and tungsten injected with impurity pellets in LHD Fast XUV 16×16 array hybrid module for plasma imaging applications Determination of the major impurity radiators in the reheat mode discharges in the Compact Helical System Application of soft X-ray imaging system to the STE-2 RFP Design of soft-X ray imaging system for magnetic islands of RFP plasmas Soft X-ray emission profile and mode structure during MHD events in the TST-2 spherical tokamak Soft and ultra-soft X-ray detector array systems for measurement of edge MHD modes in the Large Helical Device Development of a high resolution X-ray imaging crystal spectrometer for measurement of ion-temperature and rotation-velocity profiles in fusion energy research plasmas Development of a wide band and compact X-ray crystal spectrometer for iron charge state distribution measurement on LHD Impurity transport study of medium-Z argon by means of soft X-ray pulse height analyzer in LHD Investigation of a novel X-ray tube for the calibration of the X-ray crystal spectrometer in the KSTAR machine Current profile estimation in full LHCD plasmas using hard X-ray measurement along the top and bottom identical line of sight on TRIAM-1M Helium measurements using the pellet charge exchange in Large Helical Device New 20-channel diagnostic for angle-resolved fast particles measurements in LHD A method for reconstruction of the neutral particle source function in helical magnetically confined plasma Analysis of energy spectra of fast ion in the Large Helical Device Fast-ion-diagnostics for CHS experiment Effects of radially sheared electric field on turbulence reduction analyzed with end-loss analyzing systems Use of γ-ray-generating 6Li+D reaction for verification of Boltzmann-Fokker-Planck simulation and knock-on tail diagnostic in neutral-beam-injected plasmas Observation of molecular and atomic ions in recombination plasma Change of edge plasma distribution during a discharge in Heliotron J Measurement of gas composition ratio of H-He mixture plasmas in divertor simulator MAP-II Development of heat flow measurement using thermal probe method in divertor simulator MAP-II Development of a time of flight spectrometer for nd/nt fuel ratio measurement in burning plasma Characteristic observation of the ion beams in the plasma focus device Development of a simple and tough alpha-particle detector used at high temperature Effects of ion orbits due to potential formation on transverse ion transport in the thermal barrier region of GAMMA10 The neutral transport analysis based on visible light measurement of recycling and 3-dimensional simulation in GAMMA 10 Development of ITER diagnostic upper port plug Electron current measurement of helical nonneutral plasmas for investigating plasma disruption observed in CHS experiments Advanced probe measurement system in TU-Heliac Measurement of electron density and temperature and their fluctuations using modified triple Langmuir probe grounded through finite resistance Calibrations of fast ion flux measurement using a hybrid directional probe Probing of toroidal electron plasmas confined on helical magnetic surfaces Magnetic diagnostics of magnetic island in LHD Plasma shape reconstruction of spherical tokamak using CCS method Development of neutral molecular beam injector for two-dimensional edge density measurement Measurement of 3-D mode structure of the edge harmonic oscillations in CHS using beam emission spectroscopy Present status in the development of 6 MeV heavy ion beam probe on LHD Electron loss cross sections for a heavy ion beam probe Spatial resolution of the heavy ion beam probe on LHD Observation of the effects of radially sheared electric fields by the use of a gold neutral beam probe Beam probe imaging of electron density in the chaotic region of CHS Two dimensional Li beam imaging to study the magnetic field configuration effects on plasma confinement in spherical tokamak CPD Numerical simulation of a high-brightness lithium ion gun for a Zeeman polarimetry on JT-60U Proof of principle experiment of a fast He0 beam production for alpha particle diagnostics Raman and Rayleigh calibrations of the LHD YAG Thomson scattering Effects of plasma radiation on the Thomson scattering diagnostic installed on the Large Helical Device Development of 2-D Thomson scattering measurement using multiple reflection and the time-of-flight of laser light Laser scattering measurement of the electron density fluctuations in CHS Comparison between laser Thomson scattering and spectroscopic measurements in low temperature Helium plasmas in divertor/edge simulator MAP-II Development of collective Thomson scattering for alpha-particle diagnostic in burning plasmas Sensitivity study for the optimization of the viewing chord arrangement of the ITER poloidal polarimeter Bench testing of new polarimeter with silicon photoelastic modulator for short wavelength FIR laser Development of short-wavelength far-infrared lasers and optical elements for plasma diagnostics Measurement and analysis of visible line spectra with inhomogeneous spatial distribution in LHD Spatial variation of the foil parameters from in situ calibration of the JT-60U imaging bolometer foil Nonstop lose-less data acquisition and storing method for plasma motion images Acquisition of data for plasma simulation by automated extraction of terminology from article abstracts 2D tomographic imaging of the edge turbulence in RFX-mod Tomographic reconstruction of emissivity profile from tangentially viewed images using pixel method Modification of tomography technique for two-dimensional spectroscopic measurement in JT-60U divertor plasmas Tomographic reconstruction of internal instability in a field-reversed configuration Tomographic reconstruction of uniformly redundant penumbral array camera Application of tomographic imaging to multi-pixel bolometric measurements Application of the liquid-crystal-based tunable Lyot filter to the optical emission imaging plasma spectrometry Development of the monitoring system of plasma behavior using a CCD camera in the GAMMA 10 tandem mirror Development of phosphor screen having “gridded energy analyzer” for two-fluid nonneutral plasma experiments Effects of face contour and features on occipitotemporal activity when viewing eye movement Ray tracing simulations of ECR heating and ECE diagnostic at W7-X stellarator Development of Web interfaces for analysis codes Impurity transport studies on LHD Stellarator impurity STRAHL code development in NIFS
Plasma and fusion research 1
目次WKB analysis of axisymmetric magneto-rotational instability in a thin accretion disk Non-local simulation of the formation of neoclassical ambipolar electric field in non-axisymmetric configurations Effects of resonant magnetic fluctuations on plasma confinement in current carrying high-β plasmas of LHD Observation of minor collapse of current-carrying plasma in LHD Energetic ion measurements using a directional probe Fast initiation and mode transition of radio frequency induction plasmas at atmospheric pressure using tungsten pin electrodes array Orbit following calculation of energetic ions in the design of ferritic insertion in the JT-60U First plasma in the RT-1 device Assessment of meander-line antenna covered with dielectric material for LHW heating Effects of toroidal field ripples on the bootstrap current in tokamaks New calibration method of magnetic measurements based on the MHD equilibrium with the ergodic region Stochastic approach to modeling fluctuating flow Two-dimensional measurement of electron density profile in the edge region of the Large Helical Device plasma by a sheet-shaped thermal lithium beam Development of a two-dimensional Thomson scattering diagnostic system involving use of multiple reflection and the time-of-flight of laser light A shear-flow instability relevant to advanced tokamak operation Modeling of plasma current decay during disruptions caused by massive impurity injection Thermal analysis on mono-block type divertor based on subcooled flow boiling critical heat flux data against inlet subcooling in short vertical tube Electromagnetic wave transmission across a thin plasma layer comparable to incident wavelength Observation of striation in collapsing plasma Dynamics of self-generated magnetic fields in stagnation phase and their effects on hot spark formation Beaming of millimeter waves from plasma photonic crystal waveguides The axial expansion of a field-reversed configuration plasma as induced by neutral-beam-injected fast ions Direct observation of inward electron flux being blocked in the Large Helical Device Effect of mean flow on the interaction between turbulence and zonal flow Numerical study of electromagnetic surface wave on corrugated metal surface Density regimes of complete detachment and serpens mode in LHD Characteristic formation of edge transport barrier in the compact helical system Validity of electron temperature measurement by using Boltzmann plot method in radio frequency inductive discharge in the atmospheric pressure range O-X-B heating of overdense plasmas by 54.5 GHz electron cyclotron waves in CHS Control of growth of neoclassical tearing mode by central co-ECCD in JT-60U Development of integrated SOL/divertor code and simulation study in JAEA Study of edge transport barrier formation on CHS plasma Observation of the effect of energetic ions on pellet ablation in the Large Helical Device High frequency Alfven eigen modes observed in LHD First observation of plasma motion in GAMMA 10 using a fast camera Factors determining decay-index distribution and contribution of a central solenoid on a spherical tokamak Geodesic acoustic eigenmodes Development of computational technique for labeling magnetic flux-surfaces Fireball generation in a water discharge Reconstruction of edge density profiles using ultrashort-pulse reflectometry in LHD Experimental study of nonlinear processes in edge turbulence of toroidal plasmas New detection device for Thomson Parabola spectrometer for diagnosis of the laser-plasma ion beam Self-similarly evolving and minimally dissipated stable states of plasmas realized after relaxation and self-organization processes Deformation of weakly unstable density distribution of non-neutral plasma stimulated by resonant clumps Characteristics of radiating collapse at the density limit in the Large Helical Device Transient response of divertor plasma during transition to ELM free H-mode phase in JT-60U First observation of high density edge transport barrier formation during reheat mode of helical plasma in CHS High deposition rate of diamond-like carbon on trench bottom for acetylene gas at plasma immersion and deposition process Onset of resistive interchange mode in the Large Helical Device A new-type equilibrium of flowing plasma dominated by the hall effect Formation of nanostructured tungsten with arborescent shape due to helium plasma irradiation First observation of ECH by electron Bernstein waves excited via X-B mode conversion process in LHD Electron Bernstein wave heating through slow X-B mode conversion in CHS Thomson scattering measurements of helium recombining plasmas in the divertor simulator MAP-II Development of tin droplet target for 13.5 nm lithography




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