並列タイトル等A Study on Gendlin's Process Model and its Clinical Significance
The purpose of this thesis is to investigate the whole content of Gendlin’s Process Model (Gendlin, 1997) and to elucidate the clinical significance of this model. Although it does not directly discuss issues in psychotherapy, Gendlin’s Process Model inspires us with clinical implications and suggestions.The contents of this thesis are as follows:IntroductionPartⅠ: The Clinical Implications of Gendlin’s Process ModelPartⅡ: The Decipherment of Gendlin’s Process ModelPartⅢ: An Empirical Study to Illustrate the Clinical Significance of Gendlin’s Process ModelConclusionThe whole content and the clinical significance of Gendlin’s Process Model are examined through theoretical and empirical study, including a new conceptualization of the process of person-centered/focusing-oriented therapy.
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