並列タイトル等Poetry Anthology by Tō Kokukō (Manuscript)
一般注記官生東國興(津波古政正)の漢詩集。1巻。自筆稿本。l840年(道光 20) に官生として中国北京の国子監に入学した東国興の漢詩集。東国興は後に尚泰王の国師となった人物で、北京国子監での経験から豊かな国際感覚を持っていたとされる。琉球処分期の動乱における「頑固党」と「開化党」との分裂した状況においても中立的立場をとっていた。本書は、彼の自筆稿本かと思われる資料で、国子監教習の孫衣言の評定がついている。東国興と同時に渡清した官生 4人の習作「琉球詩課」がやはり孫衣言の評定を付しているところから、この詩集も東国興の官生時代のものとみられる。
An anthology of Chinese poetry handwritten by Tō Kokukō (Seisei Tsuhako); volume one. In 1840, Tō Kokukō was dispatched as a kanshō (a student from Ryukyu sent to China) by order of the Ryukyu King to study at Beijing’s Guózǐjiàn (Imperial Academy). Tō Kokukō had a rich international outlook from his experiences at the academy and would later become King Shō Tai’s regent. He took a neutral position during the period of the Ryukyu Disposition (the political process of abolishing the Ryukyu Kingdom and incorporating it into Japan as “Okinawa Prefecture”) that created an upheaval and divided people into two political parties—the Gankotō (pro-China faction) and Kaikatō (pro-Japanese faction). This manuscript is believed to have been handwritten by Tō Kokukō during his time as a kanshō, as it includes the evaluation of his instructor Sūn Yīyán, whose evaluations are also found in the Ryukyushika (Ryukyu poetry lesson) practice pieces of four other students sent to China at the same time as Tō Kokukō.
連携機関・データベース琉球大学附属図書館 : 琉球・沖縄関係貴重資料デジタルアーカイブ