
Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics


Cambridge studies in advanced mathematics

Cambridge University Press



Editorial board, as of 1998: D.J.H. Garling, W. Fulton, T. tom Dieck, P. WaltersEditorial board, as of 2004: B. Bollobas, W. Fulton, A. Katok, F. Kirw...


Representation theory of Artin algebras外部サイトAdditive combinatorics外部サイトAlgebraic automata theory外部サイトLectures on Arakelov geometry外部サイトLocal cohomology : an algebraic introduction with geometric applications外部サイトBasic theory and examples外部サイトClassical and multilinear harmonic analysis外部サイトBasic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras外部サイトRepresentations and characters of finite groups外部サイトFourier analysis and Hausdorff dimension外部サイトHigher categories and homotopical algebra外部サイトAlgebraic groups : the theory of group schemes of finite type over a field外部サイトAn introduction to the theory of the Riemann zeta-function外部サイトAn introduction to random matrices外部サイトGeometry, counting of points and local harmonic analysis外部サイトCohen-Macaulay rings外部サイトAutomorphic forms, trace formulas and Langlands correspondence外部サイトGroups acting on graphs外部サイトIntroduction to model spaces and their operators外部サイトSpinning tops : a course on integrable systems外部サイトA user's guide to spectral sequences外部サイトCohomology of groups and modules外部サイトTopics in metric fixed point theory外部サイトEnumerative combinatorics外部サイトLectures on vector bundles外部サイトSpectral theory and differential operators外部サイトIntroduction to the construction of class fields外部サイトAn introduction to nonlinear analysis外部サイトGalois representations and (φ, Γ)-modules外部サイトAnalytic combinatorics in several variables外部サイトStochastic analysis : Itô and Malliavin calculus in tandem外部サイトLinear algebraic groups and finite groups of Lie type外部サイトLectures on logarithmic algebraic geometry外部サイトSpecial functions and orthogonal polynomials外部サイトEisenstein series and automorphic representations with applications in string theory外部サイトStochastic flows and stochastic differential equations外部サイトCohomological methods in transformation groups外部サイトModular forms and Galois cohomology外部サイトAssociation schemes : designed experiments, algebra and combinatorics外部サイトCharacter theory and the McKay conjecture外部サイトIntroduction to higher order categorical logic外部サイトA comprehensive introduction to sub-Riemannian geometry : from the Hamiltonian viewpoint外部サイトPositive harmonic functions and diffusion外部サイトA primer of nonlinear analysis外部サイトBanach spaces for analysts外部サイトBasic theory and examples外部サイトFinite group theory外部サイトGroups acting on graphs外部サイトSpectral theory and differential operators外部サイトUltrametric calculus : an introduction to p-adic analysis外部サイトSet theory外部サイトLévy processes and infinitely divisible distributions外部サイトLectures on Arakelov geometry外部サイトCharacteristic classes and the cohomology of finite groups外部サイトAbsolutely summing operators外部サイトIntroduction to analytic and probabilistic number theory外部サイトGeometric control theory外部サイトGaussian processes on trees : from spin glasses to branching Brownian motion外部サイトAssociation schemes : designed experiments, algebra and combinatorics外部サイトGalois groups and fundamental groups外部サイトModern analysis of automorphic forms by example外部サイトLévy processes and stochastic calculus外部サイトAlgebraic number theory外部サイトNatural dualities for the working algebraist外部サイトNonlinear analysis and semilinear elliptic problems外部サイトUniform central limit theorems外部サイトRepresentations of groups : a computational approach外部サイトCentral simple algebras and Galois cohomology外部サイトLie algebras of finite and affine type外部サイトDiscrete harmonic analysis : representations, number theory, expanders, and the Fourier transform外部サイトCellular structures in topology外部サイトGeometric analysis外部サイトQuantum fields and processes : a combinatorial approach外部サイトThe theory of fusion systems : an algebraic approach外部サイトRepresentation theory of the symmetric groups : the Okounkov-Vershik approach, character formulas, and partition algebras外部サイトCategories and modules with K-theory in view外部サイトCellular structures in topology外部サイトRandom walk : a modern introduction外部サイトAutomorphic forms, trace formulas and Langlands correspondence外部サイトRandom Graphs外部サイトLinear operators and their spectra外部サイトMathematical Logic外部サイトAutomorphic forms and L-functions for the group GL(n, R)外部サイトModels and games外部サイトEnumerative combinatorics外部サイトLanglands correspondence for loop groups外部サイトUniform central limit theorems外部サイトFourier analysis and partial differential equations外部サイトAnalytic pro-p groups外部サイトAn introduction to homological algebra外部サイトEnumerative combinatorics外部サイトGalois theories外部サイトAn introduction to the theory of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces外部サイトGeometric control theory外部サイトComplex analysis外部サイトPractical foundations of mathematics外部サイトIntroduction to foliations and Lie groupoids外部サイトThe logarithmic integral外部サイトAutomorphic forms and representations外部サイトReal analysis and probability外部サイトMathematical Logic外部サイトGeometry of sets and measures in euclidean spaces : fractals and rectifiability外部サイトClassical theory外部サイトWavelets and operators外部サイトMultidimensional stochastic processes as rough paths : theory and applications外部サイトOptimal control and geometry : integrable systems外部サイトAn introduction to nonlinear analysis外部サイトLectures on K3 surfaces外部サイトCohomology of groups and modules外部サイトPositive harmonic functions and diffusion外部サイトSets of finite perimeter and geometric variational problems : an introduction to geometric measure theory外部サイト(1 + 1)-dimensional continuous models外部サイトWavelets : Calderón-Zygmund and multilinear operators外部サイトRepresentation theory : a combinatorial viewpoint外部サイトTolerance graphs外部サイトSpinning tops : a course on integrable systems外部サイトErgodic theory外部サイトThe character theory of finite groups of Lie type : a guided tour外部サイトToeplitz matrices and operators外部サイトp-adic differential equations外部サイトAlgebraic groups : the theory of group schemes of finite type over a field外部サイトAn introduction to infinite-dimensional differential geometry外部サイトAlgebraic groups and number theory外部サイトEnumerative combinatorics外部サイトAnalytic combinatorics in several variables外部サイトIntroductory lectures on Siegel modular forms外部サイトLévy processes and stochastic calculus外部サイトClassical theory外部サイトSome random series of functions外部サイトFormal geometry and bordism operations外部サイトAn introduction to the theory of the Riemann zeta-function外部サイトGeometry of sets and measures in euclidean spaces : fractals and rectifiability外部サイトHolomorphic dynamics外部サイトHodge theory and complex algebraic geometry外部サイトAn introduction to invariants and moduli外部サイトPeriod mappings and period domains外部サイトMarkov processes, Gaussian processes, and local times外部サイトModular forms and Galois cohomology外部サイトAdditive combinatorics外部サイトDifferential topology外部サイトReflection groups and Coxeter groups外部サイトExplicit Brauer induction with applications to algebra and number theory外部サイトFractals in probability and analysis外部サイトLocal representation theory : modular representations as an introduction to the local representation theory of finite groups外部サイトExplicit Brauer induction with applications to algebra and number theory外部サイトPeriod mappings and period domains外部サイトLocal cohomology : an algebraic introduction with geometric applications外部サイトAn introduction to contact topology外部サイトHarmonic analysis on finite groups : representation theory, Gelfand pairs and Markov chains外部サイトGeometry, counting of points and local harmonic analysis外部サイトZeta functions of graphs : a stroll through the garden外部サイトMartingales in Banach spaces外部サイトAn introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras外部サイトSpecial functions : a graduate text外部サイトLévy processes and infinitely divisible distributions外部サイトFinite group theory外部サイトAn introduction to invariants and moduli外部サイトCompletely bounded maps and operator algebras外部サイトAutomorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group外部サイトCalculus of variations外部サイトStone spaces外部サイトUnit equations in diophantine number theory外部サイトFinite group theory外部サイトRiemannian geometry : a modern introduction外部サイトSet theory外部サイトAutomorphic forms and L-functions for the group GL(n, R)外部サイトAn outline of ergodic theory外部サイトCommutative algebra外部サイトThe three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations : classical theory外部サイトMultidimensional real analysis外部サイトHyperbolicity and sensitive chaotic dynamics at homoclinic bifurcations : fractal dimensions and infinitely many attractors外部サイトRepresentation theory of Artin algebras外部サイトBasic category theory外部サイトFoundations of ergodic theory外部サイトAnalytic pro-p groups外部サイトGroups as Galois groups : an introduction外部サイトAnalysis in integer and fractional dimensions外部サイト(1 + 1)-dimensional discrete models外部サイトUltrametric calculus : an introduction to p-adic analysis外部サイトErdős-Ko-Rado theorems : algebraic approaches外部サイトMathematical aspects of quantum field theory外部サイトp-adic differential equations外部サイトAnalysis on Lie groups : an introduction外部サイトCentral simple algebras and galois cohomology外部サイトUniform central limit theorems外部サイトIntroductory lectures on Siegel modular forms外部サイトTopics in metric fixed point theory外部サイトHyperbolicity and sensitive chaotic dynamics at homoclinic bifurcations : fractal dimensions and infinitely many attractors外部サイトMarkov processes, Gaussian processes, and local times外部サイトErgodic theory外部サイトStochastic flows and stochastic differential equations外部サイトReflection groups and Coxeter groups外部サイトClifford algebras and Dirac operators in harmonic analysis外部サイトQuasiconformal surgery in holomorphic dynamics外部サイトLectures on Lyapunov exponents外部サイトAn introduction to rings and modules : with K-theory in view外部サイトA primer of nonlinear analysis外部サイトAn introduction to homological algebra外部サイトMathematical tools for one-dimensional dynamics外部サイトComplex topological K-theory外部サイトCommutative algebra外部サイトAutomorphic forms and representations外部サイトAn introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras外部サイトGeometry and complexity theory外部サイトBanach spaces for analysts外部サイトGlobal methods for combinatorial isoperimetric problems外部サイトRepresentations of nilpotent Lie groups and their applications外部サイトCohomological methods in transformation groups外部サイトPartial differential equations for probabilists外部サイトAlgebraic number theory外部サイトRandom fragmentation and coagulation processes外部サイトBasic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras外部サイトClifford algebras and Dirac operators in harmonic analysis外部サイトAlgebraic homotopy外部サイトLocal cohomology : an algebraic introduction with geometric applications外部サイトGroups as Galois groups : an introduction外部サイトHodge theory and complex algebraic geometry外部サイトCohen-Macaulay rings外部サイトLocal representation theory : modular representations as an introduction to the local representation theory of finite groups外部サイトIntroduction to higher order categorical logic外部サイトCommutative ring theory外部サイトAlgebraic automata theory外部サイトAn introduction to harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups外部サイトStone spaces外部サイトCommutative ring theory外部サイトSome random series of functions外部サイトPartial differential equations for probabilists外部サイトCox rings外部サイトThe logarithmic integral外部サイトEigenvalues and s-numbers外部サイトRepresentations of the infinite symmetric group外部サイトSpectral theory and its applications外部サイトComplex polynomials外部サイトIntroduction to banach spaces : analysis and probability外部サイトLocally convex spaces over non-Archimedean valued fields外部サイトGalois theories外部サイトHardy spaces外部サイトA course in finite group representation theory外部サイトAn introduction to harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups外部サイトRational and nearly rational varieties外部サイトClifford algebras and the classical groups外部サイトFourier analysis and partial differential equations外部サイトSingularly perturbed methods for nonlinear elliptic problems外部サイトHomological theory of representations外部サイトElements of [infinity]-category theory外部サイトSchrödinger operators : eigenvalues and Lieb-Thirring inequalities外部サイトHomological methods in Banach space theory外部サイトComplex algebraic threefolds外部サイトEquivariant cohomology in algebraic geometry外部サイトHarmonic functions and random walks on groups外部サイトThe Bellman function technique in harmonic analysis外部サイトFoundations of stable homotopy theory外部サイトFourier restriction, decoupling, and applications外部サイトAn introduction to probabilistic number theory外部サイトDimension groups and dynamical systems : substitutions, Bratteli diagrams and Cantor systems外部サイトPolynomial methods and incidence theory外部サイトSymmetry in graphs外部サイトFunctional analysis外部サイトGeometric inverse problems : with emphasis on two dimensions外部サイトThe geometry of cubic hypersurfaces外部サイトEnumerative combinatorics外部サイトPolytopes and graphs外部サイトFrom categories to homotopy theory外部サイトHigher index theory外部サイトDerived categories外部サイトLectures on random lozenge tilings外部サイトBasic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras外部サイトEnumerative combinatorics外部サイトOptimal mass transport on Euclidean spaces外部サイトGenerators of Markov chains : from a walk in the interior to a dance on the boundary外部サイト



  • Representation theory of Artin algebras

  • Additive combinatorics

  • Algebraic automata theory

  • Lectures on Arakelov geometry

  • Local cohomology : an algebraic introduction with geometric applications





  • CiNii Research

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Editorial board, as of 1998: D.J.H. Garling, W. Fulton, T. tom Dieck, P. Walters
Editorial board, as of 2004: B. Bollobas, W. Fulton, A. Katok, F. Kirwan, P. Sarnak
Representation theory of Artin algebras
Additive combinatorics
Algebraic automata theory
Lectures on Arakelov geometry
Local cohomology : an algebraic introduction with geometric applications
Basic theory and examples
Classical and multilinear harmonic analysis
Basic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras
Representations and characters of finite groups
Fourier analysis and Hausdorff dimension
Higher categories and homotopical algebra
Algebraic groups : the theory of group schemes of finite type over a field
An introduction to the theory of the Riemann zeta-function
An introduction to random matrices
Geometry, counting of points and local harmonic analysis
Cohen-Macaulay rings
Automorphic forms, trace formulas and Langlands correspondence
Groups acting on graphs
Introduction to model spaces and their operators
Spinning tops : a course on integrable systems
A user's guide to spectral sequences
Cohomology of groups and modules
Topics in metric fixed point theory
Enumerative combinatorics
Lectures on vector bundles
Spectral theory and differential operators
Introduction to the construction of class fields
An introduction to nonlinear analysis
Galois representations and (φ, Γ)-modules
Analytic combinatorics in several variables
Stochastic analysis : Itô and Malliavin calculus in tandem
Linear algebraic groups and finite groups of Lie type
Lectures on logarithmic algebraic geometry
Special functions and orthogonal polynomials
Eisenstein series and automorphic representations with applications in string theory
Stochastic flows and stochastic differential equations
Cohomological methods in transformation groups
Modular forms and Galois cohomology
Association schemes : designed experiments, algebra and combinatorics
Character theory and the McKay conjecture
Introduction to higher order categorical logic
A comprehensive introduction to sub-Riemannian geometry : from the Hamiltonian viewpoint
Positive harmonic functions and diffusion
A primer of nonlinear analysis
Banach spaces for analysts
Basic theory and examples
Finite group theory
Groups acting on graphs
Spectral theory and differential operators
Ultrametric calculus : an introduction to p-adic analysis
Set theory
Lévy processes and infinitely divisible distributions
Lectures on Arakelov geometry
Characteristic classes and the cohomology of finite groups
Absolutely summing operators
Introduction to analytic and probabilistic number theory
Geometric control theory
Gaussian processes on trees : from spin glasses to branching Brownian motion
Association schemes : designed experiments, algebra and combinatorics
Galois groups and fundamental groups
Modern analysis of automorphic forms by example
Lévy processes and stochastic calculus
Algebraic number theory
Natural dualities for the working algebraist
Nonlinear analysis and semilinear elliptic problems
Uniform central limit theorems
Representations of groups : a computational approach
Central simple algebras and Galois cohomology
Lie algebras of finite and affine type
Discrete harmonic analysis : representations, number theory, expanders, and the Fourier transform
Cellular structures in topology
Geometric analysis
Quantum fields and processes : a combinatorial approach
The theory of fusion systems : an algebraic approach
Representation theory of the symmetric groups : the Okounkov-Vershik approach, character formulas, and partition algebras
Categories and modules with K-theory in view
Cellular structures in topology
Random walk : a modern introduction
Automorphic forms, trace formulas and Langlands correspondence
Random Graphs
Linear operators and their spectra
Mathematical Logic
Automorphic forms and L-functions for the group GL(n, R)
Models and games
Enumerative combinatorics
Langlands correspondence for loop groups
Uniform central limit theorems
Fourier analysis and partial differential equations
Analytic pro-p groups
An introduction to homological algebra
Enumerative combinatorics
Galois theories
An introduction to the theory of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
Geometric control theory
Complex analysis
Practical foundations of mathematics
Introduction to foliations and Lie groupoids
The logarithmic integral
Automorphic forms and representations
Real analysis and probability
Mathematical Logic
Geometry of sets and measures in euclidean spaces : fractals and rectifiability
Classical theory
Wavelets and operators
Multidimensional stochastic processes as rough paths : theory and applications
Optimal control and geometry : integrable systems
An introduction to nonlinear analysis
Lectures on K3 surfaces
Cohomology of groups and modules
Positive harmonic functions and diffusion
Sets of finite perimeter and geometric variational problems : an introduction to geometric measure theory
(1 + 1)-dimensional continuous models
Wavelets : Calderón-Zygmund and multilinear operators
Representation theory : a combinatorial viewpoint
Tolerance graphs
Spinning tops : a course on integrable systems
Ergodic theory
The character theory of finite groups of Lie type : a guided tour
Toeplitz matrices and operators
p-adic differential equations
Algebraic groups : the theory of group schemes of finite type over a field
An introduction to infinite-dimensional differential geometry
Algebraic groups and number theory
Enumerative combinatorics
Analytic combinatorics in several variables
Introductory lectures on Siegel modular forms
Lévy processes and stochastic calculus
Classical theory
Some random series of functions
Formal geometry and bordism operations
An introduction to the theory of the Riemann zeta-function
Geometry of sets and measures in euclidean spaces : fractals and rectifiability
Holomorphic dynamics
Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry
An introduction to invariants and moduli
Period mappings and period domains
Markov processes, Gaussian processes, and local times
Modular forms and Galois cohomology
Additive combinatorics
Differential topology
Reflection groups and Coxeter groups
Explicit Brauer induction with applications to algebra and number theory
Fractals in probability and analysis
Local representation theory : modular representations as an introduction to the local representation theory of finite groups
Explicit Brauer induction with applications to algebra and number theory
Period mappings and period domains
Local cohomology : an algebraic introduction with geometric applications
An introduction to contact topology
Harmonic analysis on finite groups : representation theory, Gelfand pairs and Markov chains
Geometry, counting of points and local harmonic analysis
Zeta functions of graphs : a stroll through the garden
Martingales in Banach spaces
An introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras
Special functions : a graduate text
Lévy processes and infinitely divisible distributions
Finite group theory
An introduction to invariants and moduli
Completely bounded maps and operator algebras
Automorphic representations and L-functions for the general linear group
Calculus of variations
Stone spaces
Unit equations in diophantine number theory
Finite group theory
Riemannian geometry : a modern introduction
Set theory
Automorphic forms and L-functions for the group GL(n, R)
An outline of ergodic theory
Commutative algebra
The three-dimensional Navier-Stokes equations : classical theory
Multidimensional real analysis
Hyperbolicity and sensitive chaotic dynamics at homoclinic bifurcations : fractal dimensions and infinitely many attractors
Representation theory of Artin algebras
Basic category theory
Foundations of ergodic theory
Analytic pro-p groups
Groups as Galois groups : an introduction
Analysis in integer and fractional dimensions
(1 + 1)-dimensional discrete models
Ultrametric calculus : an introduction to p-adic analysis
Erdős-Ko-Rado theorems : algebraic approaches
Mathematical aspects of quantum field theory
p-adic differential equations
Analysis on Lie groups : an introduction
Central simple algebras and galois cohomology
Uniform central limit theorems
Introductory lectures on Siegel modular forms
Topics in metric fixed point theory
Hyperbolicity and sensitive chaotic dynamics at homoclinic bifurcations : fractal dimensions and infinitely many attractors
Markov processes, Gaussian processes, and local times
Ergodic theory
Stochastic flows and stochastic differential equations
Reflection groups and Coxeter groups
Clifford algebras and Dirac operators in harmonic analysis
Quasiconformal surgery in holomorphic dynamics
Lectures on Lyapunov exponents
An introduction to rings and modules : with K-theory in view
A primer of nonlinear analysis
An introduction to homological algebra
Mathematical tools for one-dimensional dynamics
Complex topological K-theory
Commutative algebra
Automorphic forms and representations
An introduction to Lie groups and Lie algebras
Geometry and complexity theory
Banach spaces for analysts
Global methods for combinatorial isoperimetric problems
Representations of nilpotent Lie groups and their applications
Cohomological methods in transformation groups
Partial differential equations for probabilists
Algebraic number theory
Random fragmentation and coagulation processes
Basic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras
Clifford algebras and Dirac operators in harmonic analysis
Algebraic homotopy
Local cohomology : an algebraic introduction with geometric applications
Groups as Galois groups : an introduction
Hodge theory and complex algebraic geometry
Cohen-Macaulay rings
Local representation theory : modular representations as an introduction to the local representation theory of finite groups
Introduction to higher order categorical logic
Commutative ring theory
Algebraic automata theory
An introduction to harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups
Stone spaces
Commutative ring theory
Some random series of functions
Partial differential equations for probabilists
Cox rings
The logarithmic integral
Eigenvalues and s-numbers
Representations of the infinite symmetric group
Spectral theory and its applications
Complex polynomials
Introduction to banach spaces : analysis and probability
Locally convex spaces over non-Archimedean valued fields
Galois theories
Hardy spaces
A course in finite group representation theory
An introduction to harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groups
Rational and nearly rational varieties
Clifford algebras and the classical groups
Fourier analysis and partial differential equations
Singularly perturbed methods for nonlinear elliptic problems
Homological theory of representations
Elements of [infinity]-category theory
Schrödinger operators : eigenvalues and Lieb-Thirring inequalities
Homological methods in Banach space theory
Complex algebraic threefolds
Equivariant cohomology in algebraic geometry
Harmonic functions and random walks on groups
The Bellman function technique in harmonic analysis
Foundations of stable homotopy theory
Fourier restriction, decoupling, and applications
An introduction to probabilistic number theory
Dimension groups and dynamical systems : substitutions, Bratteli diagrams and Cantor systems
Polynomial methods and incidence theory
Symmetry in graphs
Functional analysis
Geometric inverse problems : with emphasis on two dimensions
The geometry of cubic hypersurfaces
Enumerative combinatorics
Polytopes and graphs
From categories to homotopy theory
Higher index theory
Derived categories
Lectures on random lozenge tilings
Basic representation theory of finite groups and associative algebras
Enumerative combinatorics
Optimal mass transport on Euclidean spaces
Generators of Markov chains : from a walk in the interior to a dance on the boundary
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books