
Brill's studies in intellectual history


Brill's studies in intellectual history

Vanderjagt, Arie Johan
E.J. Brill



General editor: A.J. Vanderjagt


Cornelius Agrippa, the humanist theologian and his declamations外部サイトEchoes of an invisible world : Marsilio Ficino and Francesco Patrizi on cosmic order and music theory外部サイトMagic and memory in Giordano Bruno : the art of a heroic spirit外部サイトLatitudinarianism in the seventeenth-century Church of England外部サイトReading catechisms, teaching religion外部サイトSabbath and sectarianism in seventeenth-century England外部サイトLocations of knowledge in medieval and early modern Europe : esoteric discourse and Western identities外部サイトThe Renaissance in Scotland : studies in literature, religion, history and culture offered to John Durkan外部サイトKants Vorsehungskonzept auf dem Hintergrund der deutschen Schulphilosophie und -theologie外部サイトIusti Lipsii Saturnalium Sermonum libri duo, qui de gladiatoribus : Lipsius' Saturnaliengespräche, eine textkritische Ausgabe mit Übersetzung, Einführung und Anmerkungen外部サイトThe medieval Abbey of Farfa : target of papal and imperial ambitions外部サイトEthics外部サイトThe world as active power : studies in the history of European reason外部サイトVertheidigung der katholischen Religion : sammt einem Anhange von der Möglichkeit einer Vereinigung zwischen unserer, und der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche (1789)外部サイトDying for the faith, killing for the faith : Old-Testament faith-warriors (1 and 2 Maccabees) in historical perspective外部サイトInstruments of the divinity : providence and praxis in the foundation of the Society of Jesus外部サイトSecrets : humanism, mysticism, and evangelism in Erasmus of Rotterdam, Bishop Guillaume Briçonnet, and Marguerite de Navarre外部サイトTexts and contexts in ancient and medieval science : studies on the occasion of John E. Murdoch's seventieth birthday外部サイトInterpretations of Renaissance humanism外部サイトDie Berliner Hugenotten und der Fall Barbeyrac : Orthodoxe und "Sozinianer" im Refuge (1685-1720)外部サイトThe Psalms commentary of Gilbert of Poitiers : from lectio divina to the lecture room外部サイトHow the west was won : essays on the literary imagination, the canon, and the Christian middle ages for Burcht Pranger外部サイトPresocratics and Plato : essays in honour of Denis O'Brien外部サイトConflict and reconciliation : perspectives on Nicholas of Cusa外部サイトThe prophet of Islam in Old French : The romance of Muhammad (1258), and, The book of Muhammad's ladder (1264)外部サイトVisualizing sensuous suffering and affective pain in early modern Europe and the Spanish Americas外部サイトTragic ambiguity : anthropology, philosophy and Sophocles' Antigone外部サイトJohannes Hoornbeeck (1617-1666), On the conversion of Indians and heathens : an annotated translation of De conversione Indorum et gentilium (1669)外部サイトSperone Speroni and the debate over sophistry in the Italian Renaissance外部サイトThe language of demons and angels : Cornelius Agrippa's occult philosophy外部サイトThe Jewish pope : ideology and politics in the papal schism of 1130外部サイトRethinking Abelard : a collection of critical essays外部サイトQueen Christina of Sweden and her Circle : the transformation of a seventeenth-century philosophical libertine外部サイトNew essays on the political thought of the Huguenots of the Refuge外部サイトThe problem of the rational soul in the thirteenth century外部サイトA romantic historiosophy : the philosophy of history of Pierre-Simon Ballanche外部サイトCartesian views : papers presented to Richard A. Watson外部サイトDe intellectu外部サイトCentres of learning : learning and location in pre-modern Europe and the Near East外部サイトThe disintegration of natural law theory : Aquinas to Finnis外部サイトThe language of science : a study of the relationship between literature and science in the perspective of a hermeneutical ontology, with a case study of Darwin's The origin of species外部サイトThe anatomy of despondency : European socio-cultural criticism, 1789-1939外部サイトThe life of J.D. Åkerblad : Egyptian decipherment and orientalism in revolutionary times外部サイトThe invention of the emblem book and the transmission of knowledge, ca. 1510-1610外部サイトHelena Augusta : the mother of Constantine the Great and the legend of her finding of the True Cross外部サイトThe winged chariot : collected essays on Plato and Platonism in honour of L.M. de Rijk外部サイトMind and modality : studies in the history of philosophy in honour of Simo Knuuttila外部サイトMytho-poetics at work : a study of the figure of Egmont, the Dutch Revolt and its influence in Europe外部サイトIsaac La Peyrère (1596-1676) : his life, work and influence外部サイトExpressionism and poster design in Germany 1905-1922 : between spirit and commerce外部サイトSymbols as power : the papacy following the investiture contest外部サイトInterpretation and allegory : antiquity to the modern period外部サイトDer sokratische Künstler : Studien zu Rembrandts Nachtwache外部サイトGott, Freiheit, Weltenwahl : der Ursprung des Begriffes der besten aller möglichen Welten in der Metaphysik der Willensfreiheit zwischen Antonio Perez S.J. (1599-1649) und G.W. Leibniz (1646-1716)外部サイト"For my worthy freind [i.e. friend] Mr. Franciscus Junius" : an edition of the correspondence of Francis Junius F.F. (1591-1677)外部サイトŒuvres philosophiques外部サイトThe battle of the Gods and Giants redux : papers presented to Thomas M. Lennon外部サイトFrans Floris (1519/20-1570) : imagining a Northern Renaissance外部サイトQueen Jeanne and the Promised Land : dynasty, homeland, religion and violence in sixteenth-century France外部サイトBarbary and enlightenment : European attitudes towards the Maghreb in the 18th century外部サイトBonaventura Vulcanius, works and networks : Bruges 1538-Leiden 1614 : papers外部サイトDialogues of Maximus and Themistius外部サイトThe plain truth : Descartes, Huet, and skepticism外部サイトArt history and visual studies in Europe : transnational discourses and national frameworks外部サイトMaarten van Heemskerck's Rome : antiquity, memory, and the cult of ruins外部サイトThe riddle of Jael : the history of a poxied heroine in Medieval and Renaissance art and culture外部サイトThe understanding of ornament in the Italian Renaissance外部サイトAnglo-Saxon prognostics, 900-1100 : study and texts外部サイトThe problem of divine foreknowledge and future contingents from Aristotle to Suarez外部サイトNew worlds and the Italian renaissance : contributions to the history of European intellectual culture外部サイトOrnamental nationalism : archaeology and antiquities in Mexico, 1876-1911外部サイトMaking copies in European art 1400-1600 : shifting tastes, modes of transmission, and changing contexts外部サイトCultural politics in fifteenth-century England : the case of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester外部サイトClassics in Russia 1700-1855 : between two bronze horsemen外部サイトInteractive and sculptural printmaking in the Renaissance外部サイトCistercian architecture and medieval society外部サイトTheology and music at the early university : the case of Robert Grosseteste and Anonymous IV外部サイトSpinoza past and present : essays on Spinoza, Spinozism, and Spinoza scholarship外部サイトSpanish treatises on government, society and religion in the time of Philip II : the 'De regimine principum' and associated traditions外部サイトEducation and learning in the Netherlands, 1400-1600 : essays in honour of Hilde de Ridder-Symoens外部サイトDivine foreknowledge and human freedom : the coherence of theism : omniscience外部サイトMaternal breast-feeding and its substitutes in nineteenth-century French art外部サイトRenaissance controversies, later scholasticism, and the elimination of the intelligible species in modern philosophy外部サイトProfit and principle : Hugo Grotius, natural rights theories and the rise of Dutch power in the East Indies, 1595-1615外部サイトThe crisis of courtesy : studies in the conduct-book in Britain, 1600-1900外部サイト"Be sober and reasonable" : the critique of enthusiasm in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries外部サイトHoly organ or unholy idol? : the Sacred Heart in the art, religion, and politics of New Spain外部サイトThe cardinal virtues in the Middle Ages : a study in moral thought from the fourth to the fourteenth century外部サイトLiterature and artistic practice in the sixteenth-century Italy外部サイトPhilosophische Gotteserkenntnis bei Suárez und Descartes : im Zusammenhang mit der niederländischen reformierten Theologie und Philosophie des 17. Jahrhunderts外部サイトTranslatio studiorum : ancient, medieval and modern bearers of intellectual history外部サイトThe corpus iuris civilis in the Middle Ages : manuscripts and transmission from the sixth century to the juristic revival外部サイトDivine causality and human free choice : Domingo Báñez, physical premotion and the controversy de Auxiliis revisited外部サイトFrom Bayle to the Batavian revolution : essays on philosophy in the eighteenth-century Dutch Republic外部サイトThe Vatican manuscript of Spinoza's Ethica外部サイトThe tessera of Antilia : utopian brotherhoods & secret societies in the early seventeenth century外部サイトReligious polemic and the intellectual history of the Mozarabs, c.1050-1200外部サイトThe intellectual consequences of religious heterodoxy, 1600-1750外部サイトThe poet's wisdom : the humanists, the church, and the formation of philosophy in the early Renaissance外部サイトIusti Lipsii De Amphitheatro et De Amphitheatris quae extra Romam libellus : Lipsius' Buch über Amphitheater, eine textkritische Ausgabe mit Übersetzung, Einführung und Anmerkungen外部サイトIsaac Vossius (1618-1689), between science and scholarship外部サイトThe fabrication of Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato della pittura : with a scholarly edition of the editio princeps (1651) and an annotated English translation外部サイトThe politics of skepticism in the ancients, Montaigne, Hume, and Kant外部サイトTrumpets from the tower : English Puritan printing in the Netherlands, 1600-1640外部サイトDe regimine Christiano : a critical edition and translation外部サイトRestoring the temple of vision : cabalistic Freemasonry and Stuart culture外部サイトFrom Stevin to Spinoza : an essay on philosophy in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic外部サイトHospitals and urbanism in Rome, 1200-1500外部サイトThe historiographical concept 'system of philosophy' : its origin, nature, influence and legitimacy外部サイトParacelsus und seine internationale Rezeption in der frühen Neuzeit : Beiträge zur Geschichte des Paracelsismus外部サイトDancing around the well : the circulation of commonplaces in Renaissance humanism外部サイトImages of the educational traveller in early modern England外部サイトSpheres of philosophical inquiry and the historiography of medieval philosophy外部サイトPre-modern encyclopaedic texts : proceedings of the Second COMERS Congress, Groningen, 1-4 July 1996外部サイトThe Accademia Pontaniana : a model of a humanist network外部サイトContract theory in historical context : essays on Grotius, Hobbes, and Locke外部サイトCity views in the Habsburg and Medici courts : depictions of rhetoric and rule in the sixteenth century外部サイトGreece reinvented : transformations of Byzantine Hellenism in Renaissance Italy外部サイトKnowledge and religion in early modern Europe : studies in honor of Michael Heyd外部サイトThe body within : art, medicine and visualization外部サイトBetween Scylla and Charybdis : learned letter writers navigating the reefs of religious and political controversy in early modern Europe外部サイトThe rose cross and the age of reason : eighteenth-century rosicrucianism in Central Europe and its relationship to the Enlightenment外部サイトModels of political competence : the evolution of political norms in the works of Burgundian and Habsburg court historians, c. 1470-1700外部サイトHumanism and creativity in the Renaissance : essays in honor of Ronald G. Witt外部サイトSkepticism in the modern age : building on the work of Richard Popkin外部サイトIn Samuel's image : child oblation in the early medieval West外部サイトLutheran humanists and Greek antiquity : Melanchthonian scholarship between universal history and pedagogy外部サイトNicolaus Cusanus on faith and the intellect : a case study in 15th-century fides-ratio controversy外部サイトTransformations of time and temporality in Medieval and Renaissance art外部サイトMediation and love : a study of the medieval go-between in key Romance and Near-Eastern texts外部サイトPeter Lombard外部サイトGiannozzo Manetti's New Testament : translation theory and practice in fifteenth-century Italy外部サイトPierre Bayle (1647-1706), le philosophe de Rotterdam : philosophy, religion and reception : selected papers of the tercentenary conference held at Rotterdam, 7-8 December 2006外部サイトPierre Gassendi's philosophy and science : atomism for empiricists外部サイトScepticism and the foundation of epistemology : a study in the metalogical fallacies外部サイトAmbrogio Leone's De Nola, Venice 1514 : humanism and antiquarian culture in Renaissance southern Italy外部サイトAiry nothings : imagining the otherworld of faerie from the middle ages to the age of reason : essays in honour of Alasdair A. MacDonald外部サイトCosmic and meta-cosmic theology in Aristotle's lost dialogues外部サイトThe ideology of Burgundy : the promotion of national consciousness, 1364-1565外部サイトInstitutio oratoria : Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza外部サイトThe grammar of profit : the price revolution in intellectual context外部サイトThe Italian reformation outside Italy : Francesco Pucci's heresy in sixteenth-century Europe外部サイトMedieval discussions of the eternity of the world外部サイトNeo-Latin literature and literary culture in early modern Scotland外部サイトHumanism in an age of science : the Amsterdam Athenaeum in the golden age, 1632-1704外部サイトThe use of censorship in the Enlightenment外部サイトHermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768) : classicist, hebraist, enlightenment radical in disguise外部サイトExamination of Pharisaic traditions = Exame das tradições phariseas : facsimile of the unique copy in the Royal Library of Copenhagen外部サイトBernard of Clairvaux and the shape of monastic thought : broken dreams外部サイトFrom paradise to paradigm : a study of twelfth-century humanism外部サイトThe sibyl series of the fifteenth century外部サイトDe rebus naturalibus外部サイトLinguistic theories in Dante and the humanists : studies of language and intellectual history in late medieval and early Renaissance Italy外部サイトLe magasin de l'univers : the Dutch Republic as the centre of the European book trade : papers presented at the international colloquium, held at Wassenaar, 5-7 July 1990外部サイトSpinoza in English : a bibliography from the seventeenth century to the present外部サイトCritica : Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Literaturkritik zwischen Quintilian und Thomasius外部サイトSt. Jacob's Antwerp art and Counter Reformation in Rubens's parish church外部サイトBritish travellers in Holland during the Stuart period : Edward Browne and John Locke as tourists in the United Provinces外部サイトScepticism and irreligion in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries外部サイトEarly French and German defenses of freedom of the press : Elie Luzac's Essay on freedom of expression (1749) and Carl Friedrich Bahrdt's On freedom of the press and its limits (1787) in English translation外部サイトLes Alchandreana primitifs : étude sur les plus anciens traités astrologiques latins d'origine arabe (Xe siècle)外部サイトThe primacy of the image in northern European art, 1400-1700 : essays in honor of Larry Silver外部サイトPatricians, professors, and public schools : the origins of modern educational thought in America外部サイトBilingual Europe : Latin and vernacular cultures, examples of bilingualism and multilingualism c. 1300-1800外部サイトPrinces and princely culture, 1450-1650外部サイトSway of the Ottoman Empire on English identity in the long eighteenth century外部サイトHerder on empathy and sympathy = Einfühlung und Sympathie im Denken Herders外部サイトContesting modernity in the German secularization debate : Karl Löwith, Hans Blumenberg and Carl Schmitt in polemical contexts外部サイトA philosopher at the crossroads : Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's encounter with scholastic philosophy外部サイトEnlightened religion : from confessional churches to polite piety in the Dutch Republic外部サイトHeroines, harpies, and housewives : imaging women of consequence in the Dutch Golden Age外部サイトBetween demonstration and imagination : essays in the history of science and philosophy presented to John D. North外部サイトMysterium Magnum : Michelangelo's Tondo Doni外部サイトMagic and divination at the courts of Burgundy and France : text and context of Laurens Pignon's Contre les devineurs (1411)外部サイトThe rise and fall of Latin humanism in early-modern Russia : pagan authors, Ukrainians, and the resiliency of Muscovy外部サイトThe arts of friendship : the idealization of friendship in medieval and early Renaissance literature外部サイトThe problem of universals from Boethius to John of Salisbury外部サイトWar, domination, and the Monarchy of France : Claude de Seyssel and the language of politics in the Renaissance外部サイトCollectors' knowledge : what is kept, what is discarded = Aufbewahren oder wegwerfen : wie Sammler entscheiden外部サイトNew perspectives on Aristotelianism and its critics外部サイトShaping heroic virtue : studies in the art and politics of supereminence in Europe and Scandinavia外部サイトTime and mind : the history of a philosophical problem外部サイトTeachers, students, and schools of Greek in the Renaissance外部サイトThe enthusiastical concerns of Dr. Henry More : religious meaning and the psychology of delusion外部サイトVirtue and ethics in the twelfth century外部サイトScholastic Florence : moral psychology in the Quattrocento外部サイトPower and religion in Baroque Rome : Barberini cultural policies外部サイトVico's cultural history : the production and transmission of ideas in Naples, 1685-1750外部サイトPetrarch and St. Augustine : classical scholarship, Christian theology, and the origins of the Renaissance in Italy外部サイトDivine creation in ancient, medieval, and early modern thought : essays presented to the Rev'd Dr. Robert D. Crouse外部サイトThe third force in seventeenth-century thought外部サイトWessel Gansfort (1419-1489) and northern humanism外部サイトVisions of the Enlightenment : the edict on religion of 1788 and the politics of the public sphere in eighteenth-century Prussia外部サイトPractising reform in Montaigne's Essais外部サイトEmpire of reason : exact sciences in Indonesia, 1840-1940外部サイトA letter on the principles of justness and decency, containing a defence of the treatise De cive of the learned Mr. Hobbes外部サイトRodolphus Agricola Phrisius, 1444-1485 : proceedings of the international conference at the University of Groningen, 28-30 October 1985外部サイトThe anthropology of Johannes Scottus Eriugena外部サイトErasmus and the Middle Ages : the historical consciousness of a Christian humanist外部サイトRenaissance argument : Valla and Agricola in the traditions of rhetoric and dialectic外部サイトJohn Stewart of Baldynneis Roland Furious : a Scots poem in its European context外部サイトThe form of man : human essence in Spinoza's Ethic外部サイトThe origins of Old Germanic studies in the Low Countries外部サイトSteno and the philosophers外部サイトSpinoza to the letter : studies in words, texts and books外部サイトAnimals as disguised symbols in Renaissance art外部サイトThe uses of humanism : Johannes Sambucus (1531-1584), Andreas Dudith (1533-1589), and the republic of letters in East Central Europe外部サイトPirro Ligorio's worlds : antiquarianism, classical erudition and the visual arts in the late Renaissance外部サイトRuusbroec : literature and mysticism in the fourteenth century外部サイトSpinoza : issues and directions : the proceedings of the Chicago Spinoza Conference外部サイトMedieval and Renaissance humanism : rhetoric, representation and reform外部サイトJoannes Sambucus and the learned image : the use of the emblem in late-Renaissance humanism外部サイトSocinianism and Arminianism : Antitrinitarians, Calvinists and cultural exchange in seventeenth-century Europe外部サイトLaus Platonici philosophi : Marsilio Ficino and his influence外部サイトRemembering the Renaissance : humanist narratives of the sack of Rome外部サイトSecret conversions to Judaism in early modern Europe外部サイトThe crisis of causality : Voetius and Descartes on God, nature and change外部サイト(Un)masking the realities of power : Justus Lipsius and the dynamics of political writing in early modern Europe外部サイトDavid Hume and the culture of Scottish Newtonianism : methodology and ideology in Enlightenment inquiry外部サイトTravel fact and travel fiction : studies on fiction, literary tradition, scholarly discovery and observation in travel writing外部サイトAncient libraries and Renaissance humanism : the De bibliothecis of Justus Lipsius外部サイトHieroglyph, emblem, and Renaissance pictography外部サイトJohn de Foxton's Liber cosmographiae (1408) : an edition and codicological study外部サイトLiterary cultures and public opinion in the Low Countries, 1450-1650外部サイトThe reception of Bodin外部サイトal-Ghazālī's unspeakable doctrine of the soul : unveiling the esoteric psychology and eschatology of the Iḥyāʾ外部サイトThe apostle of the flesh : a critical life of Charles Kingsley外部サイトVirtue reformed : rereading Jonathan Edwards's ethics外部サイトThe debate over the origin of genius during the Italian Renaissance : the theories of supernatural frenzy and natural melancholy in accord and in conflict on the threshold of the scientific revolution外部サイトSpinoza's Ethics : a collective commentary外部サイトDescartes's theory of action外部サイトAristotle and neoplatonism : essays in honour of Denis O'Brien外部サイトPhilosophies of music in medieval Islam外部サイトVirtue ethics in the Middle Ages : commentaries on Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics, 1200-1500外部サイトJonathan Swift and the millennium of madness : the information age in Swift's A tale of a tub外部サイトBernhard Varenius (1622-1650)外部サイトTime and the science of the soul in early modern philosophy外部サイトExuberant apotheoses-- Italian frescoes in the Holy Roman Empire : visual culture and princely power in the Age of Enlightenment外部サイトDavid Hume's critique of infinity外部サイトLeonardo da Vinci's Paragone : a critical interpretation with a new edition of the text in the Codex Urbinas外部サイトPieter Bruegel the Elder and religion外部サイトThe globalization of Renaissance art : a critical review外部サイトThe continuity of Latin literature外部サイトDisguised and overt Spinozism around 1700 : papers presented at the international colloquium, held at Rotterdam, 5-8 October 1994外部サイトGardens of love and the limits of morality in early Netherlandish art外部サイトThe Berlin refuge, 1680-1780 : learning and science in European context外部サイトThe portrait bust and French cultural politics in the eighteenth century外部サイトTouching the Passion--seeing late medieval altarpieces through the eyes of faith外部サイトBetween philology and radical enlightenment : Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768)外部サイトClassical roots and medieval discussions外部サイトHistoria and fabula : myths and legends in historical thought from antiquity to the modern age外部サイトHumphrey, Duke of Gloucester (1390-1447) and the Italian humanists外部サイトGeology and religious sentiment : the effect of geological discoveries on English society and literature between 1829 and 1859外部サイトThe sovereign and the prophets : Spinoza on Grotian and Hobbesian biblical argumentation外部サイトThe 'Arabick' interest of the natural philosophers in seventeenth-century England外部サイトWayward monks and the religious revolution of the eleventh century外部サイトThe classical heritage in France外部サイトMedieval monastic preaching外部サイト"The great ocean of knowledge" : the influence of travel literature on the work of John Locke外部サイトFrancesco Filelfo, man of letters外部サイトSceptics, millenarians and Jews外部サイトRose cross over the Baltic : the spread of Rosicrucianism in Northern Europe外部サイトMedieval Latin texts on the eternity of the world外部サイトEt Amicorum : essays on Renaissance humanism and philosophy in honour of Jill Kraye外部サイトEternity's ennui : temporality, perseverance and voice in Augustine and Western literature外部サイトThe crossroads of justice : law and culture in late medieval France外部サイトThe rhetoric of tenses in Adam Smith's The wealth of nations外部サイトJohn Sergeant and his circle : a study of three seventeenth-century English Aristotelians外部サイトJeux d'errance du chevalier médiéval : aspects ludiques de la fonction guerrière dans la littérature du Moyen Âge flamboyant外部サイトArt and diplomacy : seventeenth-century English decorated royal letters to Russia and the Far East外部サイトMichelangelo in the new millennium : conversations about artistic practice, patronage and Christianity外部サイトThe politics of memory : the writing of partition in the seventeenth-century Low Countries外部サイトMyth in history, history in myth外部サイトInventing the public sphere : the public debate during the investiture contest (c. 1030-1122)外部サイトThe kaleidoscopic scholarship of Hadrianus Junius (1511-1575) : northern humanism at the dawn of the Dutch golden age外部サイトThe humanist interpretation of hieroglyphs in the allegorical studies of the Renaissance : with a focus on the triumphal arch of Maximilian I外部サイトAngelo Poliziano's Lamia : text, translation, and introductory studies外部サイトIdeas, mental faculties and method : the logic of ideas of Descartes and Locke and its reception in the Dutch Republic, 1630-1750外部サイトLiberty and concord in the United Provinces : religious toleration and the public in the eighteenth-century Netherlands外部サイト'Pius II, 'el più expeditivo pontifice' : selected studies on Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (1405-1464)外部サイトNorthern humanism between 1469 and 1625外部サイトEverything connects : in conference with Richard H. Popkin : essays in his honor外部サイトThe soul and its instrumental body : a reinterpretation of Aristotle's philosophy of living nature外部サイトThe early enlightenment in the Dutch Republic, 1650-1750 : selected papers of a conference held at the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, 22-23 March 2001外部サイトNorthern humanism in European context, 1469-1625 : from the 'Adwert Academy' to Ubbo Emmius外部サイトMarsilio Ficino : his theology, his philosophy, his legacy外部サイトSixteenth-century Scotland : essays in honour of Michael Lynch外部サイトParables : Bernard of Clairvaux's mapping of spiritual topography外部サイトAppropriation and Latin literature外部サイトDispositio : problematic ordering in French Renaissance literature外部サイトThe age of two-faced Janus : the comets of 1577 and 1618 and the decline of the Aristotelian world view in the Netherlands外部サイトAdriaan Koerbagh, A light shining in dark places, to illuminate the main questions of theology and religion外部サイトPrémices philosophiques外部サイトRepublicans : essays on eighteenth-century Dutch political thought外部サイトEssays in Renaissance thought and letters : in honor of John Monfasani外部サイトReid and his French disciples : aesthetics and metaphysics外部サイトReading the book of nature in the Dutch golden age, 1575-1715外部サイトReclaiming Rome : cardinals in the fifteenth century外部サイトThe reach of the republic of letters : literary and learned societies in late medieval and early modern Europe外部サイトMenasseh ben Israel and his world外部サイトThe golden mean of languages : forging Dutch and French in the early modern low countries (1540-1620)外部サイトPicturing death 1200-1600外部サイトRembrandt : studies in his varied approaches to Italian art外部サイトDescartes and the Ingenium : the embodied soul in Cartesianism外部サイトNicholas of Cusa on the trinitarian structure of the innate criterion of truth外部サイトEighteenth-century Stoic poetics : Shaftesbury, Akenside, and the discipline of the imagination外部サイトFrom mythos to logos : Andrea Palladio, Freemasonry, and the triumph of Minerva外部サイトJacob Campo Weyerman and his collection of artists' biographies : an art critic at work外部サイトSacrifice and self-interest in seventeenth-century France : quietism, Jansenism, and Cartesianism外部サイトDevotional portraiture and spiritual experience in early Netherlandish painting外部サイトRights at the margins : historical, legal and philosophical perspectives外部サイトFate and fortune in European thought, ca. 1400-1650外部サイトThe best of all possible worlds? : Leibniz's philosophical optimism and its critics 1710-1755外部サイトRenaissance politics and culture : essays in honour of Robert Black外部サイトPride, manners, and morals : Bernard Mandeville's anatomy of honour外部サイトAugustinian art and meditation in Renaissance Florence : the choir altarpieces of Santo Spirito 1480-1510外部サイトSemantics and cultural change in the British Enlightenment : new words and old外部サイトWhen Greece flew across the Alps : the study of Greek in early modern Europe外部サイトThe philosophers and the Bible : the debate on sacred scripture in early modern thought外部サイトThe long quarrel : past and present in the eighteenth century外部サイトThe great protector of wits : baron d'Holbach and his time外部サイトBetween secularization and reform : religion in the Enlightenment外部サイトPlatonism : Ficino to Foucault外部サイトDevotional portraiture and spiritual experience in early Netherlandish painting外部サイト



  • Cornelius Agrippa, the humanist theologian and his declamations

  • Echoes of an invisible world : Marsilio Ficino and Francesco Patrizi on cosmic order and music theory

  • Magic and memory in Giordano Bruno : the art of a heroic spirit

  • Latitudinarianism in the seventeenth-century Church of England

  • Reading catechisms, teaching religion





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General editor: A.J. Vanderjagt
Cornelius Agrippa, the humanist theologian and his declamations
Echoes of an invisible world : Marsilio Ficino and Francesco Patrizi on cosmic order and music theory
Magic and memory in Giordano Bruno : the art of a heroic spirit
Latitudinarianism in the seventeenth-century Church of England
Reading catechisms, teaching religion
Sabbath and sectarianism in seventeenth-century England
Locations of knowledge in medieval and early modern Europe : esoteric discourse and Western identities
The Renaissance in Scotland : studies in literature, religion, history and culture offered to John Durkan
Kants Vorsehungskonzept auf dem Hintergrund der deutschen Schulphilosophie und -theologie
Iusti Lipsii Saturnalium Sermonum libri duo, qui de gladiatoribus : Lipsius' Saturnaliengespräche, eine textkritische Ausgabe mit Übersetzung, Einführung und Anmerkungen
The medieval Abbey of Farfa : target of papal and imperial ambitions
The world as active power : studies in the history of European reason
Vertheidigung der katholischen Religion : sammt einem Anhange von der Möglichkeit einer Vereinigung zwischen unserer, und der evangelisch-lutherischen Kirche (1789)
Dying for the faith, killing for the faith : Old-Testament faith-warriors (1 and 2 Maccabees) in historical perspective
Instruments of the divinity : providence and praxis in the foundation of the Society of Jesus
Secrets : humanism, mysticism, and evangelism in Erasmus of Rotterdam, Bishop Guillaume Briçonnet, and Marguerite de Navarre
Texts and contexts in ancient and medieval science : studies on the occasion of John E. Murdoch's seventieth birthday
Interpretations of Renaissance humanism
Die Berliner Hugenotten und der Fall Barbeyrac : Orthodoxe und "Sozinianer" im Refuge (1685-1720)
The Psalms commentary of Gilbert of Poitiers : from lectio divina to the lecture room
How the west was won : essays on the literary imagination, the canon, and the Christian middle ages for Burcht Pranger
Presocratics and Plato : essays in honour of Denis O'Brien
Conflict and reconciliation : perspectives on Nicholas of Cusa
The prophet of Islam in Old French : The romance of Muhammad (1258), and, The book of Muhammad's ladder (1264)
Visualizing sensuous suffering and affective pain in early modern Europe and the Spanish Americas
Tragic ambiguity : anthropology, philosophy and Sophocles' Antigone
Johannes Hoornbeeck (1617-1666), On the conversion of Indians and heathens : an annotated translation of De conversione Indorum et gentilium (1669)
Sperone Speroni and the debate over sophistry in the Italian Renaissance
The language of demons and angels : Cornelius Agrippa's occult philosophy
The Jewish pope : ideology and politics in the papal schism of 1130
Rethinking Abelard : a collection of critical essays
Queen Christina of Sweden and her Circle : the transformation of a seventeenth-century philosophical libertine
New essays on the political thought of the Huguenots of the Refuge
The problem of the rational soul in the thirteenth century
A romantic historiosophy : the philosophy of history of Pierre-Simon Ballanche
Cartesian views : papers presented to Richard A. Watson
De intellectu
Centres of learning : learning and location in pre-modern Europe and the Near East
The disintegration of natural law theory : Aquinas to Finnis
The language of science : a study of the relationship between literature and science in the perspective of a hermeneutical ontology, with a case study of Darwin's The origin of species
The anatomy of despondency : European socio-cultural criticism, 1789-1939
The life of J.D. Åkerblad : Egyptian decipherment and orientalism in revolutionary times
The invention of the emblem book and the transmission of knowledge, ca. 1510-1610
Helena Augusta : the mother of Constantine the Great and the legend of her finding of the True Cross
The winged chariot : collected essays on Plato and Platonism in honour of L.M. de Rijk
Mind and modality : studies in the history of philosophy in honour of Simo Knuuttila
Mytho-poetics at work : a study of the figure of Egmont, the Dutch Revolt and its influence in Europe
Isaac La Peyrère (1596-1676) : his life, work and influence
Expressionism and poster design in Germany 1905-1922 : between spirit and commerce
Symbols as power : the papacy following the investiture contest
Interpretation and allegory : antiquity to the modern period
Der sokratische Künstler : Studien zu Rembrandts Nachtwache
Gott, Freiheit, Weltenwahl : der Ursprung des Begriffes der besten aller möglichen Welten in der Metaphysik der Willensfreiheit zwischen Antonio Perez S.J. (1599-1649) und G.W. Leibniz (1646-1716)
"For my worthy freind [i.e. friend] Mr. Franciscus Junius" : an edition of the correspondence of Francis Junius F.F. (1591-1677)
Œuvres philosophiques
The battle of the Gods and Giants redux : papers presented to Thomas M. Lennon
Frans Floris (1519/20-1570) : imagining a Northern Renaissance
Queen Jeanne and the Promised Land : dynasty, homeland, religion and violence in sixteenth-century France
Barbary and enlightenment : European attitudes towards the Maghreb in the 18th century
Bonaventura Vulcanius, works and networks : Bruges 1538-Leiden 1614 : papers
Dialogues of Maximus and Themistius
The plain truth : Descartes, Huet, and skepticism
Art history and visual studies in Europe : transnational discourses and national frameworks
Maarten van Heemskerck's Rome : antiquity, memory, and the cult of ruins
The riddle of Jael : the history of a poxied heroine in Medieval and Renaissance art and culture
The understanding of ornament in the Italian Renaissance
Anglo-Saxon prognostics, 900-1100 : study and texts
The problem of divine foreknowledge and future contingents from Aristotle to Suarez
New worlds and the Italian renaissance : contributions to the history of European intellectual culture
Ornamental nationalism : archaeology and antiquities in Mexico, 1876-1911
Making copies in European art 1400-1600 : shifting tastes, modes of transmission, and changing contexts
Cultural politics in fifteenth-century England : the case of Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester
Classics in Russia 1700-1855 : between two bronze horsemen
Interactive and sculptural printmaking in the Renaissance
Cistercian architecture and medieval society
Theology and music at the early university : the case of Robert Grosseteste and Anonymous IV
Spinoza past and present : essays on Spinoza, Spinozism, and Spinoza scholarship
Spanish treatises on government, society and religion in the time of Philip II : the 'De regimine principum' and associated traditions
Education and learning in the Netherlands, 1400-1600 : essays in honour of Hilde de Ridder-Symoens
Divine foreknowledge and human freedom : the coherence of theism : omniscience
Maternal breast-feeding and its substitutes in nineteenth-century French art
Renaissance controversies, later scholasticism, and the elimination of the intelligible species in modern philosophy
Profit and principle : Hugo Grotius, natural rights theories and the rise of Dutch power in the East Indies, 1595-1615
The crisis of courtesy : studies in the conduct-book in Britain, 1600-1900
"Be sober and reasonable" : the critique of enthusiasm in the seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries
Holy organ or unholy idol? : the Sacred Heart in the art, religion, and politics of New Spain
The cardinal virtues in the Middle Ages : a study in moral thought from the fourth to the fourteenth century
Literature and artistic practice in the sixteenth-century Italy
Philosophische Gotteserkenntnis bei Suárez und Descartes : im Zusammenhang mit der niederländischen reformierten Theologie und Philosophie des 17. Jahrhunderts
Translatio studiorum : ancient, medieval and modern bearers of intellectual history
The corpus iuris civilis in the Middle Ages : manuscripts and transmission from the sixth century to the juristic revival
Divine causality and human free choice : Domingo Báñez, physical premotion and the controversy de Auxiliis revisited
From Bayle to the Batavian revolution : essays on philosophy in the eighteenth-century Dutch Republic
The Vatican manuscript of Spinoza's Ethica
The tessera of Antilia : utopian brotherhoods & secret societies in the early seventeenth century
Religious polemic and the intellectual history of the Mozarabs, c.1050-1200
The intellectual consequences of religious heterodoxy, 1600-1750
The poet's wisdom : the humanists, the church, and the formation of philosophy in the early Renaissance
Iusti Lipsii De Amphitheatro et De Amphitheatris quae extra Romam libellus : Lipsius' Buch über Amphitheater, eine textkritische Ausgabe mit Übersetzung, Einführung und Anmerkungen
Isaac Vossius (1618-1689), between science and scholarship
The fabrication of Leonardo da Vinci's Trattato della pittura : with a scholarly edition of the editio princeps (1651) and an annotated English translation
The politics of skepticism in the ancients, Montaigne, Hume, and Kant
Trumpets from the tower : English Puritan printing in the Netherlands, 1600-1640
De regimine Christiano : a critical edition and translation
Restoring the temple of vision : cabalistic Freemasonry and Stuart culture
From Stevin to Spinoza : an essay on philosophy in the seventeenth-century Dutch Republic
Hospitals and urbanism in Rome, 1200-1500
The historiographical concept 'system of philosophy' : its origin, nature, influence and legitimacy
Paracelsus und seine internationale Rezeption in der frühen Neuzeit : Beiträge zur Geschichte des Paracelsismus
Dancing around the well : the circulation of commonplaces in Renaissance humanism
Images of the educational traveller in early modern England
Spheres of philosophical inquiry and the historiography of medieval philosophy
Pre-modern encyclopaedic texts : proceedings of the Second COMERS Congress, Groningen, 1-4 July 1996
The Accademia Pontaniana : a model of a humanist network
Contract theory in historical context : essays on Grotius, Hobbes, and Locke
City views in the Habsburg and Medici courts : depictions of rhetoric and rule in the sixteenth century
Greece reinvented : transformations of Byzantine Hellenism in Renaissance Italy
Knowledge and religion in early modern Europe : studies in honor of Michael Heyd
The body within : art, medicine and visualization
Between Scylla and Charybdis : learned letter writers navigating the reefs of religious and political controversy in early modern Europe
The rose cross and the age of reason : eighteenth-century rosicrucianism in Central Europe and its relationship to the Enlightenment
Models of political competence : the evolution of political norms in the works of Burgundian and Habsburg court historians, c. 1470-1700
Humanism and creativity in the Renaissance : essays in honor of Ronald G. Witt
Skepticism in the modern age : building on the work of Richard Popkin
In Samuel's image : child oblation in the early medieval West
Lutheran humanists and Greek antiquity : Melanchthonian scholarship between universal history and pedagogy
Nicolaus Cusanus on faith and the intellect : a case study in 15th-century fides-ratio controversy
Transformations of time and temporality in Medieval and Renaissance art
Mediation and love : a study of the medieval go-between in key Romance and Near-Eastern texts
Peter Lombard
Giannozzo Manetti's New Testament : translation theory and practice in fifteenth-century Italy
Pierre Bayle (1647-1706), le philosophe de Rotterdam : philosophy, religion and reception : selected papers of the tercentenary conference held at Rotterdam, 7-8 December 2006
Pierre Gassendi's philosophy and science : atomism for empiricists
Scepticism and the foundation of epistemology : a study in the metalogical fallacies
Ambrogio Leone's De Nola, Venice 1514 : humanism and antiquarian culture in Renaissance southern Italy
Airy nothings : imagining the otherworld of faerie from the middle ages to the age of reason : essays in honour of Alasdair A. MacDonald
Cosmic and meta-cosmic theology in Aristotle's lost dialogues
The ideology of Burgundy : the promotion of national consciousness, 1364-1565
Institutio oratoria : Bacon, Descartes, Hobbes, Spinoza
The grammar of profit : the price revolution in intellectual context
The Italian reformation outside Italy : Francesco Pucci's heresy in sixteenth-century Europe
Medieval discussions of the eternity of the world
Neo-Latin literature and literary culture in early modern Scotland
Humanism in an age of science : the Amsterdam Athenaeum in the golden age, 1632-1704
The use of censorship in the Enlightenment
Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768) : classicist, hebraist, enlightenment radical in disguise
Examination of Pharisaic traditions = Exame das tradições phariseas : facsimile of the unique copy in the Royal Library of Copenhagen
Bernard of Clairvaux and the shape of monastic thought : broken dreams
From paradise to paradigm : a study of twelfth-century humanism
The sibyl series of the fifteenth century
De rebus naturalibus
Linguistic theories in Dante and the humanists : studies of language and intellectual history in late medieval and early Renaissance Italy
Le magasin de l'univers : the Dutch Republic as the centre of the European book trade : papers presented at the international colloquium, held at Wassenaar, 5-7 July 1990
Spinoza in English : a bibliography from the seventeenth century to the present
Critica : Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der Literaturkritik zwischen Quintilian und Thomasius
St. Jacob's Antwerp art and Counter Reformation in Rubens's parish church
British travellers in Holland during the Stuart period : Edward Browne and John Locke as tourists in the United Provinces
Scepticism and irreligion in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Early French and German defenses of freedom of the press : Elie Luzac's Essay on freedom of expression (1749) and Carl Friedrich Bahrdt's On freedom of the press and its limits (1787) in English translation
Les Alchandreana primitifs : étude sur les plus anciens traités astrologiques latins d'origine arabe (Xe siècle)
The primacy of the image in northern European art, 1400-1700 : essays in honor of Larry Silver
Patricians, professors, and public schools : the origins of modern educational thought in America
Bilingual Europe : Latin and vernacular cultures, examples of bilingualism and multilingualism c. 1300-1800
Princes and princely culture, 1450-1650
Sway of the Ottoman Empire on English identity in the long eighteenth century
Herder on empathy and sympathy = Einfühlung und Sympathie im Denken Herders
Contesting modernity in the German secularization debate : Karl Löwith, Hans Blumenberg and Carl Schmitt in polemical contexts
A philosopher at the crossroads : Giovanni Pico della Mirandola's encounter with scholastic philosophy
Enlightened religion : from confessional churches to polite piety in the Dutch Republic
Heroines, harpies, and housewives : imaging women of consequence in the Dutch Golden Age
Between demonstration and imagination : essays in the history of science and philosophy presented to John D. North
Mysterium Magnum : Michelangelo's Tondo Doni
Magic and divination at the courts of Burgundy and France : text and context of Laurens Pignon's Contre les devineurs (1411)
The rise and fall of Latin humanism in early-modern Russia : pagan authors, Ukrainians, and the resiliency of Muscovy
The arts of friendship : the idealization of friendship in medieval and early Renaissance literature
The problem of universals from Boethius to John of Salisbury
War, domination, and the Monarchy of France : Claude de Seyssel and the language of politics in the Renaissance
Collectors' knowledge : what is kept, what is discarded = Aufbewahren oder wegwerfen : wie Sammler entscheiden
New perspectives on Aristotelianism and its critics
Shaping heroic virtue : studies in the art and politics of supereminence in Europe and Scandinavia
Time and mind : the history of a philosophical problem
Teachers, students, and schools of Greek in the Renaissance
The enthusiastical concerns of Dr. Henry More : religious meaning and the psychology of delusion
Virtue and ethics in the twelfth century
Scholastic Florence : moral psychology in the Quattrocento
Power and religion in Baroque Rome : Barberini cultural policies
Vico's cultural history : the production and transmission of ideas in Naples, 1685-1750
Petrarch and St. Augustine : classical scholarship, Christian theology, and the origins of the Renaissance in Italy
Divine creation in ancient, medieval, and early modern thought : essays presented to the Rev'd Dr. Robert D. Crouse
The third force in seventeenth-century thought
Wessel Gansfort (1419-1489) and northern humanism
Visions of the Enlightenment : the edict on religion of 1788 and the politics of the public sphere in eighteenth-century Prussia
Practising reform in Montaigne's Essais
Empire of reason : exact sciences in Indonesia, 1840-1940
A letter on the principles of justness and decency, containing a defence of the treatise De cive of the learned Mr. Hobbes
Rodolphus Agricola Phrisius, 1444-1485 : proceedings of the international conference at the University of Groningen, 28-30 October 1985
The anthropology of Johannes Scottus Eriugena
Erasmus and the Middle Ages : the historical consciousness of a Christian humanist
Renaissance argument : Valla and Agricola in the traditions of rhetoric and dialectic
John Stewart of Baldynneis Roland Furious : a Scots poem in its European context
The form of man : human essence in Spinoza's Ethic
The origins of Old Germanic studies in the Low Countries
Steno and the philosophers
Spinoza to the letter : studies in words, texts and books
Animals as disguised symbols in Renaissance art
The uses of humanism : Johannes Sambucus (1531-1584), Andreas Dudith (1533-1589), and the republic of letters in East Central Europe
Pirro Ligorio's worlds : antiquarianism, classical erudition and the visual arts in the late Renaissance
Ruusbroec : literature and mysticism in the fourteenth century
Spinoza : issues and directions : the proceedings of the Chicago Spinoza Conference
Medieval and Renaissance humanism : rhetoric, representation and reform
Joannes Sambucus and the learned image : the use of the emblem in late-Renaissance humanism
Socinianism and Arminianism : Antitrinitarians, Calvinists and cultural exchange in seventeenth-century Europe
Laus Platonici philosophi : Marsilio Ficino and his influence
Remembering the Renaissance : humanist narratives of the sack of Rome
Secret conversions to Judaism in early modern Europe
The crisis of causality : Voetius and Descartes on God, nature and change
(Un)masking the realities of power : Justus Lipsius and the dynamics of political writing in early modern Europe
David Hume and the culture of Scottish Newtonianism : methodology and ideology in Enlightenment inquiry
Travel fact and travel fiction : studies on fiction, literary tradition, scholarly discovery and observation in travel writing
Ancient libraries and Renaissance humanism : the De bibliothecis of Justus Lipsius
Hieroglyph, emblem, and Renaissance pictography
John de Foxton's Liber cosmographiae (1408) : an edition and codicological study
Literary cultures and public opinion in the Low Countries, 1450-1650
The reception of Bodin
al-Ghazālī's unspeakable doctrine of the soul : unveiling the esoteric psychology and eschatology of the Iḥyāʾ
The apostle of the flesh : a critical life of Charles Kingsley
Virtue reformed : rereading Jonathan Edwards's ethics
The debate over the origin of genius during the Italian Renaissance : the theories of supernatural frenzy and natural melancholy in accord and in conflict on the threshold of the scientific revolution
Spinoza's Ethics : a collective commentary
Descartes's theory of action
Aristotle and neoplatonism : essays in honour of Denis O'Brien
Philosophies of music in medieval Islam
Virtue ethics in the Middle Ages : commentaries on Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics, 1200-1500
Jonathan Swift and the millennium of madness : the information age in Swift's A tale of a tub
Bernhard Varenius (1622-1650)
Time and the science of the soul in early modern philosophy
Exuberant apotheoses-- Italian frescoes in the Holy Roman Empire : visual culture and princely power in the Age of Enlightenment
David Hume's critique of infinity
Leonardo da Vinci's Paragone : a critical interpretation with a new edition of the text in the Codex Urbinas
Pieter Bruegel the Elder and religion
The globalization of Renaissance art : a critical review
The continuity of Latin literature
Disguised and overt Spinozism around 1700 : papers presented at the international colloquium, held at Rotterdam, 5-8 October 1994
Gardens of love and the limits of morality in early Netherlandish art
The Berlin refuge, 1680-1780 : learning and science in European context
The portrait bust and French cultural politics in the eighteenth century
Touching the Passion--seeing late medieval altarpieces through the eyes of faith
Between philology and radical enlightenment : Hermann Samuel Reimarus (1694-1768)
Classical roots and medieval discussions
Historia and fabula : myths and legends in historical thought from antiquity to the modern age
Humphrey, Duke of Gloucester (1390-1447) and the Italian humanists
Geology and religious sentiment : the effect of geological discoveries on English society and literature between 1829 and 1859
The sovereign and the prophets : Spinoza on Grotian and Hobbesian biblical argumentation
The 'Arabick' interest of the natural philosophers in seventeenth-century England
Wayward monks and the religious revolution of the eleventh century
The classical heritage in France
Medieval monastic preaching
"The great ocean of knowledge" : the influence of travel literature on the work of John Locke
Francesco Filelfo, man of letters
Sceptics, millenarians and Jews
Rose cross over the Baltic : the spread of Rosicrucianism in Northern Europe
Medieval Latin texts on the eternity of the world
Et Amicorum : essays on Renaissance humanism and philosophy in honour of Jill Kraye
Eternity's ennui : temporality, perseverance and voice in Augustine and Western literature
The crossroads of justice : law and culture in late medieval France
The rhetoric of tenses in Adam Smith's The wealth of nations
John Sergeant and his circle : a study of three seventeenth-century English Aristotelians
Jeux d'errance du chevalier médiéval : aspects ludiques de la fonction guerrière dans la littérature du Moyen Âge flamboyant
Art and diplomacy : seventeenth-century English decorated royal letters to Russia and the Far East
Michelangelo in the new millennium : conversations about artistic practice, patronage and Christianity
The politics of memory : the writing of partition in the seventeenth-century Low Countries
Myth in history, history in myth
Inventing the public sphere : the public debate during the investiture contest (c. 1030-1122)
The kaleidoscopic scholarship of Hadrianus Junius (1511-1575) : northern humanism at the dawn of the Dutch golden age
The humanist interpretation of hieroglyphs in the allegorical studies of the Renaissance : with a focus on the triumphal arch of Maximilian I
Angelo Poliziano's Lamia : text, translation, and introductory studies
Ideas, mental faculties and method : the logic of ideas of Descartes and Locke and its reception in the Dutch Republic, 1630-1750
Liberty and concord in the United Provinces : religious toleration and the public in the eighteenth-century Netherlands
'Pius II, 'el più expeditivo pontifice' : selected studies on Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini (1405-1464)
Northern humanism between 1469 and 1625
Everything connects : in conference with Richard H. Popkin : essays in his honor
The soul and its instrumental body : a reinterpretation of Aristotle's philosophy of living nature
The early enlightenment in the Dutch Republic, 1650-1750 : selected papers of a conference held at the Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, 22-23 March 2001
Northern humanism in European context, 1469-1625 : from the 'Adwert Academy' to Ubbo Emmius
Marsilio Ficino : his theology, his philosophy, his legacy
Sixteenth-century Scotland : essays in honour of Michael Lynch
Parables : Bernard of Clairvaux's mapping of spiritual topography
Appropriation and Latin literature
Dispositio : problematic ordering in French Renaissance literature
The age of two-faced Janus : the comets of 1577 and 1618 and the decline of the Aristotelian world view in the Netherlands
Adriaan Koerbagh, A light shining in dark places, to illuminate the main questions of theology and religion
Prémices philosophiques
Republicans : essays on eighteenth-century Dutch political thought
Essays in Renaissance thought and letters : in honor of John Monfasani
Reid and his French disciples : aesthetics and metaphysics
Reading the book of nature in the Dutch golden age, 1575-1715
Reclaiming Rome : cardinals in the fifteenth century
The reach of the republic of letters : literary and learned societies in late medieval and early modern Europe
Menasseh ben Israel and his world
The golden mean of languages : forging Dutch and French in the early modern low countries (1540-1620)
Picturing death 1200-1600
Rembrandt : studies in his varied approaches to Italian art
Descartes and the Ingenium : the embodied soul in Cartesianism
Nicholas of Cusa on the trinitarian structure of the innate criterion of truth
Eighteenth-century Stoic poetics : Shaftesbury, Akenside, and the discipline of the imagination
From mythos to logos : Andrea Palladio, Freemasonry, and the triumph of Minerva
Jacob Campo Weyerman and his collection of artists' biographies : an art critic at work
Sacrifice and self-interest in seventeenth-century France : quietism, Jansenism, and Cartesianism
Devotional portraiture and spiritual experience in early Netherlandish painting
Rights at the margins : historical, legal and philosophical perspectives
Fate and fortune in European thought, ca. 1400-1650
The best of all possible worlds? : Leibniz's philosophical optimism and its critics 1710-1755
Renaissance politics and culture : essays in honour of Robert Black
Pride, manners, and morals : Bernard Mandeville's anatomy of honour
Augustinian art and meditation in Renaissance Florence : the choir altarpieces of Santo Spirito 1480-1510
Semantics and cultural change in the British Enlightenment : new words and old
When Greece flew across the Alps : the study of Greek in early modern Europe
The philosophers and the Bible : the debate on sacred scripture in early modern thought
The long quarrel : past and present in the eighteenth century
The great protector of wits : baron d'Holbach and his time
Between secularization and reform : religion in the Enlightenment
Platonism : Ficino to Foucault
Devotional portraiture and spiritual experience in early Netherlandish painting