
Cultural memory in the present


Cultural memory in the present

Bal, Miekeほか
Stanford University Press



Editors: Mieke Bal and Hent de Vries


Mediated memories in the digital age外部サイトPowers of the secular modern : Talal Asad and his interlocutors外部サイトFaith as an option : possible futures for Christianity外部サイトDesire and distance : introduction to a phenomenology of perception外部サイトIn praise of new travelers : reading Caribbean migrant women writers外部サイトPolitical representation外部サイトFault lines : cultural memory and Japanese surrealism外部サイトRomanticism after Auschwitz外部サイトPaper machine外部サイトLittle did I know : excerpts from memory外部サイトOn escape = De l'évasion外部サイトFutures : of Jacques Derrida外部サイトWorld and life as one : ethics and ontology in Wittgenstein's early thought外部サイトVeils外部サイトThe aesthetic paths of philosophy : presentation in Kant, Heidegger, Lacoue-Labarthe, and Nancy外部サイトAgainst autonomy : global dialectics of cultural exchange外部サイトAll the difference in the world : postcoloniality and the ends of comparison外部サイトMaking a nation, breaking a nation : literature and cultural politics in Yugoslavia外部サイトHuman rights as a way of life : on Bergson's political philosophy外部サイトCan these bones live? : translation, survival, and cultural memory外部サイトThe rhetoric of Romantic prophecy外部サイトAnthropology with an attitude : critical essays外部サイトA turbulent decade remembered : scenes from the Latin American sixties外部サイトThe Jew, the Arab : a history of the enemy外部サイトAlgeria cuts : women and representation, 1830 to the present外部サイトMonolingualism of the other, or, The prosthesis of origin外部サイトThe politics of aesthetics : nationalism, gender, romanticism外部サイトThe present alone is our happiness : conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson外部サイトConstructions of practical reason : interviews on moral and political philosophy外部サイトTheological tractates外部サイトDeconstruction as analytic philosophy外部サイトTheaters of justice : judging, staging, and working through in Arendt, Brecht, and Delbo外部サイトFormations of the secular : Christianity, Islam, modernity外部サイトTheory of society外部サイトThe rhetoric of cultural dialogue : Jews and Germans from Moses Mendelssohn to Richard Wagner and beyond外部サイトNegotiations : interventions and interviews, 1971-2001外部サイトRoutine violence : nations, fragments, histories外部サイトDouble exposure : cutting across Buddhist and western discourses外部サイトThe game of probability : literature and calculation from Pascal to Kleist外部サイトFraud : the world of Ona'ah外部サイトThe speculative remark : one of Hegel's bons mots外部サイトFreud and the institution of psychoanalytic knowledge外部サイトRe-figuring Hayden White外部サイトThe crossing of the visible外部サイトThe ends of mourning : psychoanalysis, literature, film外部サイトDead certainty : the death penalty and the problem of judgment外部サイトFantasm and fiction : on textual envisioning外部サイトOf hospitality : Anne Dufourmantelle invites Jacques Derrida to respond外部サイトThe force of art外部サイトEnthusiasm : the Kantian critique of history外部サイトThe seduction of the occult and the rise of the fantastic tale外部サイトThe practice of conceptual history : timing history, spacing concepts外部サイトRe-figuring Hayden White外部サイトReligion外部サイトRadical equality : Ambedkar, Gandhi, and the risk of democracy外部サイトMemos from the besieged city : lifelines for cultural sustainability外部サイトSpinoza contra phenomenology : French rationalism from Cavaillès to Deleuze外部サイトThe specter of capital外部サイトTheories of distinction : redescribing the descriptions of modernity外部サイトSublime historical experience外部サイトReligion and media外部サイトShifting priorities : gender and genre in seventeenth-century Dutch painting外部サイトThe idea of form : rethinking Kant's aesthetics外部サイトIlluminations from the past : trauma, memory, and history in modern China外部サイトThe practice of cultural analysis : exposing interdisciplinary interpretation外部サイトImage, icon, economy : the Byzantine origins of the contemporary imaginary外部サイトGenesis and trace : Derrida reading Husserl and Heidegger外部サイトSpermatic knowledge外部サイトAfter la dolce vita : a cultural prehistory of Berlusconi's Italy外部サイトOf minimal things : studies on the notion of relation外部サイトThe ends of literature : the Latin American "boom" in the neoliberal marketplace外部サイトTesting the limit : Derrida, Henry, Levinas, and the phenomenological tradition外部サイトLove as passion : the codification of intimacy外部サイトPrivacies : philosophical evaluations外部サイトThe angel of history : Rosenzweig, Benjamin, Scholem外部サイトThe political theology of Paul外部サイトSacramental poetics at the dawn of secularism : when God left the world外部サイトThe image of law : Deleuze, Bergson, Spinoza外部サイトViolence taking place : the architecture of the Kosovo conflict外部サイトWorlds within : national narratives and global connections in postcolonial writing外部サイトWalter Benjamin : images, the creaturely, and the holy外部サイトNietzsche : an introduction外部サイトExemplarity and chosenness : Rosenzweig and Derrida on the nation of philosophy外部サイトReligion in public : Locke's political theology外部サイトFormations of the secular : Christianity, Islam, modernity外部サイトEmmanuel Levinas's Talmudic turn : philosophy and Jewish thought外部サイトGeorges Bataille : phenomenology and phantasmatology外部サイトSediments of time : on possible histories外部サイトThe machinery of talk : Charles Peirce and the sign hypothesis外部サイトDeleuzian concepts : philosophy, colonization, politics外部サイトThe confession of Augustine外部サイトMilton and the post-secular present : ethics, politics, terrorism外部サイトThe material image : art and the real in film外部サイトA systems theory of religion外部サイトThe legend of Freud外部サイトReligion外部サイトOccidental eschatology外部サイトReligion and cultural memory : ten studies外部サイトAgainst voluptuous bodies : late modernism and the meaning of painting外部サイトA covenant of creatures : Levinas's philosophy of Judaism外部サイトThe honor of thinking : critique, theory, philosophy外部サイトMuseum memories : history, technology, art外部サイトReading Derrida/thinking Paul : on justice外部サイトArtificial presence : philosophical studies in image theory外部サイトOutlaw justice : the Messianic politics of Paul外部サイトRemnants of song : trauma and the experience of modernity in Charles Baudelaire and Paul Celan外部サイトWarped mourning : stories of the undead in the land of the unburied外部サイトCounterpath : traveling with Jacques Derrida外部サイトHouses in motion : the experience of place and the problem of belief in urban Malaysia外部サイトHusserl's phenomenology外部サイトTake care of freedom and truth will take care of itself : interviews with Richard Rorty外部サイトBeckett, Derrida, and the event of literature外部サイトI am the truth : toward a philosophy of Christianity外部サイトAesthetics of appearing外部サイトA theory of /cloud/ : toward a history of painting外部サイトThe material image : art and the real in film外部サイトTaking on the tradition : Jacques Derrida and the legacies of deconstruction外部サイトThe long space : transnationalism and postcolonial form外部サイトTheodor Adorno and the century of negative identity外部サイトMultidirectional memory : remembering the Holocaust in the age of decolonization外部サイトAn atheism that is not humanist emerges in French thought外部サイトThe neuro-image : a Deleuzian film-philosophy of digital screen culture外部サイトQuestioning Judaism外部サイトDialectic of enlightenment : philosophical fragments外部サイトAnatomy of the passions外部サイトInstitution and interpretation外部サイトEmerson's transcendental etudes外部サイトNaming the witch外部サイト"Our place in al-Andalus" : Kabbalah, philosophy, literature in Arab Jewish letters外部サイトA finite thinking外部サイトBlack holes外部サイトSaint Paul : the foundation of universalism外部サイトCan one live after Auschwitz? : a philosophical reader外部サイトThe ethics of Emmanuel Levinas外部サイトPlato and Europe外部サイトThe matrix of visual culture : working with Deleuze in film theory外部サイトHistorical representation外部サイトThe game of probability : literature and calculation from Pascal to Kleist外部サイトDead time : temporal disorders in the wake of modernity (Baudelaire and Flaubert)外部サイトIn the self's place : the approach of Saint Augustine外部サイトAdventures in the French trade : fragments toward a life外部サイトEmpathic vision : affect, trauma, and contemporary art外部サイトPhilosophers and thespians : thinking performance外部サイトThe literary in theory外部サイトThe mark of the sacred外部サイトThe ego and the flesh : an introduction to egoanalysis外部サイトThe price of truth : gift, money, and philosophy外部サイトThe present alone is our happiness : conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson外部サイトRetroactive justice : prehistory of post-communism外部サイトLessons from a materialist thinker : hobbesian reflections on ethics and politics外部サイトFlaubert postsecular : modernity crossed out外部サイトThe unthought debt : Heidegger and the Hebraic heritage外部サイトWhat is a classic? : postcolonial rewriting and invention of the canon外部サイトThe cult of art in Nazi Germany外部サイトStructures of memory : understanding urban change in Berlin and beyond外部サイトThought-images : Frankfurt School writers' reflections from damaged life外部サイトFrom cult to culture : fragments toward a critique of historical reason外部サイトThe reality of the mass media外部サイトBeing given : toward a phenomenology of givenness外部サイトMimesis and theory : essays on literature and criticism, 1953-2005外部サイトLiving thought : the origins and actuality of Italian philosophy外部サイトReflections of equality外部サイトCommunitas : the origin and destiny of community外部サイトWorld spectators外部サイトComparing the incomparable外部サイトMourning sickness : Hegel and the French Revolution外部サイトThe solid letter : readings of Friedrich Hölderlin外部サイトOn historicizing epistemology : an essay外部サイトJust being difficult? : academic writing in the public arena外部サイトSoundproof room : Malraux's anti-aesthetics外部サイトNiklas Luhmann's modernity : the paradoxes of differentiation外部サイトSilent urns : Romanticism, Hellenism, Modernity外部サイトA childhood memory by Piero della Francesca外部サイトFor what tomorrow : a dialogue外部サイトPresent pasts : urban palimpsests and the politics of memory外部サイトSemites : race, religion, literature外部サイトThe belated witness : literature, testimony, and the question of Holocaust survival外部サイトParages外部サイトNew demons : rethinking power and evil today外部サイトPhilosophers and thespians : thinking performance外部サイトBeing with the dead : burial, ancestral politics, and the roots of historical consciousness外部サイトSublime historical experience外部サイトThe implicated subject : beyond victims and perpetrators外部サイト






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Editors: Mieke Bal and Hent de Vries
Mediated memories in the digital age
Powers of the secular modern : Talal Asad and his interlocutors
Faith as an option : possible futures for Christianity
Desire and distance : introduction to a phenomenology of perception
In praise of new travelers : reading Caribbean migrant women writers
Political representation
Fault lines : cultural memory and Japanese surrealism
Romanticism after Auschwitz
Paper machine
Little did I know : excerpts from memory
On escape = De l'évasion
Futures : of Jacques Derrida
World and life as one : ethics and ontology in Wittgenstein's early thought
The aesthetic paths of philosophy : presentation in Kant, Heidegger, Lacoue-Labarthe, and Nancy
Against autonomy : global dialectics of cultural exchange
All the difference in the world : postcoloniality and the ends of comparison
Making a nation, breaking a nation : literature and cultural politics in Yugoslavia
Human rights as a way of life : on Bergson's political philosophy
Can these bones live? : translation, survival, and cultural memory
The rhetoric of Romantic prophecy
Anthropology with an attitude : critical essays
A turbulent decade remembered : scenes from the Latin American sixties
The Jew, the Arab : a history of the enemy
Algeria cuts : women and representation, 1830 to the present
Monolingualism of the other, or, The prosthesis of origin
The politics of aesthetics : nationalism, gender, romanticism
The present alone is our happiness : conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson
Constructions of practical reason : interviews on moral and political philosophy
Theological tractates
Deconstruction as analytic philosophy
Theaters of justice : judging, staging, and working through in Arendt, Brecht, and Delbo
Formations of the secular : Christianity, Islam, modernity
Theory of society
The rhetoric of cultural dialogue : Jews and Germans from Moses Mendelssohn to Richard Wagner and beyond
Negotiations : interventions and interviews, 1971-2001
Routine violence : nations, fragments, histories
Double exposure : cutting across Buddhist and western discourses
The game of probability : literature and calculation from Pascal to Kleist
Fraud : the world of Ona'ah
The speculative remark : one of Hegel's bons mots
Freud and the institution of psychoanalytic knowledge
Re-figuring Hayden White
The crossing of the visible
The ends of mourning : psychoanalysis, literature, film
Dead certainty : the death penalty and the problem of judgment
Fantasm and fiction : on textual envisioning
Of hospitality : Anne Dufourmantelle invites Jacques Derrida to respond
The force of art
Enthusiasm : the Kantian critique of history
The seduction of the occult and the rise of the fantastic tale
The practice of conceptual history : timing history, spacing concepts
Re-figuring Hayden White
Radical equality : Ambedkar, Gandhi, and the risk of democracy
Memos from the besieged city : lifelines for cultural sustainability
Spinoza contra phenomenology : French rationalism from Cavaillès to Deleuze
The specter of capital
Theories of distinction : redescribing the descriptions of modernity
Sublime historical experience
Religion and media
Shifting priorities : gender and genre in seventeenth-century Dutch painting
The idea of form : rethinking Kant's aesthetics
Illuminations from the past : trauma, memory, and history in modern China
The practice of cultural analysis : exposing interdisciplinary interpretation
Image, icon, economy : the Byzantine origins of the contemporary imaginary
Genesis and trace : Derrida reading Husserl and Heidegger
Spermatic knowledge
After la dolce vita : a cultural prehistory of Berlusconi's Italy
Of minimal things : studies on the notion of relation
The ends of literature : the Latin American "boom" in the neoliberal marketplace
Testing the limit : Derrida, Henry, Levinas, and the phenomenological tradition
Love as passion : the codification of intimacy
Privacies : philosophical evaluations
The angel of history : Rosenzweig, Benjamin, Scholem
The political theology of Paul
Sacramental poetics at the dawn of secularism : when God left the world
The image of law : Deleuze, Bergson, Spinoza
Violence taking place : the architecture of the Kosovo conflict
Worlds within : national narratives and global connections in postcolonial writing
Walter Benjamin : images, the creaturely, and the holy
Nietzsche : an introduction
Exemplarity and chosenness : Rosenzweig and Derrida on the nation of philosophy
Religion in public : Locke's political theology
Formations of the secular : Christianity, Islam, modernity
Emmanuel Levinas's Talmudic turn : philosophy and Jewish thought
Georges Bataille : phenomenology and phantasmatology
Sediments of time : on possible histories
The machinery of talk : Charles Peirce and the sign hypothesis
Deleuzian concepts : philosophy, colonization, politics
The confession of Augustine
Milton and the post-secular present : ethics, politics, terrorism
The material image : art and the real in film
A systems theory of religion
The legend of Freud
Occidental eschatology
Religion and cultural memory : ten studies
Against voluptuous bodies : late modernism and the meaning of painting
A covenant of creatures : Levinas's philosophy of Judaism
The honor of thinking : critique, theory, philosophy
Museum memories : history, technology, art
Reading Derrida/thinking Paul : on justice
Artificial presence : philosophical studies in image theory
Outlaw justice : the Messianic politics of Paul
Remnants of song : trauma and the experience of modernity in Charles Baudelaire and Paul Celan
Warped mourning : stories of the undead in the land of the unburied
Counterpath : traveling with Jacques Derrida
Houses in motion : the experience of place and the problem of belief in urban Malaysia
Husserl's phenomenology
Take care of freedom and truth will take care of itself : interviews with Richard Rorty
Beckett, Derrida, and the event of literature
I am the truth : toward a philosophy of Christianity
Aesthetics of appearing
A theory of /cloud/ : toward a history of painting
The material image : art and the real in film
Taking on the tradition : Jacques Derrida and the legacies of deconstruction
The long space : transnationalism and postcolonial form
Theodor Adorno and the century of negative identity
Multidirectional memory : remembering the Holocaust in the age of decolonization
An atheism that is not humanist emerges in French thought
The neuro-image : a Deleuzian film-philosophy of digital screen culture
Questioning Judaism
Dialectic of enlightenment : philosophical fragments
Anatomy of the passions
Institution and interpretation
Emerson's transcendental etudes
Naming the witch
"Our place in al-Andalus" : Kabbalah, philosophy, literature in Arab Jewish letters
A finite thinking
Black holes
Saint Paul : the foundation of universalism
Can one live after Auschwitz? : a philosophical reader
The ethics of Emmanuel Levinas
Plato and Europe
The matrix of visual culture : working with Deleuze in film theory
Historical representation
The game of probability : literature and calculation from Pascal to Kleist
Dead time : temporal disorders in the wake of modernity (Baudelaire and Flaubert)
In the self's place : the approach of Saint Augustine
Adventures in the French trade : fragments toward a life
Empathic vision : affect, trauma, and contemporary art
Philosophers and thespians : thinking performance
The literary in theory
The mark of the sacred
The ego and the flesh : an introduction to egoanalysis
The price of truth : gift, money, and philosophy
The present alone is our happiness : conversations with Jeannie Carlier and Arnold I. Davidson
Retroactive justice : prehistory of post-communism
Lessons from a materialist thinker : hobbesian reflections on ethics and politics
Flaubert postsecular : modernity crossed out
The unthought debt : Heidegger and the Hebraic heritage
What is a classic? : postcolonial rewriting and invention of the canon
The cult of art in Nazi Germany
Structures of memory : understanding urban change in Berlin and beyond
Thought-images : Frankfurt School writers' reflections from damaged life
From cult to culture : fragments toward a critique of historical reason
The reality of the mass media
Being given : toward a phenomenology of givenness
Mimesis and theory : essays on literature and criticism, 1953-2005
Living thought : the origins and actuality of Italian philosophy
Reflections of equality
Communitas : the origin and destiny of community
World spectators
Comparing the incomparable
Mourning sickness : Hegel and the French Revolution
The solid letter : readings of Friedrich Hölderlin
On historicizing epistemology : an essay
Just being difficult? : academic writing in the public arena
Soundproof room : Malraux's anti-aesthetics
Niklas Luhmann's modernity : the paradoxes of differentiation
Silent urns : Romanticism, Hellenism, Modernity
A childhood memory by Piero della Francesca
For what tomorrow : a dialogue
Present pasts : urban palimpsests and the politics of memory
Semites : race, religion, literature
The belated witness : literature, testimony, and the question of Holocaust survival
New demons : rethinking power and evil today
Philosophers and thespians : thinking performance
Being with the dead : burial, ancestral politics, and the roots of historical consciousness
Sublime historical experience
The implicated subject : beyond victims and perpetrators
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research