Inquiring survey of the elderly people at nursing home and their feeding condition
一般注記We conducted a questionnaire survey and interview on feeding function and meals in elderly people, as well as management of their feeding and oral health conditions at nursing homes. Five nursing homes in Tokyo were selected. There was a trend for mean age and nursing care level to be positively correlated with the number of dysphagic patients. In the nursing homes, most people required assistance with meals. In addition, assistant level of meal, meal time, and meal place were differently determined, and they appeared to depend on the caregivers' decisions. Dysphagia rehabilitation was conducted only for patients with tube feeding in two out of five homes, but otherwise, no aggressive rehabilitation was performed. In two homes, visiting dentists conducted a videoendoscopic examination when required. Clinical conferences were conducted in all of the homes, but not routinely, and clinical guidelines for dysphagic patients were supplied in only one home. In nursing homes, prompt measures of treating dysphagia should be taken to support residents.
学位の種類: 博士(歯学). 報告番号: 甲第3883号. 学位記番号: 新大院博(歯)甲第302号. 学位授与年月日: 平成26年3月24日
新潟歯学会雑誌. 2013, 43(2), 31-39
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