並列タイトル等Mizunami Underground Research Laboratory Project (Study on hydrogeology in crystalline fractured rock); Hydrogeological modeling and groundwater flow simulation based on data of hydraulic impacts during construction of the MIU facilities; FY2006 - 2007
In this study, hydrogeological modeling and groundwater flow simulations on the Local scale area have been carried out in order to predict hydraulic impacts around the MIU Construction Site and inflow rate into the MIU facilities using the result of Surface-based Investigation phase (Phase 1), the data of hydraulic responses in monitoring boreholes, inflow rate into the MIU facilities and the result of pilot borehole investigation in Construction phase (Phase 2). As a result of this study, the significant hydrogeological structures around the MIU Construction Site could be estimated. The inflow rate into the MIU facilities and hydraulic impacts around the MIU Construction Site with the MIU facilities construction could be predicted. The effect of pre-grouting to the MIU facilities could be also confirmed.
一次資料へのリンクURL/JAEA-Research-2011-017.pdf (fulltext)
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : 学術機関リポジトリデータベース(IRDB)(機関リポジトリ)
提供元機関・データベース日本原子力研究開発機構 : JOPSS:JAEA Originated Papers Searching System