
Japanese journal of religious studies

Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture



Japanese journal of religious studies 42 (1)
目次Editors' introduction : engi : forging accounts of sacred origins Revisiting the Dragon Princess : her role in medieval engi stories and their implications in reading the Lotus Sutra The Buddha and the bathwater : defilement and enlightenment in the Onsenji engi The credibility of the Gangōji engi Memories and strategic silence in Jōdoji engi The invention and reception of the Mino'odera engi The reproduction of engi and memorial offerings : multiple generations of the Ashikaga shoguns and the Yūzū nenbutsu engi emaki
Japanese journal of religious studies 41 (2)
目次Contingent and contested : preliminary remarks on Buddhist catalogs and canons in early Japan Appendix : chart of various Hīnayāna scriptures in two catalogs Dharanis, talismans, and straw-dolls : ritual choreographies and healing strategies of the rokujikyōhō in medieval Japan Ticket to salvation : Nichiren Buddhism in Miyazawa Kenji's Ginga tetsudō no yoru Who benefits? : religious practice, blind women (goze), harugoma, and manzai Review article : Ishii Shūdō's contributions to Dōgen studies : examining Chinese influences on the kana and kanbun texts Review of: Gina Cogan, The princess nun : Bunchi, Buddhist reform, and gender in early Edo Japan Review of: R. Keller Kimbrough, trans., Wondrous brutal fictions : eight Buddhist tales from the early Japanese puppet theater Review of: Pamela D. Winfield, Icons and iconoclasm in Japanese Buddhism : Kūkai and Dōgen on the art of enlightenment Review of: Tullio Federico Lobetti, Ascetic practices in Japanese religion Review of: Ugo Dessì, Japanese religions and globalization Review of: Isabelle Prochaska-Meyer, Kaminchu : spirituelle heilerinnen in Okinawa
Japanese journal of religious studies 41 (1)
目次Editors' introduction : the Lotus Sutra in Japan The words of the Lotus Sutra in Nichiren's thought The Lotus Sutra as the core of Japanese Buddhism : shifts in representations of its fundamental principle Ōjōden, the Hokke genki, and mountain practices of devotees of the sutra The identity between the purport of the perfect and esoteric teachings The Lotus Sutra and the Perfect-Sudden precepts The Tendai debates of 1131 at Hosshōji The Atsuhara affair : the Lotus Sutra, persecution, and religious identity in the early Nichiren tradition Interfaith dialogue and a Lotus practitioner : Yamada Etai, the Lotus Sutra, and the Religious Summit Meeting on Mt. Hiei
Japanese journal of religious studies 40 (2)
目次The ritual narration of mortuary art : the illustrated story of Emperor Antoku and its etoki at Amidaji Historicizing Japan's abject femininity : reading women's bodies in Nihon ryōiki Neither nun nor laywoman : the good wives and wise mothers of Jōdo Shinshū temples The overlooked connection between Ricci's Tianzhu shiyi and Valignano's Catechismus japonensis What's at stake in designating Japan's sacred mountains as UNESCO World Heritage sites? : Shugendo practices in the Kii Peninsula Review article : constructing histories, thinking ritual gatherings, and rereading "native" religion : a review of recent books published in Japanese on premodern Japanese religion (part two) Review of: Inken Prohl and John Nelson, eds., Handbook of contemporary Japanese religions Review of: H. Byron Earhart, Religion in Japan : unity and diversity (fifth edition) Review of: Thomas Donald Conlan, From sovereign to symbol : an age of ritual determinism in fourteenth-century Japan Review of: Franz Winter, Hermes und Buddha : Die neureligiöse Bewegung Kōfuku no kagaku in Japan Review of: James W. Heisig, Nothingness and desire : an east-west philosophical antiphony Review of: Haruko Wakabayashi, The seven tengu scrolls : evil and the rhetoric of legitimacy in medieval Japanese Buddhism Review of: Agustín Jacinto Zavala, ed., Alternativas filosóficas. Investigaciones recientes sobre Nishida Kitarō, fundador de la Escuela de Kioto
Japanese journal of religious studies 40 (1)
目次Editors' introduction : Onmyōdō in Japanese history Chinese religion and the formation of Onmyōdō Auspicious omens in the reign of the last empress of Nara Japan, 749–770 A portrait of Abe no Seimei Uncovering shikigami : the search for the spirit servant of Onmyōdō Onmyōdō in the Muromachi period The development of early modern Onmyōdō Correcting the old, adapting the new : Baba Nobutake and the (relative) rejuvenation of divination in the seventeenth century Review of: Umeda Chihiro 梅田千尋, Kinsei Onmyōdō soshiki no kenkyū 近世陰陽道組織の研究 [Research on early modern Onmyōdō organization] Review of: Hosoi Hiroshi 細井浩志, Kodai no tenmon ihen to shisho 古代の天文異変と史書 [Official chronicles and astronomical anomalies of ancient Japan] Review of: Komatsu Kazuhiko 小松和彦, Izanagi-ryū no kenkyū : reki­shi no naka no Izanagi-ryū tayū いざなぎ流の研究 : 歴史のなかのいざなぎ流太夫. [Studies on Izanagi-ryū : a historical survey of Izanagi-ryū tayū]
Japanese journal of religious studies 39 (2)
目次The discipline of writing : scribes and purity in eighth-century Japan Buddhist debate and the production and transmission of shōgyō in medieval Japan Battling tengu, battling conceit : visualizing abstraction in The tale of the handcart priest Translation : the Tale of the Handcart Priest The matter of the Zen school : Fukansai Habian's Myōtei mondō and his Christian polemic on Buddhism A blueprint for Buddhist revolution : the radical Buddhism of Seno'o Girō (1889–1961) and the Youth League for Revitalizing Buddhism Spiritual therapies in Japan Review of: Mark Michael Rowe, Bonds of the dead : temples, burial, and the transformation of contemporary Japanese Buddhism Review of: Sakai Naoki 酒井直樹 and Isomae Jun'ichi 磯前順一, eds., Overcoming modernity and the Kyoto School : modernity, empire, and universality 『「近代の超克」と京都学派 : 近代性、帝国、普遍性』 Review of: Benjamin Dorman, Celebrity gods : new religions, media, and authority in occupied Japan In memoriam : Jan Swyngedouw (1935–2012)
Japanese journal of religious studies 39 (1)
目次Editors' introduction : impact and ramifications : the aftermath of the Aum affair in the Japanese religious context Hikari no Wa : a new religion recovering from disaster Did Aum change everything? : what Soka Gakkai before, during, and after the Aum Shinrikyō affair tells us about the persistent "otherness" of new religions in Japan Twice bitten, once shy : religious organizations and politics after the Aum attack The neo-nationalist response to the Aum crisis : a return of civil religion and coercion in the public sphere? Horrific "cults" and comic religion : manga after Aum Scholarly reactions to the Aum and Waco incidents Globally Aum : the Aum affair, counterterrorism, and religion
Japanese journal of religious studies 38 (2)
目次Training through debates in medieval Tendai and Seizan-ha temples Invoking the mother of awakening : an investigation of Jōkei's and Eison's Monju kōshiki Tamura Hachidayū and the "masters of sacred dance" The eight trigrams and their changes : an inquiry into Japanese early modern divination A hybrid form of spirituality and the challenge of a dualistic gender role : the spiritual quest of a woman priest in Tendai Buddhism Review of: James W. Heisig, Thomas P. Kasulis, and John C. Maraldo, eds., Japanese philosophy : a sourcebook Review of: Bernard Faure, D. Max Moerman, and Gaynor Sekimori, Shugendō : l'histoire et la culture d'une religion japonaise Review of: Michihiro Ama, Immigrants to the pure land : the modernization, acculturation, and globalization of Shin Buddhism Review of: Duncan Ryūken Williams and Tomoe Moriya, eds., Issei Buddhism in the Americas Review of: James Mark Shields, Critical Buddhism : engaging with modern Japanese Buddhist thought
Japanese journal of religious studies 38 (1)
目次Discourses of the reappearing : the reenactment of the "Cloth-Bridge Consecration rite" at Mt. Tateyama Redesigning the death rite and redesignating the tomb : the separation of kami and Buddhist deities at the mortuary site for Emperor Antoku Pieces of princes : personalized relics in medieval Japan Who speaks for Norinaga? : Kokugaku leadership in nineteenth-century Japan The Yuima-e as theater of the state Beyond the dark valley : reinterpreting Christian reactions to the 1939 Religious Organizations Law Review of: Urs App, The birth of Orientalism Review of: Michael Como, Weaving and binding : immigrant gods and female immortals in ancient Japan Review of: Tanigawa Yutaka, Meiji zenki no kyōiku, kyōka, Bukkyō Review of: Peter Suares, The Kyoto School's takeover of Hegel : Nishida, Nishitani, and Tanabe remake the philosophy of spirit Review of: François Lachaud, Le vieil homme qui vendait du thé : Excentricité et retrait du monde dans le Japon du XVIIIe siècle Review of: Frédéric Girard, Vocabulaire du bouddhisme japonais, Tome Ⅰ-Tome Ⅱ
Japanese journal of religious studies 37 (2)
目次The land-pulling myth and some aspects of historic reality Changing the calendar : royal political theology and the suppression of the Tachibana Naramaro conspiracy of 757 Gods, Buddhas, and organs : Buddhist physicians and theories of longevity in early medieval Japan Dancing as if possessed : a coming out party in Edo spirit society Resurrecting the sacred land of Japan : the state of Shinto in the twenty-first century Geopolitical mission strategy : the case of the Unification Church in Japan and Korea Social behavior and religious consciousness among Shin Buddhist practitioners Yes! We have no Buddha-nature : three recent publications on Zen dialogues : review article Review of: Lori Meeks, Hokkeji and the reemergence of female monastic orders in premodern Japan Review of: Cynthea J. Bogel, With a single glance : Buddhist icon and early Mikkyō vision Review of: Jinhua Chen, Legend and legitimation : the formation of Tendai Esoteric Buddhism in Japan Review of: John Breen and Mark Teeuwen, A new history of Shinto Review of: Bernard Faure, Michael Como, Iyanaga Nobumi (eds.), Rethinking medieval Shintō/respenser le shintō medieval Review of: Haruko Nawata Ward, Women religious leaders in Japan's Christian century, 1549–1650 Review of: Jane Naomi Iwamura, Virtual orientalism : Asian religions and American popular culture Review of: Isomae Jun'ichi, Japanese mythology : hermeneutics on Scripture Review of: Shugendō now; Where mountains fly; Shugen Haguro-san Aki no Mine (three Shugendō documentaries)




Nanzan Institute for Religion and Culture
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