
A Philip E. Lilienthal book in Asian studies


A Philip E. Lilienthal book in Asian studies

University of California Press


China candid : the people on the People's Republic外部サイトThe three faces of Chinese power : might, money, and minds外部サイトToshié : a story of village life in twentieth-century Japan外部サイトEurasian : mixed identities in the United States, China, and Hong Kong, 1842-1943外部サイトPassion, betrayal, and revolution in colonial Saigon : the memoirs of Bao Luong外部サイトThe graves of Tarim : genealogy and mobility across the Indian Ocean外部サイトModernizing China's military : progress, problems, and prospects外部サイトAncestors and anxiety : Daoism and the birth of rebirth in China外部サイトBeyond the metropolis : second cities and modern life in interwar Japan外部サイトGlobal East Asia : into the twenty-first century外部サイトEating bitterness : stories from the front lines of China's great urban migration外部サイトGlobal East Asia : into the twenty-first century外部サイトIslam after communism : religion and politics in Central Asia外部サイトThe monster that is history : history, violence, and fictional writing in twentieth-century China外部サイトThe talented women of the Zhang family外部サイトThe untold history of ramen : how political crisis in Japan spawned a global food craze外部サイトSpeaking to history : the story of King Goujian in twentieth-century China外部サイトVisuality and identity : Sinophone articulations across the Pacific外部サイトPlacing empire : travel and the social imagination in imperial Japan外部サイトThe reluctant communist : my desertion, court-martial, and forty-year imprisonment in North Korea外部サイトEmptiness in the mind-only school of Buddhism外部サイトJapan : history and culture from classical to cool外部サイトJapan in print : information and nation in the early modern period外部サイトAncestral leaves : a family journey through Chinese history外部サイトTelling Chinese history : a selection of essays外部サイトIsami's house : three centuries of a Japanese family外部サイトFollowing the leader : ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping外部サイトWhat is a family? : answers from early modern Japan外部サイトProvincializing empire : Ōmi merchants in the Japanese transpacific diaspora外部サイトHygienic modernity : meanings of health and disease in treaty-port China外部サイトAlong the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia : generals, merchants, and intellectuals外部サイトAlong the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia : generals, merchants, intellectuals外部サイトTokyo vernacular : common spaces, local histories, found objects外部サイトNuclear ghost : atomic livelihoods in Fukushima's gray zone外部サイトTwo systems, two countries : a nationalist guide to Hong Kong外部サイトA garland of forgotten goddesses : tales of the feminine divine from India and beyond外部サイトAmerican exodus : second-generation Chinese Americans in China 1901-1949外部サイトJapan, the sustainable society : the artisanal ethos, ordinary virtues, and everyday life in the age of limits外部サイトJapan, the sustainable society : the artisanal ethos, ordinary virtues, and everyday life in the age of limits外部サイト






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China candid : the people on the People's Republic
The three faces of Chinese power : might, money, and minds
Toshié : a story of village life in twentieth-century Japan
Eurasian : mixed identities in the United States, China, and Hong Kong, 1842-1943
Passion, betrayal, and revolution in colonial Saigon : the memoirs of Bao Luong
The graves of Tarim : genealogy and mobility across the Indian Ocean
Modernizing China's military : progress, problems, and prospects
Ancestors and anxiety : Daoism and the birth of rebirth in China
Beyond the metropolis : second cities and modern life in interwar Japan
Global East Asia : into the twenty-first century
Eating bitterness : stories from the front lines of China's great urban migration
Global East Asia : into the twenty-first century
Islam after communism : religion and politics in Central Asia
The monster that is history : history, violence, and fictional writing in twentieth-century China
The talented women of the Zhang family
The untold history of ramen : how political crisis in Japan spawned a global food craze
Speaking to history : the story of King Goujian in twentieth-century China
Visuality and identity : Sinophone articulations across the Pacific
Placing empire : travel and the social imagination in imperial Japan
The reluctant communist : my desertion, court-martial, and forty-year imprisonment in North Korea
Emptiness in the mind-only school of Buddhism
Japan : history and culture from classical to cool
Japan in print : information and nation in the early modern period
Ancestral leaves : a family journey through Chinese history
Telling Chinese history : a selection of essays
Isami's house : three centuries of a Japanese family
Following the leader : ruling China, from Deng Xiaoping to Xi Jinping
What is a family? : answers from early modern Japan
Provincializing empire : Ōmi merchants in the Japanese transpacific diaspora
Hygienic modernity : meanings of health and disease in treaty-port China
Along the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia : generals, merchants, and intellectuals
Along the Silk Roads in Mongol Eurasia : generals, merchants, intellectuals
Tokyo vernacular : common spaces, local histories, found objects
Nuclear ghost : atomic livelihoods in Fukushima's gray zone
Two systems, two countries : a nationalist guide to Hong Kong
A garland of forgotten goddesses : tales of the feminine divine from India and beyond
American exodus : second-generation Chinese Americans in China 1901-1949
Japan, the sustainable society : the artisanal ethos, ordinary virtues, and everyday life in the age of limits
Japan, the sustainable society : the artisanal ethos, ordinary virtues, and everyday life in the age of limits
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA65902935 : BA65902935