目次Geographical distribution and seasonal occurrence of Myxobolus kisutchi (myxozoa: myxosporea) in the central nerve tissues of chinook and coho salmon in the Columbia River and its vicinities Origins of juvenile chum salmon caught in the southwestern Okhotsk Sea during the fall of 2000 Seasonal changes in the total lipid content of immature chum salmon in the Bering Sea and North Pacific Ocean during the summer and fall of 2002-2004 サケマス類の代替補完関係に関する定量分析 根室海峡標津沿岸域における春季の動物プランクトンの鉛直分布 Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (19) : 2004
目次北海道太平洋沿岸域におけるサケ幼稚魚の摂餌特性と餌料環境に関する研究 Economic factors effecting salmon fisheries in Japan Synergistic effects of thyroxine and cortisol on the seawater tolerance of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (18) : 2003
目次生鮮サケ類の産地価格形成要因に関わる輸入量と在庫量の影響 Participation of thyroxine in smoltification of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (17) : 2002
目次Investigation of the transmission stage of the microsporidian Kabatana takedai in salmonids Infection of Salmincola californiensis (copepoda: lernaeopodidae) on juvenile masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) from a stream in Hokkaido サケの産地価格にみられる短期および長期の変動要因 サクラマス親魚の産卵期における遡上の日周変動 Effects of cortisol and growth hormone on the seawater tolerance of sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Biological characteristics of fall-run chum salmon (Oncorhynchus keta) caught in the lower Amur River Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (16) : 2001
目次Effects of handling stress on osmoregulation of juvenile sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in seawater Occurrence of Kabatana takedai (microspora) in juvenile masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) reared at varying water temperatures in a hatchery Variation in lipid content in the muscle of chum and pink salmon in the Gulf of Alaska in May 1999 サケ・マス類の需給構造の変化要因 Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (15) : 2000
目次Distribution and biological characters of pink (Oncorhynchus gorbuscha) and masu salmon (O. masou) in the Sea of Japan Easternmost record for ocean distribution of masu salmon (Oncorhynchus masou) 幌内川におけるサケの自然繁殖 : 他のサケ科魚類との産卵床形成の空間的隔離 Effects of photoperiod and water temperature on smoltification of yearling sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) Japanese salmon research in the ocean : a review and future issues Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (14) : 1999
目次Recoveries of thermally marked maturing pink salmon in the Gulf of Alaska in the summer of 1998 Temporary residence of precocious sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) in the ocean Seawater tolerance of lacustrine sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) from Lake Toya 千歳川におけるサクラマス幼魚およびブラウントラウトによる浮上期サクラマス稚魚の捕食 北海道系サケ稚魚の生残率の算定と人工ふ化放流事業の効果の評価 Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (13) : 1998
目次流水中の濁りがサクラマス(Oncorhynchus masou)幼魚の摂食行動に与える影響 北海道中部太平洋沿岸域における動物プランクトンの昼夜移動とサケ幼稚魚の摂餌生態 RT-PCRと細胞培養法を組合せた伝染性造血器壊死症ウイルス(IHNV)の検出 A status of Lepeophtheirus salmonis (copepoda: caligidae) on seawater-cultured coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) and rainbow trout (O. mykiss) in Japan 千歳川に遡上したギンザケ(Oncorhynchus kisutch) スタミナトンネルを用いて測定したサケ稚魚の瞬発遊泳速度 Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (10) : 1995 Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (11) : 1996 Bibliography of salmonids published in Japan (12) : 1997
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- 電子書籍・電子雑誌
- 並列タイトル等
- Bulletin of the National Salmon Resources Center
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- jpneng
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- info:ndljp/pid/9218390
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- 2015-04-07T23:51:38+09:00
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