一般注記Differs from <BA03720564> in series
2008 cover title: Biofuels : prospects, risks and opportunities
2009 cover title: Livestock in the balance
2010-11 cover title: Women in agriculture : closing the gender gap for development
2012 cover title: Investing in agriculture for a better future
2013 cover title: Food systems for better nutrition
2014 cover title: Innovation in family farming
2015 cover title: Social protection and agriculture : breaking the cycle of rural poverty
2016 cover title: Climate change, agriculture and food security
2017 cover title: Leveraging food systems for inclusive rural transformation
2018 cover title: Migration, agriculture and rural development
2019 cover title: moving forward on food loss and waste reduction
連携機関・データベース農林水産関係試験研究機関 : 農林水産関係試験研究機関総合目録