タイトルよみカイセイ ゾウホ エド オオセツヨウ カイタイグラ コン
並列タイトル等Revised Edo Dictionary, Vol. 2
Setsuyōshū is a dictionary classified by semantics. Those published between the mid-Muromachi and Showa periods were called kohon setsuyōshū, in which words were classified into forty-four divisions by the first syllables based on the iroha order (the Japanese syllabary ordering system), and further classified into semantic subdivisions like the world (universe), seasons, and plants. During Japan’s early modern period, the classification system based on iroha and the number of kana characters was devised, and illustrated dictionaries were also produced. From the latter half of the seventeenth century, maps and other information related to geography became available.
連携機関・データベース琉球大学附属図書館 : 琉球・沖縄関係貴重資料デジタルアーカイブ